mspgcc4 is a port of the mspgcc tool chain to the GCC 4.x series of
compilers.  It is available from SourceForge at

I've taken over primary responsibility for maintaining mspgcc4 and its
associated patches to binutils, gcc, gdb, and the msp430-libc distribution.
Thanks to Matthias Andree and Ivan Shcherbakov for their efforts and for
consenting to the transition.

The current best-available version for mspgcc4 is now hosted in the git
repository at:


Downstream packagers should track the master branch of this repository.

People who don't want to use git may download tar files containing versioned
releases from the sourceforge Files area in the mspgcc4 subdirectory.

A goal for mspgcc4 is to simplify installation by delegating the packaging
of complete systems to distributions, making it easier on end users who
aren't really interested in building the system from scratch themselves.  I
would prefer to avoid building pre-packaged releases for installation on
various platforms, so the default download will soon become the source
release for the latest release.

I'm soliciting community assistance in providing builds for specific
distribution.  I have confirmation of support from the Fedora packager (Rob
Spanton). I would appreciate it if other packagers, expecially for
Windows-based distributions (cygwin, mingw) and OSX, would contact me.

To celebrate the transition, a new version of mspgcc4 has been pushed to the
repository.  This version uses gcc 4.4.4 and gdb 7.1 by default (older
versions are still available).

It also includes, as an option at build-time, the first msp430-libc release
that is based on header files provided by Texas Instruments under a BSD
license.  This is a major step towards making mspgcc4 support the full line
of TI chips, and to ensure compatibility with existing software developed
using the IAR or Code Composer development environments.

Please consider trying this.  (Sorry, you currently can't have both libc
versions installed at the same time.)  Existing code that depends on
register names, structures, and preprocessor symbols that are not compatible
with TI's headers will not work, but I could get TinyOS to build with them
with one small change so it's pretty close.  You can use the presence of the
__MSP430_TI_HEADERS__ preprocessor symbol to detect an msp430-libc
installation that uses these headers.

(Note: MSP430X support has not yet been integrated into mspgcc4.  I expect
to do this in the context of gcc 4.5.0 and simultaneous with a review of the
msp430 architecture models in binutils, gcc, and gdb to make them more
compatible with TI's chip families and to reduce the number of multilib
variants required.  If you use MSP430 chips with CPUX or CPUX2 support and
would like to help test these updates, please let me know.)

Bug reports may be filed on the SourceForge bug tracker at  For now,
please use this mailing list for general-interest support questions and
discussion of how to improve the tool chain.  Should users of the mspgcc
toolchain prefer that mspgcc4 support move elsewhere, I'll set up a second
mailing list, but would prefer that the MSP430 open source community not
fragment any further.


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