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This Week on Always Right

My guest this week will be Utah House Speaker Marty Stephens.  Mr. Stephens
is the only Speaker in Utah history to have been elected for a third term
and is also the new president for the National Conference of State
Legislatures.  The Speaker is a true and recognized friend of taxpayers and
a gubernatorial candidate in 2004.  He was also intimately involved with a
new report by the Representative Democracy in America Project which studied
the declining participation of citizens, especially among the young
"DotNets," in public life.

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
"Always Right with Chuck Muth" featuring Speaker of the Utah House of
Representatives Marty Stephens.  The link to listen in is...

You can catch previous interviews on "Always Right" by visiting our archives

Poll Vault: Arnold Jumps to Lead

"Arnold Schwarzenegger has muscled his way to a commanding lead in
California's recall campaign, according to the results of a stunning poll
released yesterday. A Gallup survey commission by CNN and USA Today showed
Golden State voters poised to pink-slip Gov. Gray Davis and install
political newcomer Schwarzenegger as their leader.

"Davis' recall has the support of 63 percent of voters, compared with 35
percent who oppose it, according to the poll.  It also shows a pumped-up
Schwarzenegger with a formidable lead, 40 percent to 25 percent, over his
closest rival, Democratic Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante."

- New York Post, 9/29/03

Hillary Blasts Arnold As Right-Winger

"New York Sen. Hillary Clinton warned Californians on Friday that GOP
gubernatorial front-runner Arnold Schwarzenegger is part of a right-wing
stampede hell-bent on taking over California the same way they've taken over
the nation.  'Let's make it absolutely clear that California is not going to
be stampeded by the same right-wingers that gave us the election in Florida
and are trying to do things that are really against our interest,' Clinton
told a West Hollywood 'women's rally' for incumbent Gov. Gray Davis via

-, 9/28/03

Last Call for October "War College"

There are still a couple seats available for the Campaign War College in
Baltimore on October 17-19.  If you're a candidate who REALLY wants to get
your WINNING campaign off on the right foot, this three day workshop is just
what the doctor ordered. Get all the details by clicking on the "Campaign
War College" button at

Crowded Field

"The situation in Iraq is not good, it's bad," said French Foreign Minister
Dominique de Villepin on Europe-1 radio over the weekend.  "There's a spiral
of violence and terror and everything must be done to stop it."  Villepin
was immediately added to the field of Democrat candidates for president, but
experts predict he's more likely to emerge as French-looking John Kerry's
vice-presidential running mate.

Dean Takes Shot At Former General

"I think what you see in the Wes Clark candidacy is a somewhat of a
desperation by inside-the-Beltway politicians.  You've got a lot of
establishment politicians now surrounding a general who was a Republican
until 25 days ago.  I do not think that the solution for Democrats
again is to draft Republicans and to support people who have been in
Washington for 25 and 30 years."

- Democrat presidential dwarf Howard Dean

Panic City at GOP HQ

"Anxiety about the 2004 presidential election that suddenly has grasped
Republican hearts, from the White House to the grass roots, can be traced to
President Bush's two important speeches on Iraq delivered over 15 days. They
were both duds.

"...Until now, George W. Bush always had risen to the occasion. But failure
marks current efforts of the president and his vaunted political team,
headed by Karl Rove. . . . Replacing the old mantra that there is no way for
Bush to lose, panicky Republicans studying the electoral map wonder whether
there is any way that they can win."

- Columnist Robert Novak

Which Way Do We Go, George?  Which Way Do We Go?

"I was chatting with some key staffers for the Majority in both the House
and Senate last week. They all said the same thing: Republican legislators
are confused. They are rudderless. They aren't sure which way they want to
go.  Some feel they must back the White House on everything. Others want to
oppose the White House on selective issues, such as the new entitlement
program for prescription drugs."

- Paul Weyrich, president of the Free Congress Foundation

The Cost of Free Drugs

"'If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it
costs when it's free,' P.J. O'Rourke once said. He may as well have been
describing the Medicare drug benefit being hatched by President Bush and
Congress. They're on the verge of approving the most expensive government
expansion since the Great Society."

- Brian Riedl & William Beach of the Heritage Foundation

The President's Safety Nanny

"Unfortunately, the (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) agency
is getting worse under President Bush's appointee, Jeffrey Runge, M.D. The
list of Big Brother initiatives he is pushing makes our alarm bells go off.
During his first week on the job, Dr. Runge enthusiastically endorsed
traffic cameras, which are unreliable and trample on due process by issuing
tickets and fines to an owner without any proof who might have been driving
his vehicle. He also has stated that a black box to record a driver's every
move should be mandatory on every automobile in America. According to one
Detroit auto executive, Dr. Runge has become 'the government's No. 1 SUV

"NHTSA recently has dedicated its brainpower toward finding some regulation
that will guarantee safe tire pressure on every car on the road. Somehow, we
think motorists can check that at the gas station. But never mind individual
responsibility: At every turn, NHTSA takes a stand that more regulation and
government harassment is the solution for greater safety.

"...Millions of Americans who voted for Mr. Bush did so partly to get a
break from nanny-state overregulation. Conservatives do not vote Republican
to get stuck with federal administrators, such as Dr. Runge, who seem to
believe we are just one more federal regulation away from mandating a safe
world. He should be given his walking papers."

- Washington Times editorial, 9/29/03

911 Patches Still Available

"Dear Chuck," writes News & Views reader R. L. "Bob" Dean, "the Fallen
Heroes patches you sent us by FAR exceeded our WILDEST expectations.  They
are BEAUTIFUL!  I'm going to have them sewn on to the backs of our yacht
club jackets, which we wear often.  Thank you very much, both for the
patches AND for your outSTANDing production of News and Views."

You can still get one of these beautiful commemorative patches for FREE with
a $50 or more contribution to Citizen Outreach. AND your contribution is
tax-deductible.  For additional information, just click on the "Fallen
Heroes" button at

More Urgent Than Abortion?

"Using pulpits, petitions, and political action committees, conservative
activists are mobilizing a grass-roots political movement against gay
marriage that they say is more intense and urgent than their campaigns
against abortion. . . . . Social conservatives agree that same-sex marriage
has reenergized a movement that had fallen on hard times financially and had
no single, compelling message."

- Boston Globe, 9/28/03

For Our Own Good

"When a politician insists he is looking after our own good, I start looking
after my own wallet. Laws carry consequences and fines. Laws also often
carry taxes and fees ... all in an effort to police good behavior and
penalize bad. We've done it for ages, slapping sin taxes on everything from
liquor to cigarettes."

- Columnist Neil Cavuto

Leader of the Pack

"I'm against all quotas, all set-asides.  America is the greatest. We got
ahead by hard work.  We shouldn't respond to every problem with a government

- Republican Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Bobby Jindal, son of
immigrants from India, who recently took the lead in polls over Democrat
incumbent Lt. Gov. Kathleen Blanco and incumbent Democrat Attorney General
Richard Ieyou

Arizonans Fed Up With Illegals

"A poll shows Arizona voters overwhelmingly support a proposed ballot
initiative that would cut off services to illegal immigrants, despite a wall
of opposition from both Republican and Democratic politicians.  The poll,
released last week by Arizona State University and KAET-TV, found that 70
percent of voters surveyed said they would back the initiative, even though
organizers are still gathering signatures to place it on the November 2004

- Washington Times, 9/29/03

DC's Publik Skools At Werk

"Incredibly, 6 percent (fewer that 1 in 10) of D.C. fourth-graders are
proficient in math. A whopping 90 percent can't read at their level. The
dropout rate: 42 percent."

- John McCaslin's "Inside the Beltway," 9/29/03  (Editor's Note:  Sen. Arlen
Specter, who sent his own kids to private schools, opposes a school choice
bill for DC's poor kids. Specter is being opposed in his re-election bid by
conservative Rep. Pat Toomey in the GOP primary.)

Relatively Speaking:  Suburbs Ain't Much Better

"Too many suburban parents may be too easily satisfied that their schools
are doing a good job because the students there score in the top 10 percent
or 20 percent on standardized tests. Suburban schools may look good compared
to inner-city schools, but both look bad compared to their counterparts in
other countries."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Up In Smoke

"In Canada, the courts recently ruled that patients suffering from AIDS,
cancer and other diseases were entitled to enjoy the benefits of 'medical
marijuana' - and not just any old marijuana, but official government
marijuana, supplied to them by Health Canada, the government health system.
. . . Of the first 10 patients to be supplied with the government weed, half
claim it's the worst pot they've ever smoked. They're sending it back to
Ottawa, and they want a full refund.

"...One reason I'm in favour of small government is because there's hardly
anything the government doesn't do worse than anybody else who wants to give
it a go. . . . But when the government of a G-7 nation can't run a small
marijuana sideline as well as a college student with a window box, that
seems to set an entirely new standard for official underperformance."

- Columnist Mark Steyn

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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