[Nagios-users] sms pager problem ?

2005-12-21 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all,please tell me :what is the relation between notify-by-pager and notify-by-sms ?do i have to use notify-by-pager to receive sms notification when using notify-by-sms ???mail works but still couldnt receive any sms notification :( but on konsole sms works ... :(dont know how to tell nagios

[Nagios-users] what wrong with these ?

2005-12-14 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all,my command definition is like this :define command{ command_name host-notify-by-sms command_line /usr/local/bin/gsmsendsms -d /dev/ttyd0 -b 19200 05322623103 $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ ($OUTPUT$) }[located in misscommands.cfg]and service definition :# 'nagios' contact

[Nagios-users] help please. browser problem.

2005-12-07 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all. i use latest versions of mozilla and firefox. but getting the error below: !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//ENHTMLHEADMETA NAME=ROBOTS CONTENT=NOINDEX, NOFOLLOWTITLENagios/TITLE /HEADFRAMESET BORDER=0 FRAMEBORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0 COLS=180,*FRAME SRC="" NAME=side

[Nagios-users] Getting sms and ContactGroup Problems.

2005-12-03 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all.my first question is this :i have a GSM Modem and i want to receive sms' through it when a critical problem occurs in any one of the services i check by nagios.after pluging this device into my computer, what next should i do so as to start receiving sms' when anything goes wrong ? do i

[Nagios-users] a few questions

2005-11-30 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all. is there a website or a FAQ page to learn how i can define checkcommands service definitions for ldap, dns, https, sql server (mssql) and dns ? are http https the same or different ? please help me define the commands service definitions of above ... thanks in advance. Regards. bye

Re: [Nagios-users] whats wrong with these definitions ? help please!

2005-11-30 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
check_dns works fine.i've just have problems with check_ldaps and check_dhcp.orher checks works with no problem.

Re: [Nagios-users] trouble getting started: getting error 127 out of bounds on check_http

2005-11-30 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi Aleykey. i myself have the same problem for check_ldaps. it says : return code of 127 is out of bounds. plugin may be missing :p and looking for help for 2 days in mailing lists. and received just RTFM (read the fuckin manual) so far. i think people in here dont like to help others much :) if u

Re: [Nagios-users] a few questions about nagios.

2005-11-29 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
thanks Soumna. then its good to check FAQs. bye

Re: [Nagios-users] Logged in as ?

2005-11-16 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
first create a .htaccess file both in your nagios and in cgi-bin directories. and put the datas below in it AuthName Nagios Access AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users require valid-user then create a htpasswd.users file with the command below :htpasswd -c

Re: [Nagios-users] nagios web interface not working

2005-11-16 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
are you sure nagios works ???check this : # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nagios.sh status whats the output ???and what you get when u try to run nagios with -s , -d or -v options ???are you sure that nagios works fine ? and did u change anything in your httpd.conf file ?try running : nagios -v

[Nagios-users] about: statuswrl.cgi ???

2005-11-15 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
hi all. is there anyone who can see anything when clicks on the link 3 D Status ... on nagios ? other links work fine but when i click on that link a pop up shows and asks me if i want to open that link in plain text format ? do i need to install anything else to make that *cgi file work ? (ps:

[Nagios-users] .pl .cgi files on apache

2005-11-10 Thread Mehmet Fatih AKBULUT
altough i wrote : ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin /usr/share/nagios/cgi-bin/ Directory /usr/share/nagios/cgi-bin AllowOverride AuthConfig Order allow,deny Allow from all Options ExecCGI /Directory (and of course Alias /nagios ...) in my httpd.conf file i still cannot view any .cgi