And now:[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

From: "Robert Eurich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

<clipped excerpt>

School's Savages mascot causes hard feelings in Idaho
Salmon High School student leaders visit Fort Hall to hear the complaints of Native

Tuesday, November 9, 1999

 >From The Associated Press

FORT HALL, Idaho -- Eleven Salmon High School students say their school has no
ulterior motive in the mascot Savages, and they told students at Shoshone-Bannock
High School they were willing to consider a change.

But they made no promises.

"It was never our intention to offend you," Salmon High School sophomore Jamie Hansen
said. "I'm open to change. Even without the name or the logo we'll still be who we
are, and we'll still be proud of our athletes."

Representatives from the Salmon High School Student Council went to Fort Hall
recently to learn more about how students there feel about their mascot. The mascot
has been at the center of controversy in recent months and is now the subject of
legal action by the National Coalition on Racism in Sports and the Media.

Sho-Ban teacher RoseAnn Abrahamson, a Lemhi Shoshone who graduated from Salmon High 
School in the 1970s, told the Salmon students her way of being popular in high school 
had been to become a Salmon Savages cheerleader and mascot. Back then, she said, 
cheerleaders wore outfits with fringes, and her friends regarded her as a "good luck 

"I shamed myself in front of my people," Abrahamson said. "And I tell you today, I'm
ashamed of myself."

<end excerpt>


Note that the state of Georgia House of Representatives is said to have recently
passed a mascot resolution.  Now *that's* progress!  ;-)

U. Hawaii mascot blues not uniquely local
Updated 12:00 PM ET November 10, 1999

By Dawn Wahinekapu By Dawn Wahinekapu By Dawn Wahinekapu
Ka Leo O Hawaii
U. Hawaii

(U-WIRE) HONOLULU -- From Banana Slugs to Thunder Chickens, school mascots are
supposed to create a sense of allegiance and good luck for the schools they
represent. Mascots are the center of debate in several states. Hawai'i is now one of
them. The question now is whether the University of Hawai'i will have a mascot.

While it's traditional to have a mascot, it is not required said James Donovan,
assistant UH athletic director.

"There is some level of entertainment," Donavan said. "I don't think it determines
whether we win or lose a game."

An anonymous letter threatening physical harm to the UH football mascot in September
led UH officials to stop the mascot from appearing in any game this season. An open
forum will be held by Ka Leo O Hawai'i today from noon to 2 p.m., in the Campus
Center Courtyard. It will address the issue of whether UH should keep the warrior as
its mascot.

Lilikala Kame'eleihiwa, associate professor at the Center for Hawaiian Studies, said
while she does not condone violence, she does feel that the warrior mascot is
offensive to Native Hawaiians.

"I generally don't go to games because I am offended by the mascot," Kame'eleihiwa
said. "It is offensive because the guy is wearing a helmet and cape that signifies a
Hawaiian chief."

Kame'eleihiwa said there are still people who believe Hawaiian chiefs were sacred and
special to the Hawaiian culture. These people are offended, she said. No one
approached the Hawaiian studies department on the issue of whether the mascot would
be offensive before it was decided that the warrior would be used, she said.

The mascot debate has gotten so intense in other states that federal and state
governments have stepped in. In North Carolina, the Justice Department is
investigating whether using a mascot dressed like a Native American chief and
chanting "Let's scalp 'em!" is a violation of Native American civil rights.

The Los Angeles School District's Board of Education removed all Native-American
themed mascots in 1997. According to Native American groups, more than 600 schools
have done away with American-Indian themed mascots and names. More than 2,500 still
use Native American images and names.

For a while, the University of Utah was the only WAC school without a mascot. In
1996, instead of the Native American warrior, the University of Utah is now
represented by a red-tailed hawk.

In Georgia, a resolution was introduced recently to the House of Representatives that
urges all schools that receive public funding to voluntarily change mascots that
relate to any ethnic group. The resolution states, "Many persons who are proud of
their ethnic heritage find mascots based on stereotypes embarrassing or demeaning."

"Let's not offend anybody," Kame'eleihiwa said.

(C) 1999 Ka Leo O Hawaii via U-WIRE

American Indian Sports Team Mascots

"Little drops of rain wear away the greatest of stones."

<<<<=-=-=                                  =-=-=>>>> 
"We simply chose an Indian as the emblem.
  We could have just as easily chosen any
uncivilized animal."
   Eighth Grade student writing about his school's
   mascot, 1997

<<<<=-=  =-=>>>> 

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