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“Euro-crats Stick it to Microsoft”      
by Chuck Muth
March 28, 2004

Much like Wal-Mart and Mickey D’s, everybody hates Microsoft...except, of course, the 
millions and millions of people who use and buy their products day after day after day.

The European Union - home of the world-famous cheese-eating surrender monkeys - has 
joined the I-Hate-Microsoft crowd. The EU’s Mario Monti has decided to stick it 
royally to Microsoft, fining the cheeky American company $612 million for having the 
audacity to actually sell a product that European consumers want, can afford and which 
actually works.  

I have to admit that as a proud card-carrying techno-troglodyte, I didn’t understand 
what the all this fuss was about.  So I asked Fred Smith of the Competitive Enterprise 
Institute to ‘splain it to me in layman’s terms in an interview last week.  Maybe his 
analogy will help you, as well...

Let’s say Henry Ford invents the automobile.  Later, he finds out that people want 
radios in his cars.  So Ford decides to manufacture his own version of a radio and 
installs them in every car. When he does, the independent radio manufacturers go 
meshungana because Ford’s selling cars pre-installed with Ford-made radios instead of 
their radios.

Naturally, the sour-grape radio manufacturers do the American thing and sue Ford for 
anti-trust violations, enlisting Janet Reno’s great-great-grandfather, Ahab Reno, to 
hunt down and kill the great white auto-whale...but not until after he orders the 
cavalry to storm a Indian village, burning it to the ground and killing everyone 
inside in order to “save” the children.

But I digress.

To make a long story short, Ford and the government duke it out until Ford realizes 
the referee in the fight is in the government’s pocket.  So he settles the case under 
the best terms he could get under the circumstances.  He’s still in business.  And the 
lawyers on both sides are swimming in champagne and caviar.

Now, while all this is going on, our friends over the pond hear about this wonderful 
new invention called the automobile (which Al Gore’s great-great-grandfather now 
claims HE invented) and...get this...they want ‘em, too.  So what’s that capitalist 
SOB Ford do?  He ships his cars to Europe.  Europeans buy ‘em.  Ford makes money.  And 
Europeans no longer have to take a pooper-scooper with them on their trips to the 
grocery store.  Everybody’s happy.

Well, almost everybody.  See, Europe has more than its fair share of useless 
bureaucrats, too.  In fact, I think the “bureaucrat” was the first European invention 
ever exported to the United States. Talk about a Trojan horse.  In any event, one of 
those bureaucrats learns of Ahab Reno’s anti-trust case and brings the same charges 
against Ford.

Ford, having been down this road before, decides to negotiate with the Euro-weenies 
for a settlement along the same lines as the one extorted out of them by the 
Americans.  Only the European bureaucrat in charge demands more.  It’s not enough that 
Ford allow other radios be installed in their European cars.  No, he has to sell cars 
without any radio being pre-installed and give his competitors all the secret 
manufacturing information on the construction of the car so a European competitor can 
rip it off easily.  

In addition, Ford has to promise not to add any additional new features to his cars in 
the future without first getting the bureaucrat’s permission.  You know, something 
like, say...air conditioning.  So Ford tells the bureau-weenies to stick it in their 
ear and decides to take his chances in a court of law.

That, in nutshell is what happened to Microsoft.  Except instead of it being a car, 
it’s the Windows operating system, which many of you are using to read this column 
this very minute.  And instead of it being a radio, it’s Microsoft’s Media Player.  

The Euro-crats are still the same. 

Now, some people will blow this whole thing off because they figure Microsoft is a 
huge conglomerate which can afford to take it in the shorts.  But if this 
I-hate-American-business precedent stands, the prospects of successful world trade for 
all U.S. companies will be at serious risk.  That means American jobs.  That means 
American prosperity.  Indeed, this decision could mean war...a trade war, that is.  
And that means no one wins. 

Except, of course,  the legal vultures and pencil-pushing bureau-geeks. Thanks, Monti.

# # #

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy advocacy 
organization in Washington, D.C.  The views expressed are his own and do not 
necessarily reflect the views of Citizen Outreach.  He may be reached at [EMAIL 

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