Radical machines against the techno-empire

2004-02-22 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
[ dear nettimers, orig. for framemagazine.org and neuro.kein.org /m] rtf + pdf: http://www.rekombinant.org/article.php?sid=2264 Radical machines against the techno-empire. From utopia to network by Matteo Pasquinelli Everyone of us is a machine of the real

WARPORN WARPUNK! Autonomous videopoiesis in wartime

2004-08-13 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
ican society, of the common ground that bind spectacle, war, pornography, sport. It's an orgy of images that shows the real western background. Warpunk is a squadron of B52s throwing libidinal bombs and radical images into the earth of western world imagery. Matteo Pasquinelli matATre

Political Games

2004-08-27 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
[bbc on italian creactvism, euro mayday parade, chainworkers and Molleindustria's political videogames. /m] http://www.bbcworld.com/content/template_clickonline.asp? pageid=666&co_pageid=3 BBC WORLD Political Games August 26th 2004 Computer Games are not normally particularly thought-provok

Immaterial Civil War

2006-11-12 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
ave almost always been quite representative and media-oriented, dreaming of the rise of a new cognitariat or of a repoliticization of the collective imagery and its producers, like in the golden 60's. Many activists and artists - like Harvey - are aware of the risk of overcoding o

Who seized Simona Torretta?

2004-09-20 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
italian movement and political situation are frozen by this kidnapping. counter-detections are reaching the mainstream surface, not of the italian media of course. we hope in liberation: conspiracy (?) theories mean always the worst scenario. /m follow related fallout on: http://news.google.com

Who seized Simona Torretta?

2004-09-20 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
italian movement and political situation are frozen by this kidnapping. counter-detections are reaching the mainstream surface, not of the italian media of course. we hope in liberation: conspiracy (?) theories mean always the worst scenario. /m follow related fallout on: http://news.google.com

Warporn warpunk! Autonomous videopoiesis in wartime

2004-10-27 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
"Warpunk is a squadron of B52s throwing libidinal bombs and radical images into the heart of the Western imagery." Full version edited by Arianna Bove and Erik Empson. Web, Pdf, italian and spanish translations here: www.rekombinant.org/article.php?sid=2364 --- Matteo Pasquinell

The NEUROGREEN manifesto

2005-01-31 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
The NEUROGREEN manifesto CATASTROPHIST INTRO The end of the world is not an event. It's a process. Currently=20 unfolding. Neurogreen is born out of the conviction that destruction of the biosphere, devastating inequality and global civil war are the three dimensions of an epochal crisis in glo

Operation Serpica Naro. Milan fashion industry spoofed by anti-precarity activists

2005-02-28 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
[ the biggest and funniest hoax in years. enjoy. /m ] Serpica Naro: http://www.serpicanaro.com Press: http://www.serpicanaro.com/press/operazioness_web.zip (pdf di 4 MB) News, pics, video: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/02/306040.html http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/02/305973.html Mi

Utopia Reversed - An assault on neurospace [Weimar, May 26-27]

2005-05-26 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
rnet. Under the concept of 'neurospace' Matteo Pasquinelli, media theorist from Bologna and editor of Rekombinant, will focus on the convergence between popular imagery and networked environment. Technology-based activism is turning into biopolitical forms of communication: not simply cou

An Assault on Neurospace (Misguided Directions for)

2005-07-13 Thread Matteo Pasquinelli
Paper presented in a draft version at Utopia Reversed in Weimar, May =20 2005. An attempt to map new forms of activism in a post-internet framework. Half theoretical, half gonzo. Reader-friendly pdf recommended: http://www.rekombinant.org/download.php?op=3Dgetit&lid=3D6 --- Matteo Pasquin