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Extra!  Extra!  Read All About It

As you all know, Citizen Outreach was neck deep in the just-completed
Justice for Judges marathon (  I did manage to
squeeze in about 5 hours of total sleep during the 52+ hours we were engaged
in this effort starting early Wednesday morning.  I'll have more to say on
the entire experience in the days ahead (including a revealing, in-depth
insider after-action report this Sunday in DC Confidential), but here's a
nice write up by CNS News on the marathon which notes our participation in
this important effort:\Nation\archive\200311\NAT20031112a.html

Sit Ubu, Sit


As the Senate concludes its 30-hour talkathon on judicial filibusters, we
thought readers might like to peer inside the filibustering Democratic mind,
such as it is.

This plunge into the murky deep comes from staff strategy memos we've
obtained from the days when Democrats ran the Senate Judiciary Committee
from 2001-2002. Or, rather, appeared to run the committee. Their real bosses
are the liberal interest groups that more or less tell the Senators when to
sit, speak and roll over -- and which Bush judges to confirm or not. Here
are some excerpts:

November 6, 2001/To: Senator Dick Durbin

"You are scheduled to meet with leaders of several civil rights
organizations to discuss their serious concerns with the judicial nomination
process. The leaders will likely include: Ralph Neas (People For the
American Way), Kate Michelman (NARAL), Nan Aron (Alliance for Justice), Wade
Henderson (Leadership Conference on Civil Rights), Leslie Proll (NAACP Legal
Defense & Education Fund), Nancy Zirkin (American Association of University
Women), Marcia Greenberger (National Women's Law Center), and Judy Lichtman
(National Partnership)....

"...The primary focus will be on identifying the most controversial and/or
vulnerable judicial nominees. The groups would like to postpone action on
these nominees until next year, when (presumably) the public will be more
tolerant of partisan dissent."

November 7, 2001/To: Senator Durbin

"The groups singled out three -- Jeffrey Sutton (6th Circuit); Priscilla
Owen (5th Circuit); and Caroline [sic] Kuhl (9th Circuit) -- as a potential
nominee for a contentious hearing early next year, with a [sic] eye to
voting him or her down in Committee. They also identified Miguel Estrada
(D.C. Circuit) as especially dangerous, because he has a minimal paper
trail, he is Latino, and the White House seems to be grooming him for a
Supreme Court appointment. They want to hold Estrada off as long as

February 28, 2002/To: SENATOR [Kennedy]

"Ralph Neas called to let us know that he had lunch with Andy Stern of SEIU.
Andy wants to be helpful as we move forward on judges, and he has great
contacts with Latino media outlets..."

April 17, 2002/To: SENATOR [Kennedy]

"Elaine Jones of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund tried to call you
today...Elaine would like the Committee to hold off on any 6th Circuit
nominees until the University of Michigan case regarding the
constitutionality of affirmative action in higher education is decided by
the en banc 6th Circuit....The thinking is that the current 6th Circuit will
sustain the affirmative action program, but if a new judge with conservative
views is confirmed before the case is decided, that new judge will be able,
under 6th Circuit rules, to review the case and vote on it."

June 12, 2002/To: SENATOR (Kennedy)

"...Ultimately, if [Chairman Pat] Leahy insists on having an August hearing,
it appears that the groups are willing to let [Timothy] Tymkovich [10th
Circuit] go through (the core of the coalition made that decision last
night, but they are checking with the gay rights groups)."

Mr. Tymkovich apparently got the gay OK.


- Wall Street Journal editorial, 11/14, 03

Battle of the Blowhards

Who is the biggest "windbag" in the Senate?  Cast your vote by clicking on
the "Survey Says!" button at

Also, some folks suggest that it's better if we DON'T break the Democrat
filibusters, so that WE can use the filibuster against liberal nominees if,
God forbid, she-who-shall-not-be-named gets elected and Republicans lose the
majority in the Senate.  What do you think?  Vote in our "Online Poll" at

Consciousness Raising

Chuck:  Good work, by the way, covering the marathon.  I'm sending a
donation soon, in the form of No-Doze. . . . Seriously, I've watched more
C-SPAN lately than I have my entire adult life.  And if this is any
indication of how things are debated in general, may the gods deliver us
all.  I sometimes felt I was watching a cross between Comedy Central and a
Michael Moore production.  Let's hope a few discerning Americans were able
to sort through the blather, discover some semblance of the truth in this
issue, and took the time to raise hell with their senators.  I did...and
then some.  Thanks again, Chuck."

- Swede Swenson of Ardmore, Oklahoma  (Yes, THAT Ardmore, Oklahoma...where
the "Chicken D's" from Texas hid out earlier this year.)

Major League Butt Covering

"Thank you for contacting us with your concern. This gives us the
opportunity to provide you with the latest correct information.  Hallmark
was not involved in the production of 'The Reagans,' is not a sponsor of the
program and with current information about the program now available, will
not be involved in its distribution.  We appreciate the time you took to
share your views."

- Latest official response to folks who emailed Hallmark Cards objecting
their distribution of the now-cancelled Reagan hatchet job on CBS

Move On Says Rocky; Not So Fast Says Roberts

Sen. John Rockefeller (D) is under fire because a memo by one of his
unidentified staffers exposed a plan to use the Senate Intelligence
Committee to hammer the President and Republicans in next year's election
over prewar Iraqi intelligence reports.  Republicans and the White House are
livid over the plan and have stopped work on the intelligence investigation.
But Rockefeller, in a letter to committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R), says it'
s time to let bygones be bygones and move on.  No way, Jose, says Roberts.
The chairman is demanding an acknowledgement of wrongdoing and an apology
for the memo.  Nice try though, Rocky.

Yuletide e-Mail Tax?

"The effort to make permanent a temporary ban on Internet access taxes has
stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate. But don't blame the Democrats.
Fault instead two GOP senators, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and George
Voinovich of Ohio. Both are using procedural legerdemain to prevent a vote
on the Internet Tax Nondiscrimination Act, a provision that not only keeps
the taxman away from your AOL or EarthLink account but also bans 'multiple
or discriminatory' levies on electronic commerce. A temporary Internet tax
moratorium, in place for the past five years, expired on Nov. 1. If Congress
doesn't act to extend it before winter recess, don't be surprised by a
yuletide e-mail tax."

- Wall Street Journal editorial

The Case Against the Federal Abortion Ban

"A loud din has arisen from opponents of the national ban on partial-birth
abortion signed into law by President Bush on November 5. I might actually
agree with them but, if I did, our policy reasons would be light years
apart. . . . (I) believe partial-birth abortions should be illegal, (but my)
inclination to question the law just signed by the president is that he,
rather than a governor, signed it. It's about federalism. Why is abortion
the business of the federal government?"

- Columnist and highly-missed former NM GOP Chairman John Dendahl (Satan
made me say that!)

The Greatest Hero of the 507th

"As former POW Jessica Lynch prepares for the release later this month of
her $1 million memoir, the airing of her first TV interview, and a TV movie
about the attack on the Army's 507th Maintenance Company, the soldier
considered by many to be the 507th's greatest hero enjoys more modest
rewards.  Reduced-priced license plates, just $3, for receiving the Purple
Heart and the Prisoner of War medal.

"...At sunrise on the morning of March 23, the vehicles and soldiers of the
507th were being torn apart.  (23-year-old Pfc. Patrick) Miller set out
alone to wreak havoc on a contingent of Iraqis who were trying to lob
mortars on several of the soldiers. The Army says Miller 'may have killed as
many as nine Iraqi combatants.'

"With an aversion to bragging, the Kansan has no doubt about what he did or
did not do, how many he killed or wounded: 'Seven in the mortar pit, one in
the tree line, and I ran over one guy.'

"If it wasn't for his actions during the ambush, which earned Miller one of
the military's highest awards, the Silver Star, several soldiers feel
certain they would not have survived."

- Honolulu Advertiser, 11/3/03  ( Note:  Read the full story, including
Miller's humorous Skoal "candy" story by going to: )

Campaign War College:  Basic Training

By the way, details on our one-day-only, 12-hour Campaign Boot Camp in Las
Vegas on November 29th can be found by clicking the "Campaign War College"
button at  To sign up and pay your tuition using
PayPal, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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