Re: [Nagios-users-br] nagios service can not start up

2005-11-16 Por tôpico Jose Oliveira
Hello Pedro Probably has one or more mistakes in your nagios configuration files. You can try to stop it by the command line, or killing the main process. After that, you can try do start it by command line, and keep on alert to see the error mesage on screen. Maybe on log files you can find

Re: [Nagios-users-br] nagios service can not start up

2005-11-16 Por tôpico Edgar Shine
Unico jeito eh dar KILL no processo... Eu nunca uso o restart, prefiro usar start/stop. Ao menos na 2.0b3 Espero q tenham melhorado na 2.0b4, ainda nao olhei o changelog dessa vs. sd, Edgar Pedro Brito escreveu: Hello all, I hope anyone can help me with this issue, what happens is that I