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Tonight on "Always Right"

Our guest tonight on "Always Right with Chuck Muth" will be the incomparable
(some would say incorrigible) Kerri Houston of Frontiers of Freedom.  We'll
discuss weenie Republicans, the "forgotten warriors" of the 82nd Airborne in
Afghanistan, missile defense, judicial obstruction, lawsuit abuse, taxes,
spending, "starving the beast" and whole lot more with this
outside-the-Beltway insider. Tonight at 8:00 p.m. EST.  The link to listen
in is...

You can tune in to previous shows logged in our archives by going to:

Big Problem Is Even Worse

"You know that 10th-grade exam that high school seniors can't pass, after
six tries? Well, I work in a public 'school', and I can tell you that that
test given for the first time in the 10th grade is probably an eighth-grade
level test, at best."

- News & Views reader Al Davis of Odessa, TX

Realignment Begins in Free State

During the dark days of the Clinton era, a huge but little reported silver
lining swept much of the nation: Democrat elected officials switching
parties and joining the GOP.  In fact, the Republican National Committee, at
one time, kept a running national total of elected representatives who
decided to switch rather than fight the conservative tide sweeping the
fruited plains.

Well, it too the election of a Republican governor for the first time in
three decades, but the phenomenon appears to have finally reached the
Peoples Republic of Maryland, where Democrats currently outnumber
Republicans by a 2-1 margin.  Over the weekend, Republican Gov. Bob Ehrlich
and Lt. Gov. Michael Steele welcomed two Eastern Shore mayors - Denton Mayor
Victoria Goldsborough and Easton Mayor Robert Willey - to the elephant herd.

Let the exodus begin.

I Love a Parade

Find out about one veteran's efforts to organize a parade for service men
and women returning from Operation Iraqi Freedom by going to:

Burning Issue

"Let me add my voice to those other veterans regarding their opposition to
any 'flag burning' legislation.  I served as an army officer (armor branch)
from 1973-76, and years later quit the American Legion when it announced
that its overriding priority would be to help pass a 'flag desecration'

"I remember the attention-seeking, retrograde kook (Gregory Lee Johnson)
who, at the 1984 GOP convention in Dallas, burned a flag, thus 'igniting'
the call for anti-'flag burning' laws.  Unfortunately, few remember that
once the media finished giving air time to the kook, a kind soul came forth
from the crowd, picked up the ashes of the burnt flag and gave them a proper

"If we want to teach our kids about the freedoms, traditions and glories
that our flag represents, rather than push for a grotesque law that's at
best 'censorship' in a nation known for its freedom of expression
(including, as Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes noted, expressions that we most
detest), and at worst will expose us to the vagaries of bureaucratic
interpretation that we all increasingly fear, why don't we instead hold up
as a hero that nameless, forgotten person in Dallas who buried those ashes?

"Frankly, I'm grateful when idiots occasionally burn the flag or the
Nazis/KKK march or other buffoons attempt to insult our country and offend
our sensitivities.  It reminds me of how blessed we are to live in such a
wonderfully free country that can tolerate those handful of imbeciles
without compromising everyone else's freedoms."

- News & Views reader Edward S. Hochman of New York City

Campaign Hot Tips

New to campaigns and grassroots activism?  Seasoned veteran who recognizes
there's always something new to learn?  Then sign up for Mark Montini's FREE
"Campaign Hot Tips" e-newsletter at:

Every Witch Way

"I have heard that Hillary's book sales are right up with Harry Potter. How
appropriate that both books are fiction and both are about witches."

- News & Views reader Susan DeLeo

Return of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

"I would say that there is a very well-financed right-wing network of people
that was after his (Bill Clinton's) presidency from the very beginning,
really stopped at nothing, even to the point of perverting the Constitution,
in order to undermine what he was trying to do for the country."

- Hillary Clinton in her Sunday interview with Barbara Walters

How I Hate Thee, Let Me Count the Ways

"Years ago, comedian Buddy Hackett, speaking about Don Rickles, said: 'There
are two points of view: Some people hate him like poison, and some people
just hate him regular.' That's the way Republicans feel about Hillary

"The bookstore on the main drag here in the People's Republic of Old Town
Alexandria, Virginia had a sign up over the weekend which proclaimed they
would be open at 12:01 this morning to allow people to rush in so they could
be the first one on their block to buy Hillary's book.

"I suspect, in a couple of weeks, they will do the same thing when the new
Harry Potter book comes out.  Harry Potter has a better chance of becoming
President of the United States than Hillary Rodham Clinton Rodham."

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 6/9/03

Your Worst Nightmare

"So here's a frightening scenario for all you conservatives out there: It's
January 20, 2005 and someone OTHER than George W. Bush is taking the oath of
office. How wonderful will that 'Patriot Act' look then? How happy will you
be that Attorney General John Ashcroft requested the expanded federal powers
remain permanent?

"That's right - imagine a Hillary Clinton taking the oath of office with all
these measures still in affect. You saw what her husband did during his
tenure, and word has it she's got more 'testosterone' than the former
president. Tell me you'll never worry about these federal powers being
turned on someone's 'political enemies', or maybe that 'vast right-wing

- J.J. Johnson, publisher,, 6/9/03

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Not All She's Cracked Up to Be

Presidential candidate and former senator Carol Mosely-Braun is really a
joke.  On NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, Braun drew from her experiences
in the "hood" to attack President Bush for attacking Saddam Hussein in Iraq,
asking, "If there's a crack house down the street from you, and in it are
the murderers who killed your brother and your sister-in-law, do you blow up
the crack house, or do you go after the murderers?"  Of course, the obvious
answer is, "Why not do both?"

Unless, of course, you LIKE crack houses in your neighborhood.

Wrong Then, Wrong Again

"The red-hot Dow stock market index has run up to the 9,000 range, with no
end in sight. Just two weeks since the passage of President Bush's tax cut -
one that strengthens economic incentives by raising after-tax investment
returns by over 40 percent - the bellwether Dow has gained more than 400

"Once again, liberal negativists are being proven wrong. They were wrong
when the economy quickly lifted-off following the passage of the supply-side
John F. Kennedy tax cut in the 1960s and the big Ronald Reagan tax-rate
reductions in the 1980s. They were wrong again when a cut in the
capital-gains tax rate powered technology investment in the second half of
the 1990s.  And they are doomed to repeat their failed liberal thinking once
more today."

- Columnist Lawrence Kudlow

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
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* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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