Re: nettime Iraq: The Way Forward

2007-01-18 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
In my original piece on Iraq, I tried to make the point that the main reason for US militarism is itself, it's ecnomic benefits(?) at home, and its effect in solidfying the country behind leaders and policies that otherwise would be more suspect. Justifications or rationalizations in

Re: nettime Iraq: The Way Forward

2007-01-11 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Felix may well be right that cars lead to a reduction of communal life, and Venice (Italy) seems to an outsider to be a wonderful place. But: a) I hope we don't wait until the US is rebuilt car-free to pull out of Iraq; b) Venice is in fact becoming de-populated, with its natives moving

nettime Iraq: The Way Forward

2007-01-05 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
I have recently completed the following paper that I thought might be of interest to nettimers. Best, Michael --- Michael H. Goldhaber blog Iraq: The Way Forward We have reached a crucial turning point in American history. The November elections and current

Re: nettime The hoopla over the US election and democracy

2006-11-10 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Ronda, You wrote; The primaries, similarly, only allow for voters to choose among candidates chosen by for them by the parties. I think that is an oversimplification. Generally, one has to meet some, admittedly often too onerous, requirement to run in a primary, but the parties as

Re: nettime Recent Gender Things on Nettyme digest [3x]

2006-10-21 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Dear nettimers, I think the following column , which appeared yesterday in nowhere more radical than the New York Times, illustrates why Kali Tal's response to Alan Sondheim deserved to be taken seriously, rather than responded to with the scorn it seems to have met, from Alan and some

Re: nettime Beyond Oil, Lybia and the MIT

2006-10-11 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
24 years ago, I testified before a US Congressional subcommittee consisting of Al Gore in favor of the US providing computers to the the third world. This was even before he invented the internet, though that was obviously coming. I still think it was a good idea. Why should only rich

Re: nettime Disordered thinking through the origin of language (I'm in quotation)

2006-09-06 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Alan's account seems plausible, but still leaves question of where spoken language came from. My earlier thought has been that singing was the essential step. Different songs for different activities would then lead, implicitly and directly to verbs. My back is turned but I hear the

Re: nettime Gates' Buffet, or Fail-Safe Philanthropy

2006-07-05 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
On the contrary, it impresses a great many people. Presumably, that's the point of collecting so much money in the first place, if like Buffett you don't intend to leave it to your offspring. It would of course have been possible to run these businesses as non-profits, never collecting

Re: nettime publication of Jyllands-Posten cartoons is not...

2006-02-19 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
. The DC government had already announced we were not going to be prosecuted, however. I was planning to plead innocent, on the much attested grounds that I can't sing. Best, Michael --- Michael H. Goldhaber [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Feb 16, 2006, at 10:01 AM, Jody Berland wrote: You can't

Re: nettime New - Reviews of books I like:

2005-11-19 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Alan, your current list of books, as impressive as always contains a slight error. Edelman's theory of reentry had nothing to do with his Nobel Prize, of 1972, which was for the chemical composition of antibodies. His theories of consciousness came later. Best, Michael On Nov 18, 2005, at

Re: nettime Katrina: The Spectre of a Soviet-Style Crisis in the U.S.

2005-09-19 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Ricardo, If you want statistics, start with the state of education in this country compared with other industrialized countries or even China. Look at the growing general state of ignorance re news, the decreasing number of voters, growing income inequality, etc. You seem to think advances in

Re: nettime A Progressive Response to Katrina

2005-09-08 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Thanks Eric, for these clarifications. I agree wholeheartedly that nettimers could make a real contribution to , and above all, that we progressives must put forth constructive and detailed proposals and plans now! Best, Michael # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without

nettime A Progressive Response to Katrina

2005-09-06 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
bring the troops home from Iraq at once. Michael H. Goldhaber Monday, September 5, 2005 # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL

Re: nettime Reducing military spending

2005-02-17 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Or just steals the US robots and reprograms them? Best, Michael On Feb 16, 2005, at 6:47 PM, Ivo Skoric wrote: 1ei=5094en=527b7e950d00d351hpex=1108616400partner=homepage Pentagon says that an average soldier's upkeep,

nettime Oh! Freedom! (27 times) and al Qaeda

2005-01-22 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
According to NPR, Pres. Bush said the word freedom 27 times in his 21-minute inaugural speech yesterday ? an excellent example of misleading framing (in the sense recently popularized by George Lakoff). Even worse, Bush spoke again of the 9/11 attack as being an attack on freedom. This is

Re: nettime Questioning the Frame

2004-12-30 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
I want to comment briefly on Coco Fusco's impassioned and cogent remarks on maps and war. I spent the year 1981 (the first year of the Reagan administration) hiding out in the bowels of the Library of Congress in Washington researching a book on the causes of war that I never wrote. One of my

Re: nettime epistemological crisis for US tail-chasing politics

2004-10-01 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
I'm not certain Breslin has all facts straight. The NY Times specifically claims to use random number generators to phone pollees, and if they really do, that should include cell phones. A different question is whether potential Kerry voters and potential Bush voters are equally likely to

Re: nettime A 'licensing fee' for GNU/Linux?

2004-08-12 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
paying enough attention to recall all the abbreviations. I urge nettimers to take the time to spell out the meanings of abbreviations frequently, if not at least once per posting. Best, Michael --- Michael H. Goldhaber [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Aug 11, 2004, at 4

Re: nettime Michael Moore

2004-07-08 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 and War in the Attention Era War is always a contest over something; for instance, under capitalism, it is often a contest over resources (including oil). In the attention economy, however, war is a contest over attention, and the ultimate winner is the one who is

Re: nettime Re: Images and Official Language: The Gap or How notto Know

2004-06-03 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
I remain chary of the word evil, especially as it has been so easily bandied about by Bush and company, but it's quite obvious that the adminstration remains far less moved by death and injury to others, whether American or foreign, than by the political opportunities of any situation, whether

Re: nettime Re: Images and Official Language: The Gap or How not to Know

2004-06-02 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
and desires. They did come scarily close, however. Michael H. Goldhaber [EMAIL PROTECTED] Alan Sondheim wrote: Returning briefly to Iraq, I think stating what the war is 'about' misses the point - that the word 'about' must be deconstructed

nettime The Dean campaign and the Internet

2003-12-11 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
in South Carolina, even topping the charismatic Senator Edwards from neighboring North Carolina. I bring all this up in the hopes that nettimers will discuss this model of politics via the Internet and what it might portend/teach. -- Best, Michael Michael H. Goldhaber # distributed via

Re: nettime New Media Education and Its Discontent

2003-10-13 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
and was nurtured in college. Doing rather than thinking has become the norm and is what is most valued among this elite. Michael H. Goldhaber # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural

Re: nettime New Media Education and Its Discontent

2003-10-09 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
be to help all the members of a class recognize each others' ways of being intellectuals. I am not saying that in my own teaching I do any of this very well. Michael H. Goldhaber # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net

Re: nettime A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-06 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
to reveal who one is and what one's interests are, as Kermit proposes we strive for. The more anonymous the voice, the less the possibility for such self revelation, and the more must be taken on faith. Reasonably, within the precarious limits of reason, but not contentedly, Michael H. Goldhaber Brian

Re: nettime A Puff Piece on Wikipedia (Fwd)

2003-10-03 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
of Voltaire, we know this was a 'pen-name.' Was it affixed to his work, and if not, what use would a pen-name have been? Michael H. Goldhaber Keith Hart wrote: I have been intrigued by this thread for the light it throws on the question of authorial anonymity. I have been reading a book

nettime blog blog failure

2003-09-02 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
Well, nettimers, I wrote the following blog, but then I thought, you would probably be more interested in it than the average inhabitant of the blogsphere; so though it's own my new blog site ( ), why waste it? so here it is: Best, Michael Michael H. Goldhaber My

Re: nettime Iranonymity

2003-09-02 Thread Michael H Goldhaber
, Michael Michael H. Goldhaber Bruce Sterling wrote: *One wonders what the strategic Iranian infowar response to this should be. Maybe Americanonymity. -- bruces   A pact between the U.S. government and the electronic privacy company