Interesting examples of trying to quantify the effects of images on
actions using large datasets, statistical analysis, and data visualisation.
Some of the images used are objectifying but a) of both male and female
subjects b) by themselves and c) in the context of seeking a date.

"This week we will be confronting a fact that, by definition, haunts the
average online dater: no matter how much time you spend polishing your
profile, honing your IM banter, and perfecting your message introductions,
it’s your picture that matters most.

We’re going to look at how your photos affect both the messages you get
and how successful your own outgoing messages are. We all know that
beautiful people are more successful daters, but let’s quantify by exactly
how much."

"In looking closely at the astonishingly wide variety of ways our users
have chosen to represent themselves, we discovered much of the collective
wisdom about profile pictures was wrong. For interested readers, I explain
our measurement process, and how we collected our data, at the end of the
post. All my bar charts are zeroed on the average picture. Now to the

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