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July 12, 2004

Hey, did you hear the one about the Democrat congresswoman who wrote to the United 
Nations requesting that it “monitor” this fall’s presidential election here in the 
United States?  No?  Well, it’s true.  It actually happened.

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, misrepresenting the great state of Texas, along with a 
“dirty dozen” of her far-left, America-hating, Bush-whacking colleagues, have 
petitioned Kofi Anan expressing concern “that the right of U.S. citizens to vote in 
free and fair elections is again in jeopardy” and asked for a team of “international 
election monitors” to oversee the November 2 balloting.

Now, just consider this lunacy for a minute.  As the American Conservative Union asks, 
“Can you imagine a delegation from China, Haiti, Uganda, and Libya traveling around 
the United States of America each November, poking their noses into polling booths, 
huddled with Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton, screaming and waving their hands in 
front of TV cameras?”  Insane.

So it should go without saying that anything Rep. Johnson proposes should never be 
taken seriously...though I can’t help but say it anyway.  Based on this hair-brained 
idea alone (not that there aren’t plenty of other examples), anything proposed by this 
woman should be automatically rejected out of hand.  Which brings me to the reason I 
brought this up in the first place.

There’s a vacancy on the Postal Rate Commission.  The post office, as you know, is a 
government-protected monopoly.  Among other things, the PRC is supposed to be an 
independent board overseeing the monopoly’s operations, approving rate hike requests 
and considering the closure of under-utilized facilities.

Now get this: The person the Senate is considering to fill the PRC vacancy, Mr. Dawn 
Tisdale, is a former post office employee and labor union leader.  

Can you say “conflict of interest,” boys and girls?  What are the odds that this man 
would vote in favor of closing an unneeded postal facility if that would mean putting 
some of his fellow union buddies out of work?  And what are the odds that this fellow 
would vote against a rate increase which would boost the pay or benefits of those same 
fellow union buddies?  Come on.  We’re talking rubber stamp here.

And now the coup de gras:  Who do you think sponsored Mr. Tisdale's nomination at his 
Senate hearing?  You guessed it.  Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson!  Need I say more?

No way this nomination should be approved by the Senate.  It’s both bad policy AND bad 
politics.  Yet that Senate committee voted the Tisdale nomination out...and it could 
come before the full Senate for a vote at any time.

By the way, did I forget to mention that Democrats in the Senate - those same 
Democrats who are supported OVERWHELMINGLY by the very unions Mr. Tisdale represents - 
continue to sit on and are holding up a half-dozen conservative judicial nominees who 
have absolutely no conflict of interest whatsoever?  Oh, good.  I wouldn’t want to 
leave anything out.

Folks, this is one of those inside-the-beltway political skirmishes which don’t 
usually get a whole lotta media attention...but which pose enormous dangers and 
potential negative consequences to the conservative movement for years to come.  It 
appears the Democrats are trying to slide it in under the radar screen while no one is 
looking and before anyone raises a stink.

BRUSHFIRE ALERT:  Well, a stink needs to be raised...and we’re just the guys to raise 
it.  It’s really, really, REALLY time for conservatives to let Republican Senate 
Majority Leader Bill Frist - who is keenly aware of the Democrat obstruction of the 
president’s judicial nominees and has in his power the ability to return the favor - 
know exactly what we think of the nomination of Rep. Johnson’s union rubber stamp for 
the Postal Rate Commission.

You can reach Sen. Frist’s office by calling (202) 224-3344.  Or send him an email by 
going to his website at:  

Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach

Here’s the text of the message I sent...which you may feel free to copy and send under 
your own name if you’d like…

“The nomination of Dawn Tisdale to the Postal Rate Commission should meet, at the very 
least, the same fate as that of the half-dozen judicial nominees being filibustered by 
Democrats in the Senate.  He has a tremendous conflict of interest due to his 
employment history and deep involvement in labor union activities.  He'd be a rubber 
stamp for higher postal rates and an obstruction to necessary postal reforms.  Better 
to reject his nomination outright.”

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