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The Junto Starts Here:  Ropewalking Tonight!

The first get-together of the Charm City Junto will convene for food,
libations and stogies - mixed with a healthy dose of political networking
and information-sharing TONIGHT, September 9th at the Ropewalk Tavern in
historical Federal Hill in Baltimore from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  Open to anyone
and everyone who wants to stop by.  No formal program, no admission fee and
dress is casual.  Join fellow right-wing conspiratorialists as we plot the
overthrow of Big Brother, cradle-to-grave nanny-state government!

What else you gonna the Democrat debate?  Snore.

The Ropewalk is located at 1209 S. Charles Street.  Just come to the antique
bar in the back. There's a parking garage just a half block away near the
Cross Street Market if you have trouble finding a spot on the street.  The
Ropewalk's phone number is (410) 727-1298.  You can get directions from
their website at:

No Turning Back

"And for America, there will be no going back to the era before September
11th, 2001 - to false comfort in a dangerous world. We have learned that
terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength - they are invited
by the perception of weakness."

- President Bush, 9/7/03

Our Old European Friends

"Germany has already ruled out sending troops to help stabilize Iraq.
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder says the very idea makes him 'want to puke.'
France, which fields a European army second in strength and sophistication
to Britain, isn't regarded as likely to help, either."

- Washington Times, 9/8/03

Dealing with the Terrorist Infestation

"I tell my students that the current effort to neutralize al Qaeda is like
dealing with an infestation of head lice. There is no single application of
a magical shampoo to destroy the infestation. The most effective solution is
to methodically examine each strand of hair for nits or lice eggs while
searching for adult lice scampering around on the scalp. If you miss one
nit, the infestation could return. In addition, you must sanitize all
pillows, blankets, towels and clothes, so that the infestation does not
spread to others."

- Columnist and terrorism instructor Dennis Pluchinsky

Tonight on Always Right

In recognition of the second anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks, my
guest this week will be Cliff May of the Foundation for the Defense of
Democracies ( to discuss the ongoing war on
terrorism, the status of the Iraq war and America's Middle East foreign
policy as a whole.

Cliff is a veteran reporter and former foreign correspondent.  He also did a
stint at the Republican National Committee as its Director of
Communications.  He holds masters degrees from both Columbia University's
School of Public and International Affairs and its School of Journalism.  In
addition, he holds a certificate in Russian language and literature from the
University of Leningrad.  His opinion columns are published in newspapers
all across the country and he regularly appears on radio and television news

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
"Always Right with Chuck Muth" featuring Cliff May.  The link to listen in

You can catch previous interviews on "Always Right" by visiting our archives

Mainstream Conservatism

"It may surprise you to know there are those of us out here (I would call us
mainstream conservatives) who are hawkish against terrorism and bullish on
Israel, yet not interested in creating an American empire. Our guiding
principle is protecting America's strategic national interests. If that
means we sometimes have to attack other nations, even preemptively, so be
it. We are far from being isolationists, but we are just as far from being

- Columnist David Limbaugh

Border Control

"We now have better security at Borders bookstores than at our actual
borders. . . . You know, we've got the best country in the world and its
greatness is based on inclusion. But someone should turn over that plaque on
the Statue of Liberty and check underneath because I'm pretty sure it'll
say, 'But for God sakes, don't let people in who want to blow up this

- Columnist Dennis Miller

Citizen Outreach Fall Fundraising Drive

If you haven't done so already, I hope you'll consider kicking in a few
bucks to help us continue bringing you News & Views every day...your #1
source for information not generally found in your hometown newspaper.

Unlike the labor unions, we don't automatically take money out of your
paycheck to fund our activities.  And unlike some at the United Way, we don'
t twist your arm and threaten your job or promotion if you don't give.  And
unlike Congress, we don't tax you to death (and beyond) to fund our efforts.
We just occasionally ask for a little VOLUNTARY financial help to keep us

$5, $10, $20...whatever you can afford...will go a long way to helping us
continue to bring you our first-class e-newsletter, our weekly webcast
interviews with top policy experts on important current issues, our
Brushfire Alerts political action projects, our in-depth research on public
policy matters, our weekly online opinion polls...and much, much more.

And if you contribute $50 or more, we have a very special 9-11 commemorative
gift for you.  Just go to to make a secure online
contribution or mail your check to the address at the end of this
newsletter.  Thanks for your continued support.

Chuck Muth

Who Lost Estrada?

"The White House is not responsible for Estrada not being confirmed.  So who
is? I'll tell you who is, in my judgment. It is the Republican Senators,
both liberals and conservatives, who didn't want judges to be an issue.

"All sorts of pundits will now blame Majority Leader Bill Frist. Frist is
not the culprit. A Majority Leader can only go so far when he is bucking his
own conference. I am here to tell you that Frist wanted to make judges a
front and center issue. His colleagues of all philosophical stripes said
'forget it.'  He strung out the battle as long as he could, but in the end
he gave in to his colleagues."

- Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation

Brushfire Alert

As Mr. Weyrich mentions above, it just may be that some of Senate Majority
Leader Bill Frist's colleagues are preventing him from playing hardball with
the Democrats over these filibusters of President Bush's judicial nominees.
If so, all the more reason to "go nuclear."  If there are Republicans hiding
behind the Democrat filibusters, let's smoke 'em out and get 'em on record.

We don't mind losing the good fight.  We mind not fighting the good fight.
Enough is enough.  Time for Republicans in the Senate to stand up and be
counted.  Get more information on how to reach Sen. Frist by going to the
Brushfire Alert page at

>From the Expert on Miserable Failures

"This president is a miserable failure! He is a miserable failure! . . .
He's a miserable failure on this issue! . . . This president is a miserable
failure on foreign policy and on the economy! . . . Why would we want to
keep anything of the Bush tax plan? It's a miserable failure!"

- Democrat presidential candidate Dick Gephardt in last week's primary
debate, Best of the Web, 9/8/03

It Is What It Is

"The kind of words we're hearing now from the Democratic candidates go
beyond political debate - this is political hate speech."

- Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie, "Meet the Press,"

(Un)Reality TV

"The  Democratic debate (in New Mexico last week) was one of those 'reality
television' shows that put real people in utterly unreal situations. In part
this is the nature of these preprimary debates, which treat nonentities and
crackpots like Carol Moseley Braun, Dennis Kucinich and Bob Graham as equals
of the serious candidates. When Kucinich actually began a sentence 'When I'm
president . . .,' the sheer ludicrousness of the moment diminished everyone
on the stage."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 9/8/03

Political Mistresses

"We must not be in a relationship with a Democratic Party that takes us for
granted. We must no longer be the political mistresses of the Democratic
Party.  A mistress is where they take you out to have fun but they can't
take you home to Mama and Daddy. Either we're going to get married in 2004
or we're going to find some folks who ain't ashamed to be seen with us."

- Democrat presidential candidate and world-class race hustler Al Sharpton

Mean Dean Imitates McCain Train

"Republican Party officials and political advisers to President Bush admit
that they underestimated Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean and
say they now consider him a formidable potential adversary.  Some Bush
allies say he reminds them of another insurgent candidate who once bedeviled
Bush: Arizona Sen. John McCain. His wins in Republican primary elections in
New Hampshire and Michigan rattled Bush's 2000 campaign."

- USA Today, 9/8/03

Send in the Clone

"Ever since that first meeting with Howard Dean some five years ago, I've
been trying to think of what politician he most resembles.  The former
governor of a small state, he is charismatic, good looking, wonkish, craving
of the spotlight, and capable of telling a room full of people precisely
what they want to hear. The obvious answer recently hit me: Dean is Bill
Clinton, but without the skirt-chasing."

- Club for Growth president Steve Moore

Low Blow

"California Gov. Gray Davis on Saturday took a dig at Republican
gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger, telling one potential voter
at a campaign stop that 'you shouldn't be governor unless you can pronounce
the name of the state.'  And the Schwarzenegger campaign wants a formal

- Fox News, 9/7/03

Legislative Fire Sale

"Liberal lawmakers, fearing that a Republican might win the governor's
mansion, are scrambling to pass as many bills as Gov. Gray Davis can sign
before the recall. . . . The worst idea before the Legislature is Senate
Bill 2, written by John Burton of San Francisco, the liberal president of
the state Senate. It would compel businesses with more than 20 workers to
pay almost all health insurance costs for employees--even part-time
workers--and their dependents. Companies would have to pay at least 95% of
health-care costs for low-income workers, and 80% for everyone else."

- John Fund's "Political Diary," 9/8/03

Arnold Steers Hard Left on Race Initiative

"The leading Democrat and Republican vying to replace Gov. Gray Davis are
both taking aim at another issue on the Oct. 7 recall ballot: Proposition
54, which would limit what racial data the government can collect.  Lt. Gov.
Cruz Bustamante is transferring $3.8 million in questioned contributions
from Indian tribes to a committee to fight the measure, his campaign
consultant said yesterday. And Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, under fire
for some of his positions on immigrant issues, said Saturday for the first
time that he also opposes the measure."

- Associated Press, 9/8/03

True Believer

"(California gubernatorial candidate Tom McClintock) subscribes unswervingly
to small-government principles and conservative social and fiscal ideals.
Colleagues and friends, Republicans and Democrats, uncannily describe him
with the same three words: ''A true believer.'"

- Alexa Bluth, Sacramento Bee, 9/7/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

4.75 cents-per-minute Long Distance

* All state-to-state calls in the continental U.S.
* Residential or commercial
* 6-second billing increments
* 24 hours/day
* 7 days/week
* No access codes
* No minimums
* No activation fees
* Calling Card Rate is 10 cents per minute
* No monthly service charge unless your bill is less than $20.00 a month
(then a $1.99 service charge will apply)
* No need to change your local phone company
* No hassles
* Easy sign-up.
* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News & Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

How to Subscribe

If you know someone who might like to receive News & Views, you can sign 'em
up at:

Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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