What's plain to me is that our city residents are
perhaps more divided than the council on the issue of
who should be our next police chief.  

There are those like Peter (I might be assuming to
much, but I hope not) and me, who are ready to do what
we can to make things difficult for any nomination
that doesn't ruffle the feathers of the police
federation but would be satisfied with McManus, and
those who will find fault with McManus becuase they
don't believe the MPD needs change.

In my view (I'm only speaking for myself, but I know
many others strongly share this opinion) most (not
all)of the people who support an internal candidate
support a certain level of police brutality (or tough
policing, use whichever term appeals to you) becuase
it makes them feel safe.

This also seems to be the attitiude of many council
members, that they support CODEFOR (even though it's
goals failed miserably in NY and the program was
scrapped with it's creator, William Bratton) and
believe that all of the "unfortunate fatalities" (I
call them murder and stand by those statements) were
ok and even necessary (although I doubt that would be
admitted publically.)

It also drives me nuts that no one else seems to be
able to remember the tenure of the last internal
candidate (John Laux) and what a miserable failure he
was in terms of reigning in both the thumpers and
crime.  It was under his watch that Lloyd Smalley and
Lillian Wiess (and elserly couple in the thier late
70's) were "unfortunately killed" (murdered) as they
slept in a botched drug raid.  There were many other
such incidents during his tenure.  

It was also on Laux's watch that Mineapolis earned the
nickname "Murderapolis" (given to it by a New York
newspaer...I still maintin that this was a political
statemanet intended to imply that Guilliani was
effective by showing a city that "wasn't.")

If you liked the Laux era in the early 90's, (it
wasn't that long ago) then you should support an
internal candidate.  Of course it will mean that there
will be more mistrust between police and community,
more brutality, more thumping, more hopelessness, more
protests, more police abuse of protesters (which
Sharon Lublinsky herself has participated in, the ISAG
incident) and more crime, and anyone who looks the
slightests bit unusual will continue to be harassed by
rude cops whether they've committed a crime or not.

It will also mean more "unfortunate fatalities."

I know that deep down that's just fine with alot of
people because ot makes them feel safe, but the
hopelessness that incidents like those create really
make the community a whole lot more dangerous, and
contribute to the crime rate. 

I really appreciate the difficulty of Rybak's dilemma.
 On one hand, if we don't get Gerold or Lubinsky there
will be a group of people who will complain and make
things difficult and complain loudly.  I can live with
McManus, but if we do get an internal candidate, even
more people (including me) will make things more
difficult and complain more loudly (no offence to
anyone, I just know how to do it and I really care
about this issue.)

Perhaps the real substance of Rybak's and McManus'
management style is to try to build consensus between
some like me, the police, and other Minneapolitans on
the other side of this issue.  If this can be done,
than it truly is subance rather than flash.

Tamir Nolley 

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