At 02:25 PM 07/14/2001 -0700, loki anderson wrote:
>Oh, please enlighten us, how exactly was Sandra
>Hillary "corrupt"? And do be aware what the penalty
>for slander is if she wants to take legal action
>against you.
Hillary was voted out in disgrace -- as I recall (and it's been a while)
she had a gambling addiction -- and she had people help her out with loans
who also had business before the city -- creating an appearance of conflict
of interest if not conflict of interest.  

Gambling is a horrible addiction, and it can ruin lives -- and political
careers.  In Hillary's case, she didn't seem to take much personal
responsibility for her behavior -- and really should have realized that her
addiction was getting in the way of being able to serve her constituents.    

So that's why I referred to her as corrupt.  

Eva Young
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