To the Issues list:  
Here is a notice of a great event, coming up this Sunday - The Headwaters  
Foundation for Justice's Walk for Justice.     If you  aren't signed up to walk 
or aren't already supporting a walker, you can simply  come to the event and 
join us.  There is a community picnic  afterward.  If you do join that day, 
we'd appreciate a donation -whatever  you can afford - to one of the walking 
groups, or to Headwaters itself.   There are several teams walking to support 
various Headwaters funds.. I  myself am on the Social Change Grant team.
Who:    Headwaters  Foundation for Justice 
What:   The Walk for  Justice 
Walk (rain or shine) to  raise money for progressive grassroots 
When:   Sunday,  September 18, 2005 
11:30 AM to 3  PM 
Where:  Boom  Island, Mississippi River, Minneapolis
[You may participate in the walk  by going to _www.walkforjustice.org_ 
(   and register as a Walker to support a 
organization (go to “View  Organization” on the home page to see the list of 
participating  organizations). ] 
FYI, Headwaters has also just  announced a Gulf Coast Community Renewal Fund. 
  Contributions to this  fund will address the systemic injustices that we've 
seen coming out of Katrina,  as well as immediate relief.  If interested, 
there's more about it on their  Web site:  _www.headwatersfoundation.org_ 
Susan  Herridge 
Susan  Herridge
Herridge Marketing
5566 Pillsbury Avenue
Minneapolis,  MN 55419
612.990.3369  mobile
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