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True Picture of War on Terror

"Two years after operatives exploded America's sense of domestic security,
the al Qaeda terror network has been shaken to its core as well, terrorism
experts say. . . . Worldwide, more than half of al Qaeda's most important
known members have been captured or killed."

- Scripps Howard News Service, 8/23/03

All The Bad News Fit to Print

"Here we are, five months after the war in Iraq began, and we haven't yet
solved all of that country's problems. Who would have thought we would?

"Apparently a significant section of the American media either thought that
we would or is simply piling on the Bush administration in hopes of bringing
back the Democrats in 2004. The New York Times has led the way, managing to
come up with at least one negative story to put on Page One almost every

"When there is nothing bad to report from Iraq, they can always go interview
families of soldiers who have been killed to continue a regular dose of
negative news. We have, in effect, our own home-grown Fifth Column, even if
their purpose is not to aid the enemy but to lay the groundwork for next
year's election."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Campaign Hot Tips

New to campaigns and grassroots activism?  Seasoned veteran who recognizes
there's always something new to learn?  Then sign up for Mark Montini's FREE
"Campaign Hot Tips" e-newsletter at:

Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right

The California gubernatorial recall is serious business mixed with a special
dose of the absurd - not totally unexpected under the circumstances.

For example, you have a porn star offering a "dinner date" to anyone
contributing $5,000 to her campaign.  I wonder if cab fare home is extra?
Actually, this sounds like a much better deal than the screwing donors got
for coffee at the Clinton White House.

Then there's news that goofball comedians such as Al Franken and Bill Maher
have signed on to do a fundraising comedy show to highlight the joke of
fellow goofball Arianna Huffington's campaign.  God bless California.

Gray-Out's Recall No Slam Dunk

"A new poll released yesterday shows that Californians are closely divided
on whether to recall Mr. Davis, a change from earlier polls that suggested
stronger support for the effort.  The Los Angeles Times poll found that half
of likely voters support the recall effort, while 45 percent are opposed and
4 percent are undecided."

- Associated Press, 8/23/03

Pressure Builds to Clear Field for Arnold

"(California) State Senate Minority Leader Jim Brulte said he might ask one
or more of the four major Republican candidates to drop out of the recall
race. . . . The Lincoln Club of Orange County, which includes some of the
state's top Republican donors, endorsed Mr. Schwarzenegger yesterday and
called on the other Republican candidates to abandon the race.

"'I think that other Republicans have to determine for themselves what
impact their candidacy will have,' U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher said before
meeting with Mr. Schwarzenegger. 'My guess is that an honest look at it
would tell you that Arnold has a great chance of winning and the others
should think about whether or not they want to stay in.'"

- Associated Press, 8/23/03

One Down.

"Although Bill Simon's campaign denied pressure from prominent state
Republicans played any role in his decision to drop out of the governor's
race, the pressure was applied on a daily basis and achieved the desired
result. . . . Simon had long been thought the least likely of the Republican
candidates to stay the course. GOP strategists considered his 2002 campaign
for governor one of the worst in state history and several said Simon was
having a very hard time raising funds."

- Fox News, 8/23/03

Take the Pledge, Get the Votes

"Dear Mr. Schwarzenegger:  I have a number of friends who are planning to
support you to replace Gray Davis as governor.  I am not presently one of
them.  If you will sign the Americans for Tax Reform No-Tax Pledge, you
could probably change my mind.  Meanwhile, I'm going to work to change my
friends' minds to support a candidate who has signed the pledge.

"My friends and I are mostly seniors living on fixed or declining incomes.
California, meanwhile, is spending far too much and is wasting too much in
corruption.  We can't afford any more taxes.  Please sign the pledge!"

- Susana Kennedy of Los Angeles, California

[Editor's Note:  Send your email to Mr. Schwarzenegger urging him to "take
the pledge" by visiting the "Brushfire Alert" page at]

This Week's "Survey Says!"

Question:  Should the other credible GOP candidates follow Bill Simon's
example and clear the field to give Arnold Schwarzenegger a clear shot at
Cruz Bustamante in the October California recall election?

Yes.  No.  Or...Not until Arnold signs the no-tax pledge.  Cast your online
vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

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Which Commandment Was That Again?

"(Alabama) Gov. Robert Riley says that it is his 'Christian duty' to raise
taxes (by 22 percent) in order to fund vital government services to help the
poor.  'Jesus says one of our missions is to take care of the least among
us,' says Mr. Riley. 'We've got to take care of the poor.'

"...One wonders whether Jesus would believe that there is a limit as to how
much taxes someone should have to pay. The biblical tithing rate is 10
percent. Shouldn't what is enough for God be enough for Uncle Sam and local

"Today, the average household pays roughly 38 cents of every dollar earned
in taxes at all levels of government. That is, we are already paying almost
4 times what the Bible declares is necessary to be charitable individuals."

- Stephen Moore of the Cato Institute

Bullheaded Judge Suspended

"Chief Justice Roy Moore was suspended by a judicial ethics panel yesterday
for his refusal to obey (U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson's) federal court
order to remove his Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial
Building rotunda.

"...Judge Thompson ruled last year that the (5,300 pound granite) monument,
installed by Justice Moore in a highly visible public spot in the state
building, violates the Constitution's ban on government promotion of a
religious doctrine. When Justice Moore refused to move it, eight associate
justices overruled him and ordered it out of the rotunda.  The monument
could be moved to a private place in the building, Judge Thompson ruled."

- Associated Press, 8/23/03

What's the Big Fuss?

OK, I know I'm going to regret this, but I really want to understand exactly
how Judge Moore's constitutional rights are being violated here.  I just
don't see how failure to allow a government official to unilaterally erect a
2.5 TON granite religious monument in the rotunda of a public courthouse is
denying him his freedom to exercise his religion.

No one is telling Judge Moore he can't practice his religion and observe the
Ten Commandments in his personal life.  He can go to whatever church he
wants, whenever he wants.  And he can put his monument on his own front
porch or in his own kitchen if he wants.

So please explain how telling a guy he can't put a 2.5 TON granite religious
monument in the rotunda of a public courthouse is denying him the right to
practice his religion.  What religion requires that adherents erect 2.5 TON
granite monuments in the rotundas of public courthouses?  I don't get it.

Separation of Church & State Pre-Dates Jefferson

"Born in London, Roger Williams (founder of colonial Providence, later the
capital of Rhode Island), a clergyman, was a strong supporter of religious
and political liberty and believed that people had a right to complete
religious freedom, rather than mere religious toleration that could be
denied at the government's will.

"...Williams and his wife came to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1631.
After refusing to become a minister of the church in Boston because he
opposed its ties to the Church of England, he became the minister of the
church at nearby Salem.  There, many people favored his desire to have a
church that was independent of the Church of England and of the colonial

"...Williams's most famous work - The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution (1644) -
stated his argument for the separation of church and state.  He wrote it as
part of a long dispute with John Cotton, the Puritan leader of Massachusetts
Bay Colony, and it explained his belief that the church had to be
spiritually pure to prepare corrupt and fallen human beings for eternity and
that governments were for earthly purposes only."

- "Don't Know Much About History" by Kenneth Davis

Early Effort to Remove "In God We Trust" from Money

"By the way, Republican Teddy Roosevelt also attempted to get the words "In
God We Trust" off American currency.  He not only thought they were
unconstitutional, but as a devout Christian, he considered them a

- "Don't Know Much About History" by Kenneth Davis

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Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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