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Judicial Booby Hatch
October 28, 2003

The Democrats have launched an unprecedented use of the filibuster to block
President Bush's judicial nominees.  Republican leaders for months have been
swearing that there would be a "pay to price" for their continued
obstruction.  Now we're finally finding out just who is going to pay that


That is, if Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) gets his way.

You see, Sen. Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat, has been blocking all of the
President's judicial nominees from Michigan because he wants one of the
vacancies to go to the wife of Mr. Levin's first cousin.  But rather than
penalize Levin for his continued self-serving obstruction, the Washington
Times reports today
( that Hatch
is prepared to create TWO NEW SEATS on the federal courts, ostensibly to
give one to Levin in return for his releasing the rest of President Bush's
nominees...a deal other Republicans are comparing to "negotiating with

If Hatch gets his way and Levin gets his deal, the only people paying a
price for the Democrats' obstruction will!  Big time.  That's
because the taxpayers will pick up the full cost of the two new judicial
seats.  The Times estimates that the first year cost will be $1.8 million,
with an additional cost to maintain those seats exceeding $1.6 million PER

When talk turns to breaking the Democrats' filibusters of President Bush's
judicial nominees, GOP leaders have been telling us, "Don't worry, be happy.
We have a plan.  Everything is under control.  You'll see.  This is a
marathon, not a sprint."

Uh-huh.  Well, we've already lost one stellar judicial nominee this fall
when Miguel Estrada called it quits and withdrew his nomination.  Is that
the Republican leadership's "plan" to end the filibusters?  Wait until all
the blocked nominees quit?  Gee, that's wonderful.

Or is the plan to buy off the Democrats with taxpayer-funded extortion money
and reward such political blackmail?  Is that what is meant by having
everything "under control"?

Sorry folks, but this is REALLY starting to tick me off.  Here's the bottom
line: The Democrats aren't the problem.  The problem is the Republicans.
They can break the Democrat filibusters any time they want.  All they need
are all 51 Republicans who make up the MAJORITY (hello!)  in the Senate to
say "enough is enough" and change the filibuster rules to get the President'
s nominees an up or down vote.  It's commonly referred to as the "nuclear

Instead, the Republican leadership keeps telling us at the grassroots level
to contact Democrats and ask them to please, please,
please-with-sugar-on-top stop the filibusters.  What a waste of time, effort
and energy.

What we really need to do is force the 51 Republicans in the Senate to lay
their cards on the table and let the grassroots know who's with us and the
President...and who's with the political extortionists.  The GOP leadership'
s "plan" to break the filibusters isn't working.  Just ask Miguel Estrada.
It's WAY past time to grow a little hair on their "Clymers" and play a
little hardball with Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton.

BRUSHFIRE ALERT:  You don't pull on Superman's cape.  You don't spit in the
wind.  You don't negotiate with legislative terrorists.  And you don't pay
extortion money (especially with taxpayer dollars).  That's the message Sen.
Hatch and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist need to hear from the
grassroots.  And if you'd care to deliver such a message in your own words,
here's how to do it:

Sen. Bill Frist
(202) 224-3344

Sorry, but apparently Sen. Frist no longer accepts email communications.
The link to the contact page which is listed on the official U.S. Senate
website now redirects you to a Frist web page which doesn't appear to have
any option available for contacting the Majority Leader electronically.  You
might want to mention THAT to his staffer who answers the phone, as well.

Sen. Orrin Hatch
(202) 224-5251
Web Form:

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