Help needed: How do you configure dynamic thresholds depending on timeframes.

Example.   -w = 80 -c = 90 during business hours but -w = 90 -c = 95  
outsite business hours.

How can we configure into nagios dynamic thresholds depending on  
timeframes: Part II

define service{
         use                             local-service         ; Name  
of service template to use
         host_name                       localhost
         service_description             Current Users
       check_command                   check_local_users!20!50
       check_period             nonworkhours
       notification_period              nonworkhours

define service{
         use                             local-service         ; Name  
of service template to use
         host_name                       localhost
         service_description             Current Users
       check_command                   check_local_users!40!60
       check_period             workhours
       notification_period              workhours

In my above example i dit configure the same test twice. The two  
timeframes 'nonworkhours' en 'workhours' together equals 24x7

Is this way of configuring allowed. Because this solves my problem.

1) how will the nagios scheduling react on this configuration?

2) how will the display react on this configuration?

# 'workhours' timeperiod definition
define timeperiod{
         timeperiod_name workhours
         alias           "Normal" Working Hours
         monday          09:00-17:00
         tuesday         09:00-17:00
         wednesday       09:00-17:00
         thursday        09:00-17:00
         friday          09:00-17:00

# 'nonworkhours' timeperiod definition
define timeperiod{
         timeperiod_name nonworkhours
         alias           Non-Work Hours
         sunday          00:00-24:00
         monday          00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
         tuesday         00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
         wednesday       00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
         thursday        00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
         friday          00:00-09:00,17:00-24:00
         saturday        00:00-24:00

check_period: This directive is used to specify the short name of the  
time period during which active checks of this host can be made.

check_period: This directive is used to specify the short name of the  
time period during which active checks of this service can be made.

If you do not use the check_period directive to specify a timeperiod,  
Nagios will be able to schedule active
checks of the host or service anytime it needs to. This is essentially  
a 24x7 monitoring scenario.

Specifying a timeperiod in the check_period directive allows you to  
restrict the time that Nagios perform
regularly scheduled, active checks of the host or service. When Nagios  
attempts to reschedule a host or
service check, it will make sure that the next check falls within a  
valid time range within the defined
timeperiod. If it doesn’t, Nagios will adjust the next check time to  
coincide with the next "valid" time in
the specified timeperiod. This means that the host or service may not  
get checked again for another hour,
day, or week, etc.

Exclusions and Host/Service Checks - There is a bug in the  
service/host check scheduling logic
that rears its head when you use timeperiod definitions that use the  
excludedirective. The
problem occurs when Nagios Core tries to re-schedule the next check.  
In this case, the
scheduling logic may incorrectly schedule the next check further out  
in the future than it
should. In essence, it skips over the (missing) logic where it could  
determine an earlier possible
time using the exception times. Imperfect Solution: Don’t use  
timeperiod definitions that
exclude other timeperods for your host/service check periods. A fix is  
being worked on, and
will hopefully make it into a 3.4.x release.

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