
2005-01-17 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
Issue 1 Volume 1 of this new magazine has just hit the (cyber)stands. And, don't be too surprised, you're free to download a copy too of this 78-page publication. Some of the articles in the first issue: o File formats; format wars (Marco Fioretti) File formats: the past, the

nettime Build Community: Wireless Infrastructrure and Right to Communicate

2005-01-17 Thread DeeDee Halleck
Can We Build a Wireless Communications Infrastructure That Values Everyones Right to Communicate? By Vikki Cravens, Dharma Dailey, and Antwuan Wallace Putting Equity On the Front Burner. If you believe that community based media is a good idea, then you probably think that its a good idea

nettime The Gulag Archipelago

2005-01-17 Thread Ivan Pope
I keep seeing the US government system of offshore and third country prison camps (Guantanamo, Baghram, etc), secret prison camps and that euphemism, 'rendition', referred to as the US 'gulag' or 'archipelago' (The Guantanamo Gulag, the Pentagon Archipelago) but seldom as the 'gulag

Re: nettime The Gulag Archipelago

2005-01-17 Thread andy
my opinion is that whatever the press reports to deny, is true. andy # distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission # nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and