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As y'all aren't garden variety political activists who just fell off a
turnip truck last night, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on WHY
candidate training is so important to our cause.  I'll just make a few quick
observations...and then ask for your help, OK?

1.)  You can't change public policy without changing public officials.

2.)  You can't beat somebody with nobody.

3.)  You can't govern if you can't win.

4.)  More races are lost because of lousy campaigns, not lousy candidates.

Campaigns are increasingly complicated and technical.  You wouldn't try
building a house without some training, but all too many rookie candidates -
with nothing but the best of intentions - try to get themselves elected
without knowing spit from spam when it comes to running a campaign.

I have NO training for being a lawyer or a surgeon and I can GUARANTEE you
don't want me defending you in court or cracking open your skull for brain
surgery.  Candidates need to think about running a political campaign the
same way.  They NEED training.  They WANT training.  And with just a little
bit of help, a large number of "almost" winners can become ACTUAL winners.

Now here's the problem.  Or I should say...problems.

Thanks to the McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform law, the Republican
National Committee can no longer take "soft" money contributions. Those were
the large corporate donations which the RNC used to fund its extensive
candidate training programs...which, at one time, were GREAT.  No mas.

...And ever since Newt left Congress, GOPAC - which also once did GREAT
candidate training seminars - has been but a shell of itself and no longer
produces the workshops, tapes and books it once did.

...And the Leadership Institute, which used to conduct the best darn
Grassroots Activist training program in this hemisphere, has dramatically
scaled back its efforts for some reason.  As of today, they have ONLY TWO
training schools scheduled between now and the November elections: One in
Wilmington, DE, in March...and one in Arlington, VA, in June.  Not much help
to folks west of the Mississippi.

...And frankly, at the state and local level you often have people putting
on training seminars who are either (a) political hacks whose expertise
stops at which side of a stamp to lick, or (b) political consultants who are
only looking for new clients and really have no ability (or desire) to teach
under-funded candidates how to run a winning campaign without the candidate
paying them major fungolas.

Now, as you know I've been conducting training seminars around the country
for the last eight years or so.  And in all modesty, I'm pretty darn good at
it.  In fact, if I ever give up this political gig I'd probably want to
become a teacher (much to the consternation of that "terrorist
 organization," the NEA!).

But it is VERY expensive to put on a "live" seminar to train just a couple
dozen candidates in person.  Between the travel expenses and the cost to
rent a hotel meeting room - not to mention some compensation for the trainer
's time - a good, quality training workshop can easily run a couple thousand
dollars.  And without some serious underwriting by some major donors, the
only way to offset those costs is to charge an arm-and-a-leg for
registration fees.  But, heck, if the candidates had THAT kind of money they
wouldn't NEED the seminars. They'd just go out and hire a professional
campaign manager to run their race.

Now add in the fact that, since most candidates still have jobs, you have to
conduct these seminars on weekends.  That means time factors alone limit the
number of seminars you can do in the few months' time leading up to an
election to a couple dozen.  With those cost and time limitations in mind,
that means seminars generally must be held ONLY in major cities.

So what about those candidates who can't get away to attend the seminar for
job, money or other reasons...not to mention those who live in small towns
and cities such as Minot, North Dakota or Elko, Nevada?  THEY have to travel
themselves, stay overnight in a hotel, etc.  Again, the cost keeps them from
learning the sorts of things which could very well help put them in the
winner's circle on election day.

And finally, there's my own selfishness.

I've never had a problem with traveling around the country and taking a
couple days off to help these good, deserving candidates get off on the
right foot with our "Campaign War College."  But that was before I had kids.
Frankly - and I KNOW this is selfish - but given a choice between taking a
weekend to fly to St. Louis to do a training seminar...or take my 2-year-old
and 4-year-old daughters to the zoo, playground, circus, beach or
camping...well, it's no contest. Sorry.

But thankfully, technology now offers us a NEW option: Webcasting.

The folks at World Profit - who have provided our listserve which
distributes News & Views every day on the 'net for the last eight years -
now offer a Webcast System...at an affordable price.  With this system, I
can conduct our campaign training programs ONLINE for a fraction of what it
costs to do a live seminar.  And that means any candidate with access to the
Internet would be able to participate anywhere in the WORLD.  It also
provides for live interactive "chat," so participants will be able to ask
questions during the presentations.

Plus, I'll be able to conduct "Campaign War College" workshops in the
mornings or in the evenings.  On weekdays or weekends.  East Coast time or
West Coast time.  Or both.  As often as we like.  And the full system
provides enough bandwidth to handle up to 100 participants at a time.  All
at a fraction of what I'd need to charge for a "live" seminar and...best of
all...from the comfort of my own home office. The only down side is that
occasionally the kids might run in and interrupt a webcast with some fight
over a cookie or the ol' "read me a story."  But that's a manageable risk we
'll just have to take!  :)

And once the system is in operation, it can be used for all kinds of
seminars, conferences, workshops, forums and meetings for any kind of group
of grassroots activists, organizations, party leaders, etc.  We'll also be
able to do live, online briefings when important votes or issues pop up for
activists on the front lines...nationally or locally.  The possibilities are

All thanks to this thingy Al Gore invented...the Internet!

If you want to take a look at the system and how it works, just go to
http://webcast.worldprofit.com/showroom/video_closing_room.cfm?id=0 and
click on the "Launch Demo Video" link.

Anyway, it costs $2,500 to rent the system for a FULL YEAR with UNLIMITED
use.  That's about the cost of doing just ONE "live" in-person seminar in
Los Angeles.  With this system, I'll be able to help THOUSANDS of
conservative candidates instead of dozens.

I'm ready to go today.  November is coming awfully fast and we have
candidates out there who need help NOW.  And in the immortal words of John
Wayne from his classic "McClintock" movie:  "All it takes is money."

So I'm asking you to consider kicking in a few shillings to help us purchase
this system right away and develop the online training programs we need as
soon as possible.  $10, $20, $50, $100 . . . whatever you can spare for the
cause.  As soon as we have the money needed to obtain the system, we'll
"launch and learn."

I've created a special link to our secure online PayPal account so you can
make a donation via credit card strictly for this special project.  Just
click on the link below (if the link is broken, make sure you paste the
WHOLE link into your browser, including the characters which dropped to the
second line)...


Or if you prefer, send a check made payable to Citizen Outreach via "snail
mail" to:

Citizen Outreach
"Webcast System"
611 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003

As always, I thank you in advance for your ongoing and generous
support...but I also want to thank you on behalf of all the candidates who
are going to benefit from this technological opportunity.  This will mean
more of THEM will get into office...which in turn means FEWER of the "bad
guys" will be in office!

Prof. Chuck Muth
Doctor of Psephology (home-schooled)

P.S.  By the way, if you have a business or an organization of your own,
this webcasting program might be something YOU'D be interested in.  If so,
just email Sandi Hunter at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for additional
information.  And feel free to tell her I sent you.  She's GREAT to work

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