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Gov't In, Inaction

"The federal government was not at all what I expected.  Nothing - and
almost no one - worked."

- Linda Chavez in her new book, "An Unlikely Conservative," on what she
discovered in Washington, D.C.

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A Student's Guide to Understanding Liberalism

The following was forwarded to me by one of the few truly-talented
conservative political tactician/strategists in the country today, Dave

- - - - - - - - -

"One time there was a young teenage girl who was about to finish her first
year of college. She considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and
her father was a rather staunch Republican.

"One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to
programs like welfare. He stopped her and asked her how she was doing in

"She answered that she had a 4.0 GPA but it was really tough. She had to
study all the time, never had time to go out and party and often went
sleepless because all of the studying. She didn't have time for a boyfriend
and didn't really have many college friends because of all her studying.

"He then asked how her friend Mary, who was attending the same college, was

"She replied that she was barely getting by. She had a 2.0 GPA, never
studied. Was very popular on campus and was at parties all the time. She
often wouldn't show up for classes because she was hung over.

"He then asked his daughter why she didn't go to the Dean's office and ask
why she couldn't take 1.0 off her 4.0 and give it to her friend that only
had a 2.0. That way they would both have a 3.0 GPA.

"She fired back and said 'that wouldn't be fair, I worked really hard for
mine and my friend has done nothing.'

"After a moment of silence, she replied, 'I guess I will never vote Democrat
again.' "

Boys Will Be Boys

"Agusta (National Golf Club) is not resisting Martha Burk (the feminazi who
is trying to force the club to admit women) out of sexism but because the
members want to smoke cigars together, tell dirty jokes, discuss prostate
problems, and scratch themselves in odd places without glancing around

- Columnist John Leo

Doing More Harm Than Good

"A Clinton appearance down here in the black community could be huge.  We
just don't know what it would do for us elsewhere in the state.  Our hunch
is that it would hurt us badly."

- Democrat operative on plans to have the former president do a campaign
appearance with Democrat Sen. Mary Landrieu this weekend in Louisiana,

Reagan's Legacy Beats Clinton's

"There are several obvious reasons 'Clintonism' did not survive Clinton as
'Reaganism' survived Reagan. One is simply that Clinton left office a
disgraced figure, while Reagan left as a hugely popular one, at least inside
his own party."

- Columnist James Traub, New York Times Magazine

More On Why Democrats Lost

"There is another reason that Republicans beat Democrats... The electorate
does not trust the party of perjurers, spin doctors and abusers of power."

- Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.


"Fox News network, The Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh - there's a bunch of
them (conservative news outlets), and some of them are financed by wealthy
ultraconservative billionaires who make political deals with Republican
administrations and the rest of the media."

- Al Gore, New York Observer

The More the Merrier

"Dear Chuck:  I am on a lot of lists for updates, but I have to admit that
yours is by far the most interesting, the most informative, and the most
biting of any I receive.Keep up the great work.You make my day!"

- News & Views reader Mike Sudlow of Hauula, Hawaii

If you know someone who might like to join the growing army of
conservative/libertarians (and a few Palm Beach Democrats) who receive our
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Crazy Like a Fox

"Fox News is the only cable news network with improved ratings in the past
year. . . . With an average of 1.4 million nightly viewers this month, Fox
has had a 17 percent increase in viewership compared with a year ago,
according to Nielsen Media Research numbers released Wednesday.

"CNN lost 31 percent of its prime-time viewers compared with last year's
numbers, with an audience of 921,000. MSNBC continues to languish in third
place with a 43 percent drop and 528,000 viewers."

- Washington Times, 11/29/02

Gore Flops As Author

"Al Gore is said by associates to be surprised that his newest books on
family aren't selling well. . . . 'We aren't selling any,' says a sales
associate for Borders Books in Bethesda. . . . The audiences at Gore's book
signings have been skimpy, and worse, those that do come to hear him haven't
been buying the books."

- Prowler,

Campaign Slogan

"Today's wrinkle-free candidates are so afraid of offending anyone, so
committed to the notion that the only way to win is by running to the middle
that they end up standing for nothing more profound than: 'Vote for me, the
other guy sucks!' "

- Columnist Arianna Huffington

The Straight Poop

Catch Chuck's latest biting commentary on today's current events at "Muth's
Truths".  Go to:

Rated XXX

"There is no other way to say it: The federal tax code is obscene. . . . The
time has long since passed when the long-suffering American people should
take seriously further congressional lamentations about why fundamental tax
reform can't happen right here, right now.  Russia did it; so can America."

- Columnist Jack Kemp

It's the Stupid Schools, Stupid

"(The government schools have) already got these kids for 12 years, and they
're not getting the job done.  But rather than address the problems and
reform the system, they seek to expand it (into preschool). . . . Our
preschoolers are the A students on the international curve...our children
are more prepared than children anywhere else in the world.  It's only after
they've been in the traditional school system for several years that they
begin to fall behind."

- Darcy Olsen, executive director of the Goldwater Institute, on efforts to
expand mandatory pre-schooling around the country

It's the Law

"We don't allow people to flout environmental law whenever it suits them; we
shouldn't allow people to flout immigration law."

- Columnist Linda Seebach

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Published by The Goldwater Club
Chuck Muth
P.O. Box 19893
Alexandria, VA 22320

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