Txt: Mark Hancock / Img: Courtesy of Mark Amerika

Mark Amerika has been a prolific and creative force exploring the worlds 
of net art and writing (both offline and online), while developing a 
theoretical and creative response to the changing media and potential 
opportunities that those create.

He loves to call himself a "digital jack-of-all-trades", and it is true 
that his online networking has always been focused on the collection and 
the remix of images, texts, codes, sounds, multimedia, in terms of 
literary, theatrical and pedagogical and psychogeography theories.

 From his early novels, including, "Sexual Blood" e "The Kafka 
chronicles" novels, which explore a free-flowing exploration of thought 
processes channeled through experimental wordplay and crashing narrative 
disjunctions, to his various projects that expand on what it 
means to be a writer in the digital/post-digital age (among which we 
remember "How to be an internet artist" [1], "Expanding the concept of 
Writing" [2], "Becoming a remixologist" [3], "Portrait of a VJ" [4], 
"Meta/Data a digital poetics" [5]) it's quite impossible to tells about 
all his artworks. Furthermore, it's useless to do it because of the many 
online interviews he did and the completeness of his website

The following interview took place via email, while Mark Amerika was in 
the middle of promoting another project "Remixthebook", somewhat 
representative of his entire oeuvre. A book, published by Univeristy of 
Minnesota Press, which relies on a website ( as a hub 
with the aim to digitally remix some of the theories expressed (by 
authors such as Janneke Adema, Beiguelman Giselle, Julie Carr, David 
Gunkel, Gary Hall, Frieder nake, Craig Saper Darren Tofts, Gregory 
Ulmer, Chad Mossholder, Michael Theodore, Michelle Ellsworth, Rick 
Silva, Will Luers, Yoshi Sodeoka, Mark McCoin, Curt Cloninger, Kate 
Armstrong, Maria Miranda) in the book.
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