Title: ChuckMuth.com - Political Action with an Attitude!






January 20, 2004

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CPAC is the grand-daddy of all conservative political action conferences on the planet.  And for the first time in CPAC's history, we'll be webcasting "live" for the entire three days, beginning on Thursday at 10:30 a.m. (EST).  For additional details or to listen in, go to www.rightalk.com 

For additional information on CPAC and to see the line-up of conservative super-stars who will be speaking this year, go to: www.cpac.org

In addition, we’ll have a special up-to-the minute play-by-play News & Views “blog” running throughout the conference.  You’ll be able to access it at: http://www.chuckmuth.com/newsandviews/nv.cfm



“My problem with Martin Luther King Day is that it celebrates a civil rights revolution that achieved the opposite of King’s intention. Today we are judged by the color of our skin.  This conclusion is inescapable wherever we look.

“Those with darker skins have become ‘preferred minorities’ with rights to employment, promotions, training programs, university admissions, and federal contracts that are greater than those of ‘whites.’  New crimes known as ‘hate crimes’ are being created that only ‘whites’ can commit and only ‘preferred minorities’ can suffer. If a ‘white’ assaults a ‘black,’ the charge will be assault and a hate crime. If a ‘black’ assaults a ‘white,’ the charge is only assault. 

"‘Preferred minorities’ have special rights to be offended that ‘whites’ do not have. Indeed, a ‘white’ who offends a ‘black,’ whether intentionally or unintentionally, can be charged with racial discrimination or with a hate crime.  Preferred minorities can call whites names, but whites cannot call preferred minorities names.  Ordinary language has become a minefield for whites, who must tiptoe around, aware that the slightest mishap can bring a lawsuit or destroy a career.”

- Columnist Paul Craig Roberts


Tune in Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for “Always Right with Chuck Muth.”  Our special guest this week will be Tom Schatz of Citizens Against Government Waste .  For the full re-broadcast schedule, click on the “Always Right” link at Citizen Outreach

Click HERE to listen in at airtime. 


“Government employee unions back Howard Dean. Industrial unions are for Dick Gephardt. If either Mr. Dean or Mr. Gephardt wins (the Iowa caucus) it will be a big psychological boost for his wing of the union movement. If John Kerry or John Edwards score a surprise win without having major union support, it will call into question how much clout labor's vaunted ground troops really have.”

- Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund, 1/19/04


“Former Vice President Jimmy Carter revealed on Sunday that he never actually invited Democrat presidential candidate Howard Dean to come to church with him on the day before the Iowa caucuses. . . . ‘I didn't invite him, but I'm glad he came,’ Carter stated. ‘[Dean] called me on the phone and said he'd like to come worship with me... He called and asked me if it would be all right.’

“This contradicts what Dean said last week after his campaign sent out the press release.  ‘When the former President of the United States asks you to go to church with him on a Sunday before the caucuses, I think you probably take that up,’ said the Democrat presidential front-runner during a campaign stop in Iowa.  Dean had been offered several dates in February and March, but chose to make the visit the Sunday before the Iowa caucuses.”

- Talon News, 1/19/04


“Democratic White House hopeful Wesley Clark was endorsed yesterday by George McGovern, the former South Dakota senator who ran as the party's presidential candidate in 1972 on an anti-Vietnam War platform. . . . ‘I've been around the political block, and I can tell you I know a true progressive when I see one,’ Mr. McGovern said.”

- Greg Pierce’s “Inside Politics,” 1/19/04


“If the rap against (Howard) Dean is that he's gaffe-prone, shoots from the hip, says loopy stuff — that goes tenfold for (Wesley) Clark. . . . I would say Howard Dean is a sane man pretending to be crazy. Whereas Mr. Clark gives every indication of a crazy man pretending to be sane.”

- Columnist Mark Steyn


Which is the more frightening “Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue” - Howard Dean winning the presidency in 2004 or Hillary Clinton winning it in 2008?  Cast your ballot today by clicking on the “Survey Says!” button at www.citizenoutreach.com


RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie said on “This Week” Sunday he expects the presidential race will be close in November, but also said the GOP was “as united today under George W. Bush as I have seen it since Ronald Reagan.”  Other than those minor disagreements on immigration amnesty, prescription drugs, campaign finance reform, government marriage counselors and putting a man on Mars, that is.

Is the White House unaware of the serious cracks in its base, or just unconcerned.  After all, looking at the Democrat field of candidates, where else do conservatives have to go?  Weigh in on this issue on our Discussion Board.


"U.S. census information provided by millions of Americans was used in a government study to profile airline passengers as terrorist risks.  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration also obtained for its study the private information of hundreds of thousands of passengers flying Northwest Airlines, an action NASA denied to The Washington Times in September.

"...The NASA study highlights concerns among civil-liberties advocates that the government is gathering private information and even using its own data — contrary to repeated official assurances from the Census Bureau — to develop a data-mining system to prescreen all airline passengers. ... Bill Scannell, president of the group DontSpyOnUs.com, called the inclusion of census information 'absolutely appalling.' "

- Washington Times


Why are so many conservatives up in arms and in open revolt over the President’s illegal alien amnesty proposal?  Find out by reading this week’s “Muth’s Truths” at www.citizenoutreach.com


“If we are not enforcing current immigration laws, the question naturally arises: Why would we be any more likely to enforce new laws?  Without a clear, firm intent to enforce existing laws, what would discourage more illegal immigrants from entering the country in hopes of yet another 'guest-worker' or amnesty bill in the future. . . . As a nation, we need to return to Thomas Jefferson's point about immigration: that we should welcome all, but take seriously the rules governing their entry and participation in American life.  Anything less undercuts the sanctity of our laws and the value of being a citizen of the greatest nation on earth."

- Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Arizona), Washington Times, 1/19/04


“Instead of squabbling over piecemeal legislation in an election year, rolling amnesties or a return of braceros, we might as well bite the bullet and reconsider an immigration policy that worked well enough for some 200 years for people from all over the world.

“Reasonable advocates can set a realistic figure for legal immigration from Mexico. Then we must enforce our border controls; consider a one-time citizenship process for current residents who have been here for two or three decades; apply stiff employer sanctions; deport those who now break the law--and return to social and cultural protocols that promote national unity through assimilation and integration.

“In the short term, under such difficult reform, we of the American Southwest might pay more for our food, hotel rooms and construction. Yet eventually we will save far more through reduced entitlements, the growing empowerment of our own entry-level workers (many of them recent and legal immigrants from Mexico), and the easing of social and legal problems associated with some eight million to 12 million illegal residents.  More importantly still, our laws would recover their sanctity.”

- Columnist Victor Davis Hanson of the Hoover Institute, Wall Street Journal, 1/19/04


“U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) is working to put a state constitutional amendment on the November ballot that would bar people living in Colorado illegally from receiving state services, he said Friday.  The proposal is a reaction to President Bush's plan, announced earlier this month, to legalize as many as 8 million immigrants who live and work in this country illegally.”

- Denver Post, 1/17/04


State of the Union Address
Democrat Primary
Omnibus Spending Bill
Bush & His Base
Immigration Nation

Weigh in. Share your opinion.  Comment.  Inter-activate.  Just go to:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/


A 17-year-old California student has been the subject of threats in response to his founding of a conservative club on his high school campus...and teachers are accused of sitting back and doing nothing to help.  Last week, 15 police officers were summoned to the school after Tim Bueler’s lunchtime meeting was interrupted by angry students who objected to the Conservative Club’s criticism of President Bush’s amnesty proposal for illegal aliens.  For their part, many of the teachers have their knickers in a twist over the Conservative Club establishing a “liberal assault hotline” to report left-leaning teachers.  Read more HERE.


“On Feb. 3, Oregonians will vote on an $800 million tax increase that legislators passed last August in their latest attempt to patch holes in the state budget.  (Former House Majority Leader Dick) Armey's Citizens for a Sound Economy, which was instrumental in putting the Oregon tax increase before voters by collecting 118,000 petition signatures, argues that state government needs to reduce spending rather than raise taxes. . . . Public opinion polls have shown the tax increase is opposed by a majority of voters.”

- Washington Times, 1/19/04


Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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