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Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

"(Democrat Sen. Patty) Murray's remarks (lauding bin Laden as a great
humanitarian), incidentally, probably reflect stupidity more than a genuine
animus toward America. In the Washingtonian's annual survey of Capitol Hill
staffers, conducted several months ago, Murray placed first among senators
in the 'No Rocket Scientist' category, edging out Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.)
and Rick Santorum (R., Pa.). The senator voted 'Brainiest'?  Bill Frist, now
the majority leader."

- James Taranto's "Best of the Web," 12/30/02


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The Un-Clinton

"Less Hollywood glitz. Rarer formal state dinners. Fewer renditions of 'Hail
to the Chief.' It's the barely-any-frills White House.

"...Behind some of the changes is a barely hidden disdain for President
Clinton, who loved big crowds and splashy ceremonies. In the wake of the
Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, Mr. Bush frequently said during his 2000
presidential campaign that he would 'restore honor and dignity to the White

"...Mr. Bush is said to believe that Mr. Clinton overused 'Hail to the
Chief.' He has directed that the song - played to herald the commander in
chief's entrance into a room - be reserved only for official and more formal

"...The current administration's state dinners also have hardly been the
star-studded Hollywood extravaganzas of the Clinton years, which often
outgrew even the White House's ample entertaining rooms. In general, few of
the entertainment industry's denizens are visitors to this White House.

"...As with (changes implemented by other presidents), Mr. Bush started
right away, issuing a dress code forbidding jeans and requiring neckties in
the Oval Office. Women are merely told to be 'appropriately dressed.'"

- Associated Press, 12/30/02


Return of "Hell No, We Won't Go"

"A Democratic lawmaker announced Sunday that he will introduce a bill in the
next Congressional session to make military service mandatory. 'I'm going to
introduce legislation to have universal military service to let everyone
have an opportunity to defend the Free World against the threats coming to
us,' said Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) on CNN's 'Late Edition.' . . . The
last time the US had a draft was in 1971, when it was discontinued under
then President Richard Nixon at the height of the Vietnam War."

-, 12/30/02


Pork Not Necessary for Re-Election

"Because 11 of 13 [appropriations] bills never got passed (in 2002), every
part of government besides the military was kept operating only by
continuing resolutions. That means that congressmen were not able to insert
individual pork items into their bills, and that spending levels stayed at
previous-year levels. Yet every single appropriator running for re-election

"...Also, the government seems to be working fine. Nobody is feeling
political repercussions from keeping spending at last year's levels. Going
into next year, the upper hand is with the savers, who can demand low

- Columnist Timothy Carney, National Review Online


Still Clueless After All These Years

"In another arena of homeland security, protection against biological
terrorism, the Democrats have displayed a splendid talent for missing the
point. Republicans had inserted a provision protecting vaccine manufacturers
from extreme punitive damages awards. . . . If vaccine manufacturers stand
to lose huge lawsuits from the 1 in a million or so people who may die from
the vaccine, there will simply be no vaccine.

"...But Sen. Barbara Boxer, California Democrat, didn't see it that way.
Republicans, she argued, are telling families that 'their children's health
takes a distant second place to large corporations.'"

- Columnist Mona Charen


Perpetuating Victimhood

"In the debate over racism, the Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al
Sharpton...perpetuate a debilitating mentality of victimhood that hurts
those it purports to help the most. They sound as if they want to keep
divisive discussions alive."

- Columnist Suzanne Fields


Goldwater & the Civil Rights Act

In his own words, why Sen. Barry Goldwater voted against the 1964 civil
rights bill. And get this, it was based on constitutional principles. What
an extremist! Read all about it in the latest "Muth's Truths" column at:


Prez Pressured to Promote Preferences

"As the Supreme Court returns this term to the embattled national debate on
affirmative action in college admissions, the president can, in a legal
brief, tell the Supreme Court that his administration opposes the University
of Michigan's affirmative action policies based on racial preferences
instead of an inclusionary constitutional method.

"In one of those University of Michigan cases - Gratz v. Bollinger - every
black, Hispanic or American Indian applicant automatically receives a
20-point bonus on a 150-point scale. If a parent of one of these applicants
is a well-to-do corporation lawyer, the bonus still applies.

"...But George W. Bush's political advisers, hoping to gain more minority
votes in 2004, are urging the president not to oppose the University of
Michigan's racial preferences by sending a legal brief to the Supreme Court
that would state Mr. Bush's support of a much more inclusive, constitutional

- Columnist Nat Hentoff


Double Standard on Hate Speech

"'Bobby Ehrlich is a Nazi. . . . He should be running in Germany in 1942,
not Maryland in 2002.  We'll define him as the Nazi he is.  Once we do that,
I think people will vote for Kathleen Kennedy Townsend.'  Thus spake
Democratic political consultant Julius Henson about Congressman Robert
Ehrlich, the Republican candidate in Maryland's gubernatorial election this

"...Of course there is no end of ugliness on the political fringes, left-
and right-wing both.  And of course hateful slurs should be avoided by
everyone, liberals and conservatives.  But when a player in the mainstream
flings a vicious smear-- 'Bobby Ehrlich is a Nazi'-- it's generally safe to
bet that it's a liberal doing the flinging, and that the media and his
fellow liberals will let him get away with it."

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby


Go Ahead...Have a Cal, Man

Catch America's favorite conservative columnist live on the only "fair and
balanced" station on TV. Tune in for "After Hours with Cal Thomas" on Fox
News, Saturdays at 11 p.m. (EST).


Scared Sober

"Parents who worry that their children are getting a one-sided picture of
drinking should make sure to explain its perils. And rather than shielding
them from TV, they could have them watch something instructive, such as the
drunken idiots in Times Square on New Year's Eve."

- Columnist Jacob Sullum


NY YR's Comin' Together

"A long-standing feud between two Young Republican clubs in New York City
could be coming to an end. The New York Young Republican Club and an
independent faction of young Republicans in a club with the same name
promise to come together, according to leaders of both sides. Jason
Weingartner heads the club that is backed by the city and state party
apparatus while Robert Hornak heads the group of independents.

"Both groups are named 'New York Young Republican Club.' However, the
Weingartner-led organization and the Hornak group maintain different
websites. Each club claims about 200 members between the ages of 18 and 40.

"...The Young Republicans have much work ahead of them. Only four of the 51
New York City Council members are Republican."

- Jim Burns,, 12/30/02


The Goldwater Doctrine

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Barry Goldwater, "The Conscience of a Conservative" [ To help promote the
"Goldwater Doctrine" in public policy and government, join the Goldwater
Club by going to: ]

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Published by The Goldwater Club
Chuck Muth
P.O. Box 19893
Alexandria, VA 22320

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