

We used Nagios to monitor server Process and File Systems. The OS Nagios server is AIX 5.2 and the almost of all our Nagios clients are AIX OS servers. The Nagios release installed is v1.2.


Actually, we have experienced 2 issues:

  • We cannot check the presence of process like “process_
  • Why the d2lc60 process check is OK with 2 proc checked and the d2ls60 process check is OK with 0 proc checked, nevertheless “ps –ef” command show the 2 process?


[afaxgf51:/usr/local/nagios/libexec]=>./check_procs  -C d2lc60

OK - 2 processes running with command name d2lc60

[afaxgf51:/usr/local/nagios/libexec]=>ps -ef | grep d2lc

 admform  508096       1   0   Jan 16      -  0:48 d2lc60 afaxgf51 9102 0 1 f60webmx

 admtest 1032236       1   0   Jan 17      -  0:53 d2lc60 afaxgf51 9101 0 1 f60webmx

 [afaxgf51:/usr/local/nagios/libexec]=>./check_procs  -C d2ls60

OK - 0 processes running with command name d2ls60

[afaxgf51:/usr/local/nagios/libexec]=>ps -ef | grep d2ls

 admtest 1118436       1   0   Jan 17      -  0:09 d2ls60 9101 9201

 admform 1466596       1   0   Jan 16      -  0:08 d2ls60 9102 9202






Ali AJROUD                                       email :  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Atos Origin Infogérance                       Tél :     +33 (0)1 46 14 48 99

IMS – Pôle Clients ERP                      GSM :  +33 (0)6 74 08 73 28

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