Hey folks,

   Still ironing out the wrinkles in my 3.5.0 distributed environment.
Yesterday, I added a new contact, and on preflight check it seemed
to think that what I did wasn't smart:

Jun  6 15:11:02 hostname nagios: Warning: Service recovery notification
option for contact 'cbensend-unknown-only' doesn't make any sense -
specify critical and/or warning options as well

Here's the contact I added that it seems to think is a dumb idea:

define contact {
   contact_name                    cbensend-unknown-only
   alias                           C. Bensend - unknown alerts only
   host_notification_options       n
   service_notification_options    u,r
   email                           m...@myjob.com
   host_notification_period        24x7
   service_notification_period     24x7
   host_notification_commands      notify-host-by-email
   service_notification_commands   notify-service-by-email

   Not real sure why Nagios doesn't think that's a valid config - I
want a contact that will receive only UNKNOWN alerts for services.
Perfectly valid idea to me; I have a number of services that I
truly do not give a crap about, they trip many times a day and are
critical for some developers, but I don't do anything about them.
I *do*, however, want to know if there's a problem monitoring them,
hence the need to see UNKNOWN alerts and recoveries.

   Is there some reason Nagios would think that's not valid?  Or
should it not complain about that?

   Just curious...  It loaded the config and the contact exists, just
not entirely convinced it's a valid complaint.  :)

Thanks much!


"The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere,
someone said to themselves, 'You know, I want to set those people
over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.'"  
                       -- George Carlin

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