nettime Indymedia press releases

2004-10-10 Thread Anna
Indymedia has published two press releases so far concerning the 
situation of the seized servers. Please note that there are, not unusual 
in cases like this one, many rumors floating around but few confirmed 
facts. So far there is little knowledge about what actually caused all 
of this. As soon as we know more we will make it known.


The two press releases, including many translations - please use and 
distribute them widely! For questions please email 


Press Release

08 October 2004

Italy and Switzerland Requested Indymedia's Server Seizure

Today, October 8, 2004, Indymedia has learned that the request to seize
Indymedia servers hosted by a US company in the UK originated from
government agencies in Italy and Switzerland. More than 20 Indymedia
sites, several internet radio streams and other projects were hosted on
the servers. They were taken offline on October 7th after an order was
issued to Rackspace, Inc., one of Indymedia's web hosting providers.

The reasons for the court order or who actually holds the servers now
are still unknown to Indymedia.

According to Italian news agency reports and an Agence France-Presse
(AFP) interview with FBI spokesman Joe Parris, the FBI acted on Italian
and Swiss requests. It is not an FBI operation, Parris told AFP.
Through a legal assistance treaty, the subpoena was on behalf of a
third country.(1)

Earlier today Rackspace published a statement that they turned over the
servers in response to an order under the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty
(MLAT). The MLAT establishes procedures for countries to assist each
other in investigations regarding international terrorism, kidnapping
and money laundering. The court prohibits Rackspace from commenting
further on this matter. (2)

An Indymedia system administrator stated: We do not know if Rackspace
is under a gag order, or what legal restrictions were imposed requiring
them to act this way, or whether they legal department had enough time
to study the request.

Aidan White, the General Secretary for the International Federation of
Journalists (IFJ) had this to say. We have witnessed an intolerable and
intrusive international police operation against a network specialising
in independent journalism. The way this has been done smacks more of
intimidation of legitimate journalistic inquiry than crime-busting.(3)

Indymedia condemns the fact that even 24 hours after two entire servers
were taken down, Indymedia is still not getting any information of the
reasons for the order.

By taking down 2 servers more than 20 Indymedia sites were affected in
different countries globally as well as several unrelated projects.
Indymedia considers this extremely invasive operation a a serious threat
to the Freedom of Speech worldwide.

Indymedia insists that the servers are returned because each day they
are inoperable and Indymedia's irreplaceable data is unaccessible means
greater material damages to the Indymedia operation worldwide.

Note to editors:

(2) AFP report

(2) Statement from Rackspace, 8 Oct. 2004: In the present matter
regarding Indymedia, Rackspace Managed Hosting, a U.S. based company
with offices in London, is acting in compliance with a court order
pursuant to a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT), which establishes
procedures for countries to assist each other in investigations such as
international terrorism, kidnapping and money laundering. Rackspace
responded to a Commissioner’s subpoena, duly issued under Title 28,
United States Code, Section 1782 in an investigation that did not arise
in the United States. Rackspace is acting as a good corporate citizen
and is cooperating with international law enforcement authorities. The
court prohibits Rackspace from commenting further on this matter. For
additional information on the MLAT, please visit

(3) IFJ Statement

(4) Indymedia volunteers can only speculate about possible reasons.
Switzerland Indymedia suspects that the order might have to do with two
photos published on the French site (IMC Nantes) of Swiss undercover
police agents in charge of the G8 events in Switzerland in 2003. In the
last few weeks there was contact between Swiss, specifically the Genevan
governmental authorities, and the FBI. The FBI also approached Rackspace
as well as a Seattle Indymedia activist recently regarding that matter,
but according to communication from Rackspace to Indymedia on Tuesday,
the matter appeared to to be closed. For its part, Italy Indymedia can

nettime Indymedia Press Release Oct 11

2004-10-12 Thread Anna
[deutsch unten, NL, PT, FR, ES at]

* News from Indymedia *

October 11, 2004

Indymedia to U.S., U.K., Swiss and Italian Authorities: Hands Off Our

Evidence is beginning to mount that the authorities of at least four
countries (Switzerland, Italy, U.K. and U.S.A.) are involved in last
week's seizure of two of Indymedia's servers that brought down more
than 20 of the Indymedia network's web sites and several internet radio
streams. Indymedia has yet to receive any official statement or
information about what the order entailed or why it was issued.

An FBI spokesperson, Joe Parris, confirmed to Agence France-Presse that
the FBI issued a subpoena to the provider who hosted the Indymedia
servers in the U.K., but that it was on behalf of a third country.
(1) Daniel Zapelli, senior federal prosecutor for Geneva (Switzerland),
confirmed that he has opened a criminal investigation into Indymedia
coverage of the 2003 G8 Summit in Evian. (2) Zapelli will provide
details of that investigation at a press conference on Tuesday.

Federal prosecutor of Bologna (Italy) Marina Plazzi has also stated
that she is investigating Italy Indymedia because it may support
terrorism. (3) Plazzi says she will provide more information on
Thursday, October 14th.

Meanwhile, international journalist associations have come forward in
support of Indymedia. We have witnessed an intolerable and intrusive
international police operation against a network specialising in
independent journalism, said Aidan White, General Secretary for the
International Federation of Journalists. (4)

Indymedia is consulting with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
on how to retrieve its servers and prevent further government attacks
on free speech. EFF is deeply concerned about the grave implications
of this seizure for free speech and privacy, and we are exploring all
avenues to hold the government accountable for this improper and
unconstitutional silencing of independent media., said EFF Staff
Attorney Kurt Opsahl. (5)

As of Monday, October 11, five of the downed websites have been
restored, including Brasil, Euskal Herria, Poland, UK and Nice.
Indymedia volunteers are working around the clock to restore the
remaining sites, however at least four of them - Uruguay, Italy,
Western Massachusetts and Nantes - have suffered data loss as a result
of the governments' action.

This FBI operation gives us even more reason to continue with what we
have been doing for several years, says an activist from Italy

Uruguay has a long history of media repression. We don't have the
money to pay for web hosting, and so we rely on the solidarity of other
countries. Actions like the seizure of the servers make the whole world
insecure for free media, says Libertinus, an Indymedia volunteer from
Uruguay, one of many Indymedia web sites that was caught in the FBI
actions as a bystander. Uruguay's national elections will take place
on October 31st. It's a bad time for this to happen.

For more information, visit, email

Tomasso at +39 3383903806 (Italy)
Hep Sano at +1-415-867-9472 (San Francisco)
David Meieran at +1-412-996-4986 (Pittsburgh)

* Notes to the editor *

(1) On October 7, 2004, Rackspace, a web hosting provider based in San
Antonio (USA), turned over two servers at its London officer after it
was issued a court order under the Mutual Legal Assistence Treaty.
Rackspace officials claim that the order prevents them from divulging
the reasons for the seizure and to whom the servers were actually
given. They stated, Rackspace is acting as a good corporate citizen
and is cooperating with international law enforcement authorities. See
more details on and on the press releases from 8
and 9 October: and

(2) For more examples see:

(3) AFP report:

(4) International Federation of Jounalists:

(5) Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF):

Presseerklärung 12.10.04

Indymedia an US-, britische, schweizer und italienische Behörden: 
Finger weg von unseren Websites

Es mehren sich Beweise, dass die Behörden von mindestens vier Ländern 
(Schweiz, Italien, Großbritannien und USA) letzte Woche daran beteiligt 
waren, zwei Indymedia-Server zu beschlagnahmen und damit mehr als 20 
Indymedia-Websites lahmzulegen. Bis jetzt hat Indymedia weder formelle 
Unterlagen oder überhaupt irgendwelche 

nettime Call for Media Activists to Join the G8 Preparations - Only 4 Months to Go! Next Meeting Feb 16-18, Berlin

2007-02-05 Thread Anna


The next G8 will be taking place in Germany in June this year.
Lots of preparations are already happening. If you want to know
more about the general state of protest planning, have a look at (english),
(german),,, and many, many more
linked to from the sites above.

The summit itself will take place at a very small town called
Heiligendamm, situated directly on the Baltic Sea coast, a
bit to the west of Rostock, a city of approx. 250.000 in East
Germany, 200-250km away from both Berlin and Hamburg (for maps see There will be
the biggest red-zone fence in the history of summits (12km long,
2.5m high, planned cost for the fence alone: 12 mio. Euro), camps
surrounding it somewhere in the fields, and a week of demonstrations,
action days, blockades, caravans, alternative summit, concerts... both
in Rostock, near the fence and in special locations in the area.

Alternative, grassroots and participatory reporting during major
actions has become part and parcel of the actual actions. With the
increasing dissent and resentment witnessed around the world, however,
the authorities are also becoming more sophisticated both in their
repressive policing measures and the media spin surrounding their
meetings and summits, being the obvious target of big mobilisations.
The need for more networking and cooperation between different
alternative and autonomous media groups, therefore, is a dire need to
strengthen our position.

Different media activists and groups obviously have their own plans
and want to do different things. There are, however, some common ideas
and plans that are being constantly modified, developed and improved.
One of these is an effective dispatch system to disseminate accurate,
reliable and up-to-date information. Another is a so-called media
pool, which can be thought of as a collective source of different
media. And, of course, effective, participatory public media centres
that can be more than a service provided by a bunch of 'professionals'
to the 'public'.

There will be media activism of all sorts and we're calling you now to
get involved.

We: a group of people who met during the last 'action conference' in
Rostock last November (, [de]) to sketch up a
general frame of what we would like to see happening with regard
to media activism in June. People from 5 countries participated,
focusing on video and radio, print, web, translations and dispatch.
We want to build a media centre that provides infrastructure for all
types of independent media making in the city of Rostock as well as
'dependencies' in the camp(s) and in the fields where necessary.
Accessibility and the desire to reach both international public and
activists in the fields will be big challenges.

We are calling you now to participate in:

* sharing experience of past media centres (what was useful? what
wasn't? how much of what equipment was needed etc);
* sharing tech creativity (how to reach people spread out in a not
so small region);
* tech support;
* finding equipment;
* writing;
* recording;
* filming;
* dispatch;
* fund-raising;
* coordinating our work with the protests;
* translating;
* developing concepts for pooling material;
* thinking about security for both people and material;

A lot of these things need to start well before the summit and the
week of protests surrounding it. But we can promise one thing: this is
going to be BIG, and it'll be fun!

Apart from meeting in person a lot can be done by email. If you have
ideas, want to get in touch with people who share your specific
interest, want to get involved in organising the general set-up:

Get in touch:

IRC: #g8 and #g8-tech on
Next meeting: Berlin, Feb 16-18

Another possibility to meet is the international meeting next weekend in
Warsaw Feb 9-11 ( or the next action
conference in April.

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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and info nettime-l in the msg body
#  archive: contact:

nettime /etc 2007 July 11-15 in Linz, Austria - watch the streams!

2007-07-12 Thread Anna
Eclectic Tech Carnival aka /etc 2007 will held from:
Wed 11 to Sun 15 july, 2007
in Linz, Austria

The Eclectic Tech Carnival is a gathering of women interested in
technology. It's held once a year, each time in a venue where there has
been an interest in hosting one. The first was in Pula, Croatia in 2002,
followed by Athens (2003), Belgrade (2004), Graz (2005) and Timisoara
(2006). The event grew out of the Gender Changer's hardware and FLOSS

Women from all over the world organise the /etc through mailing lists,
IRC and IRL meetings - and women come from all over the world to the
/etc itself.

The week-long carnival includes workshops on installing free and open
source software, the hardware crash course, soldering, building websites
 plus art exhibitions, performances, cultural discussions and related

The program will be streamed from the following url's:

Location Stwst-Saal:
Location Maiz:
Evening Performances
Location Cafe Strom

Use fabulous VLC media player on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux to play all
your media files, including the above mentioned .ogg streams!
Download at

You can find details about the workshops, lectures, play labs and
performances here:

BOF -- Birds of a Feather - sessions are ad hoc small gatherings of
women who share an interest in specific topics.

The program may still change, please check the website!

And the program is...

Wednesday July 11
Introduction/Welcome to Eclectic Tech Carnival

Tools used by /ETC participants for communication

Cafe Strom
Grace Marta Latigo
Life Act: Signorina Alos
DJ Maiz

Thursday July 12

Web Content from Front to Back (Gloria Willadsen)

Hardware Crash Course (Donna Metzlar)

HTML/CSS (Audrey Samson/Urska Merc)

Ubuntu Basics (Paula Graham)

Free Software with a Female Touch (Fernanda G. Weiden, Brazil)
Lucynix (Biruktait Fekeremariam, Ethiopia)

Cafe Strom
Celeste Hutchins, USA

Friday July 13
GIMP (Urska Merc)

UpStage (Marischka Klinkhamer/Helen Varley Jamieson)

PlayLab: Hardware Two - Blingbling (Sara Platon)

Migrazine (Cristiane Tatsino/MAIZ)

Beyond digital/DIY sex toys; Soldering (Orit Kruglanski/Carla Peirano)

Lecture: Chain Reaction (Reni Hofmueller)

Cafe Strom
Cherry Sunkist with visuals by Doris Prlic

Saturday July 14

Web Content from Front to Back (Gloria Willadsen)

Ubuntu Basics (Paula Graham)

lela code (Donestech: Eva Cruells/Alex Hache)

Migrazine (Cristiane Tatsino/MAIZ)

Lecture: Computing / Life / Female Geek (Gloria Willadsen)

Lecture: Data Mining (Lize De Clercq)

Cafe Strom
Polyphonic Ensemble (Reni Hofmueller)

Sunday July 15


Ubuntu Basics (Paula Graham)




Cafe Strom
Life Act: Schwestern Bruell and the Unknown Drummer




#  distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission
#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and info nettime-l in the msg body
#  archive: contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

nettime Nettime is dead

2003-05-31 Thread anna balint
Dear mod squad,

i thought the contrary, that nettime is exactly the only list that failed
to remain open in the new media criticismart lists environment,
every other list came up with an idea...

I am one of those persons whose mails normally don't hit the nettime
quality standards or does not fit in the policy, and this also makes 
me even more than oppose moderation, 
but besides that, i think nettime failed exactly because of moderation
or bad moderation in several respects:

- it lost the intimacy of personal communication and personal culture
as opposed to commercial and largely spread push content and academic culture
- it failed to cover both Western and Eastern underground culture,
largely based on the aesthetic of the imperfect *West* or on formal perfection
*East* [just think to nettime's resistence to ASCII art and culture, law-fi, 
or compare this mail of the mod sqaud with a former  mod mail]
- the list suppressed or neglected among others criticism concerning female 
participation, race politics, multiple cultures, information and network culture 
- together with the increasing number of subsribers the list gave up somewhere 
to found the Neue Frankfurter Schule, but it also failed to concentrate on
research both in the field of art and media. Somehow first it became a 
dog driven by the tail of media activism, a term originally coined by Toshia Ueno
to describe the task of including subcultures and counter cultures in an interface
remaking and changing the public sphere - now look, nowadays even online activism is 
for saving curators of the elite. Meanwhile, together with establishing, 
the list also became one of the many lists...
- moderation is a good ground for abuse, it may exclude alternative views,
and favour unjustly other ones, ex aequo et bono it does, and so does
nettime's moderation model - just to mention the example of nettime's influence
on the syndicate list once started to encourage East and West European art and 
exchange, where the two West European moderators failed to recognize a subscriber's 
East European
attitude and identity, and kicked it off the the list without the community's
approval, without discussion, and even without letting known the unsubscription.
Problems with the nettime moderation started with the rejection of posts that could 
have been relevant for the list content, goal and manifesto, and ends with the
complete change of the character of the list.
- Pit Schulz was sighing from his boots in 1996 that there is need of a software
for a list, I don't know what happened since than, where is that software?
Why did the nettime bold include all the spam, why the list was not set to reject
non-subscriber's mail? 
Even a small list like syndicate, that has no instutional
support except for hosting the list on a safe server,
experiments much more in the field of information exchange,
with the KKnut project for example, that allows direct interaction
of URL, text, and a mailinglist. Have a look at
- if once the nettime meeting took place as a 'let's also do something' alibi
when I wanted to go to Venice in 1995, and since i did not get the visa for Italy,
i got the nettime list instead of Venice, now, together with the dead of nettime bold,
i state that I don't need it anymore, this year I'll make it to Venice,
and i am one of the five guards who keep alive the fire of openness at the syndicate

Anna Balint

2003.05.28. 19:17:40, the nettime mod squad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear Nettimers,

We are closing nettime-bold.

#  distributed via nettime: no commercial use without permission
#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
#  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
#  more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and info nettime-l in the msg body
#  archive: contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]