> Alexander Jolk [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote
>Hi, everybody

Hi yourself.

>1. How do I get a \caesura right at the end of a bar?  Kludging around
>with `\atnextbar' works, but isn't beautiful.  (As in
>a9- | \atnextbar{\caesura}\ d0.d ...)

If it ain't broke...

>2. In a 4/2 measure, a whole bar rest should be using \PAuse, or
>shouldn't it?  

Not according to Werner's table of rests, accessible under musixtex/add-ons
on the GMD web page. But I must say I don't quite understand why a simple
whole rest works for a full bar of 4/2 but NOT for 2/1 ??

>How could I have substituted this?  

If you still want to change it to some other character, and have it centered
at the same time, you could use for example

rp /

BUT (a) this may not work in PMX 1.3.6, you may need to update to 2.0 , and
(b) if you want to restore normal function of "rp" for later on, you would
need to add to this something like

rp /
UNTESTED! and you may have to "globalize" the \def and \let

>Is this a PMX bug?  

If you believe Werner's rest table, no, but I can't take credit for that...I
blindly made ALL full-bar rests with a whole rest symbol. 

>3. The editorial accidental `oen' doesn't get changed to a flat when
>transposing, even with relative accidentals in effect.  This isn't
>hard to substitue by hand, it would just be great if it were done

Yea, I know.  I'll put it on the list but no guarantees when I'll get to it.
Implementing relative accidentals was fairly easy for in-staff notes since
all it took was one TeX command near the top of the file.  But I think
editorial accidentals are set using the character rather than the TeX
accidental macros, so I'd either have to switch to using those macros (and
offsetting the accidental to get it centered properly), or work out some
rather messy logic.

>For the record, I'm using M-Tx 0.50a, pmx 1.3.6, and MusiXTeX T.88, on
>a Linux (Debian 2.1) system.

Updating may be a little tedious, but I think Linux-compatible versions are
available on the GMD web site.

--Don Simons

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