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to view Chuck Muth's latest News and Views: http://chuckmuth.com/newsandviews/nv.cfm
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OK, OK, OK.  I’m going through a little withdrawal already myself...and I’ve only been 
on sabbatical for ONE stinkin’ day!  So I’ve decided to compromise a “little” by 
publishing a “News & Views Substitute” on our HTML newsletter page from time to time 
(maybe daily, maybe not), with random thoughts on the passing world (I know I stole 
that line from somebody, but I can’t remember who.  Maybe Thomas Sowell?).

Don’t know how often I’ll post, but you can check it out daily to see what I’m up 
to...and what’s going on in politics which happens to catch my attention.  Check out 
what the girls and I did on Daddy’s first night on “vacation,” plus my smart-aleck 
observation about the just-launched Kerry-Edwards national bus tour at:


Bookmark this URL in your "Favorite Places" list and surf on over from time to time.

Chuck Muth
Lazy, No-Good Editor
News & Views

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