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This Week on "Always Right"

TWO great guests this week!

First up will be syndicated talk-show host Laura Ingraham who has a new book
out titled, "Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics and the
UN Are Subverting America."  Laura doesn't sugarcoat it.  For example, when
liberal actor Tim Robbins whined last spring about a "chill wind" of
censorship blowing through the entertainment community, Ingraham responded:
"With all the media face time Robbins and (actress Susan) Sarandon get, you
can forget a chill wind.  A Category 5 tornado wouldn't shut them up."


We'll also have Greg Conko of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) to
discuss the government's continuing War on Tobacco and an upcoming Senate
bill to authorize the FDA to ban public dissemination of information on
tobacco alternatives, particularly smokeless tobacco.

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
"Always Right with Chuck Muth" featuring Laura Ingraham and Greg Conko.  The
link to listen in is...

You can catch previous interviews on "Always Right" by visiting our archives

The More the Merrier?

"Polygamy (multiple spouses) is not worse than gay marriage, it is better.
At least polygamy, for all its ugly defects, is an attempt to secure stable
mother-father families for children."

- Columnist Maggie Gallagher

The Real Threats

"The real threats to family values are divorce, out-of-wedlock births and

- Former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson

"Survey Says!"

If we're going to spend time and money amending the Constitution, should we
work to pass a new 28th Amendment to ban gay "marriages" or to repeal the
16th Amendment and eliminate the income tax and the IRS?  Cast your online
vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

Ditzy Chicks Dump Country Music

"The Dixie Chicks say they don't want to be a country music band any more.
Violinist Martie Maguire told Spiegel magazine: 'We don't feel part of the
country scene any longer, it can't be our home any more.'  She said she was
disappointed other country singers didn't back up the Dixie Chicks in their
criticism of George W Bush's politics on Iraq."

-, 9/22/03

Coz Hits Air for Street

"Sam thinks Bill Cosby is very funny and a great pitchman for Jell-O.  The
difference here is that everybody likes Jell-O."

- Maureen Garrity, spokesman for Sam Katz - the GOP candidate opposing
Democrat Philadelphia Mayor John Street - on Cosby's campaign commercial for

Let's Pack It In, Guys

"If one were to listen to the clownish Democratic mouthpiece James Carville
and the rest of his 'Democracy Group,' there is practically no chance Mr.
Bush can win in November 2004. Between the lines of their most current
status report is the implied suggestion Mr. Bush should announce he will not
seek re-election."

- Columnist Dan Thomasson

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

"I would have been a Republican if Karl Rove had returned my phone calls."

- Attributed to Wesley Clark, quoted in Newsweek, Sept. 29 issue

"The General" Not Ready for Prime Time

"(Democrat candidate Wesley Clark is) not ready for prime time, he's not
ready to be president. He's not ready to be a member of Congress. In a
debate, any freshman congressman could kick his four-star butt back to

- Rich Galen,, 9/22/03

Bubba to Wife:  Run!

"Bill Clinton has been urging his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, to
break her promise to serve her full, six-year Senate term so that she can
run for president next year, it was reported yesterday.  Citing two sources
close to the Clintons, Time reports that the former president has been
urging his wife privately to reconsider her pledge not to run for president
in 2004.  The report said Bill also is pondering the most feasible way for
her to back out of her pledge to serve her full Senate term for New York."

- New York Post, 9/22/03

Mrs. McGovern-Steinberg-Dean

"A former Reagan White House official in Washington says the Clintons, for
the first time this summer, believe George Bush is vulnerable.  While a
Democrat can win the White House, they think, none of the Democrats in the
field either please them or can win.

"(Howard) Dean, the frontrunner, can win the nomination, but can't win in
November.  Already painted as part of the McGovern wing of the party, other
personal issues will dog Dean.  Democrats fear he comes off as too
immoderate.  The insider says a top Democrat reports that 'Middle America
won't like the fact that Dean's wife, Dr. Judith Steinberg, won't take his
last name.' In fact, she has kept a very low profile."

-, 9/21/03

Evaluating Howard Dean

"I served with (Democrat presidential candidate and former Vermont Gov.
Howard) Dean in the state Senate, ran against him for the governor's office
in 1992 and have watched him in action in the decade since. . . . Many are
asking what kind of a president Howard Dean would make.  Based on his 11
years as governor of Vermont, a reasonable person could fairly conclude that
he would not make a very good one.

"This verdict is not based on his views on particular issues.  It is based
on a review of his autocratic style, his lack of ability to deal with
bureaucratic management and his overwhelming commitment to his own political
ambitions rather than to any recognizable principle. . . . (I) believe more
Vermonters who have watched him closely as governor would, after sober
reflection, agree that as president Howard Dean would be far, far over his

- John McClaughry of the Ethan Allen Institute

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Depends on Your Definition of "Restraining"

"I have acted to strengthen our economy by cutting taxes and restraining
government spending."

- President Bush in a fundraising letter for his re-election campaign

It's the Spending, Stupid

"Just about everybody complains about the budget deficit, especially
President Bush's critics. But very few want to deal with its chief
underlying cause: too much spending."

- Columnist Donald Lambro

Liberal Fundamentalism

"To liberal fundamentalists, the answer to all problems is higher taxes. The
very thought of cutting spending is taboo to them."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

NEW "Muth's Truths" - Slaying the State Tax Dragons

The mainstream media seems to have missed it, but when given a say in
whether or not to have their taxes raised, voters all across the country are
saying NO! in a loud and clear voice.  Read all about this emerging
underground rebellion in the latest edition of "Muth's Truths" at

Free State Balloting Closes

"About 5,000 Americans have been holding an election, but for a state rather
than a candidate, and the one they choose will be a laboratory for what they
call the biggest experiment in democracy since the Revolutionary War.
Balloting will conclude Monday, and the winning state is to be announced
Oct. 1. Then members of the Free State Project (
hope to quadruple their numbers within two years, move there and start
transforming it into a national model for small government, few laws and
individual liberty."

- Associated Press, 9/21/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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