After riding my bicycle 540 miles and raising $3100 for Habitat for Humanity
a week ago I was thinking about how much money the Park Board wants to spend
to "build its' own house". The MPRB plans to spend about $4 Million to give
itself a new "home" on the riverfront. For $46,500 Habitat for Humanity can
build a home for a family!
$4 Million would build how many homes?
A plan to spend $1.2 Million to "renovate" the shelter building in Loring
Park would build how many homes?
Give me a break! The MPRB has lived on it's own fat for too many years. I
love the park system and Citizens for a Loring Park Community (CLPC) gave
the MPRB $1.3 Million in NRP funds to fix up Loring Park but enough is
enough. We need to get real where our priorities are and housing is way more
important than spending money on a shelter building that has little use for
the Loring neighborhood.
Richard Anderson
Loring park

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