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The Junto Is Alive and e-Kicking

Longtime subscribers will recall last September in Baltimore that we
resurrected an old idea pioneered by Ben Franklin called the "Junto."  The
Junto was a regular meeting of like-minded folks who got together to discuss
the issues of the day, break bread and maybe tilt back a tankard or two of
ale.  It was an idea that many of you outside the Baltimore area expressed
an interest in for your own town.

Well, here's your chance. has taken this ball and run with it on a national basis.  Called
"Meetup Days," Town Hall is using the power of the Internet to facilitate
conservative "juntos" all across America on the first Tuesday of every month
at 7 p.m. local time.  The next meeting in a city/town near you will be next
week, on January 6.  And yes, I'm planning to attend the one here in
Baltimore...and encourage you to attend the one nearest you (or start one
yourself if one doesn't already exist).

You can get all the details by visiting:

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e-briefing, just go to:

And if you want to read past issues of News & Views, you can do so by going

In Readers' Hearts, Good Guy Comes in First

Regular readers will also recall the name of Capt. Chris Carter, a true hero
of the Iraq war and a soldier's soldier whose actions have been chronicled
here in News & Views from time to time.  You might also recall that we urged
folks to vote for Capt. Carter as the top local newsmaker in the Athens
Banner-Herald poll a couple weeks back.

Well, good news!  Although the paper's editors selected the local college
president who's been under fire for some questionable financial shenanigans
on top of a sports scandal as their top newsmaker, the paper's readers
themselves selected our guy who was under fire...well, literally.  You can
read all about it by going to:

Congratulations, Chris!

Navy to ACLU:  Pound Sand!

"The ACLU is targeting the voluntary lunchtime prayer that has been a
tradition at the Naval Academy since its founding. . . . But the Navy did
not retreat. In August, it announced it would keep its prayer, and the ACLU
went ballistic.  'We tried things the nice way, and they've told us to pound
sand,' ACLU lawyer David Rocah told the Baltimore Sun."

- Columnist Terence Jeffrey

Dissing Dixie

"(Presidential candidate Howard Dean's supporters) don't believe in much,
but they are fervent on the subject of their own superiority. To them,
America's red states - as identified in TV maps on Election Night 2000 - are
populated by ignorant cowboys, unwashed swampies, hellfire preachers, beauty
parlor bimbos, redneck sheriffs, Confederate flag wavers and retarded
hillbilly kids sitting in trees playing the banjo.  This picture of Southern
inferiority, like all articles of faith, is immune to both empirical
observation and personal experience. To guys like Dean, Dixie is and will
forever remain a vast county fair where a slick Yaleman can sell 5-gallon
jugs of snake oil in return for votes."

- New York Daily News columnist Zev Chafets

Howie's Energy-Efficient Glass House

"Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean, who has criticized the Bush
administration for refusing to release the deliberations of its energy
policy task force, as governor of Vermont convened a similar panel that met
in secret and angered state lawmakers."

- Associated Press, 12/29/03

Goin' Goldbergean

"Arthur Goldberg was a fine public servant . but a dreadful candidate for
governor of New York in 1970, when it was said that if he gave one more
speech he would lose Canada, too. Howard Dean is becoming Goldbergean."

- Columnist George Will

Break Out the Kool-Aid

"Will they really do it? Just 22 days until the Iowa caucuses, and the
Democrats show every sign that they are going to plunge into the abyss by
nominating Howard Dean for president. At a time of war, one of our major
political parties seems on the verge of abandoning any pretense of national
unity and choosing a candidate who seemingly hates the president of the
United States but is blasé at best about the country's enemies."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 12/29/03

'72 Déjà Vu

"Even though doubts about Mr. Dean's national security policies run deep,
his feisty antiwar attacks on the president remain as popular as ever among
liberal Democratic activists who turn out in disproportionate numbers in the
party's primaries. If he wins the nomination, as now seems likely, that sets
up a wartime election, not unlike 1972.  Just ask George McGovern about that

- Columnist Donald Lambro

Ah, The Good Ol' Days of Gridlock

"The budget surplus (of the late 1990s) was the result of a bitter standoff
between Clinton and Newt Gingrich's GOP over fiscal policy; for a brief
moment, both sides decided they would rather let accumulating revenues just
sit there than let the other side use them."

- New Republic Online columnist Jacob T. Levy

This Ain't Your Daddy's Conservative GOP

"Fifty years ago, the modern movement to defend the principles of liberty,
outlined in the United States Constitution, began. That was when
conservatives and libertarians began to stand up to those who advocated
government as the answer to the basic questions of life, as opposed to
individual responsibility.  The new conservatives advocated individual
freedom, free markets, entrepreneurship and limited government intervention
into the everyday lives of American families.

"...However, somewhere along the way, conservative principles got watered
down with 'Republican' policies. The once-mighty conservative grassroots
activists have been reduced to taken-for-granted pawns, warned to speak no
evil of a fellow Republican. Above all, don't be so childish as to 'stand
for principle.'  Do so at the risk of finding the label 'extremist'
permanently tattooed to your name.

"We are warned that the alternatives to the Republicans are the devil
Democrats - and you know what that means! Big government. Uncontrolled
spending. Higher taxes. Greater regulations on business. Assaults on family
values.  In fear, we comply. Conservatives shuffle their feet, look down at
the floor, bleat the party line, accept the 'compromises' and acknowledge
their fate on the backbenches.

"Republicans now have a new agenda. It started with the label of the
undefined 'compassionate conservatism.' . . . According to this new policy,
big government isn't bad - it just depends on who is running it. 'We can
make government great for the American people as long as we're in charge'
goes the party line. Three years of complete Republican rule have given us a
clear understanding of its meaning. Close inspection will show that this is
not your father's GOP. And it's not conservative!

"...Remember 1994, when the Republicans gained control of the House of
Representatives? One major battle cry was their determination to abolish the
Department of Education. Why? The federal government has no business being
involved in education, which should be controlled at the local level. That's
a point of fact in the Constitution and a conservative principle. Today,
under Republican control, the issue is simply no longer on the agenda.

"The Bush administration, under the 'No Child Left Behind' Act, has created
more regulations and more funding for federally controlled curriculum than
ever before. Ted Kennedy basically wrote the act itself. 'No Child Left
Behind' is simply the permanent solidification of the failed policies of
Goals 2000, School to Work and the Workforce Development Act. As a result,
American education is now completely controlled from Washington. The federal
education bureaucracy just got a whole lot more powerful under Republican

"...By the way, the German translation of the phrase 'Homeland Security' is
'Schutz Staffel.'  The Nazis shortened it to 'SS.'  A massive, intrusive
cabinet-level agency with power beyond the wildest dreams of Franklin
Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson combined has just been established under
Republican rule.

"...Conservatives, Libertarians, Americans who believe that the Constitution
was and is the best document yet devised to protect human liberty, it's time
to come out of your trance and begin anew the fight for 'principle before
party.' It is not wrong for you to oppose these actions. It is not wrong to
speak ill of a party that has lost its way. It is not treason to oppose
these outrageous excesses of the Republican Party. Indeed, it may be treason
if you do not."

- Tom DeWeese, president of the American Policy Center

We Have Met the Enemy...And It's Voters

"Americans have a tendency to think the problem with politics lies with
their candidates and not themselves. The truth is Americans deserve the
blame for the state of our politics and the state of our media. I know it's
not savvy to criticize the customers, but perhaps especially at
Christmastime, we should still have a few Scrooges left.

"First of all, if you only get your news from television, I can speak freely
because that means you're probably not reading this. Second, you're an

"OK, maybe not technically an idiot in the sense you're only qualified to be
an assistant spellchecker in an M&M factory. But, to the extent you take
being an informed citizen seriously, you get a failing grade. Whether you
are liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, if your only news
source is the boob tube, you are simply underinformed - though not
necessarily misinformed.

"...The ignorance of the typical American about politics is often
staggering. . . . For example, we are constantly told by extreme left-wing
groups and more than a few right-wing groups that there's no difference
between the political parties.  As anyone who pays attention to politics
knows, this is monumental nonsense on stilts; informed people understand a
Dean administration will be very different from a Bush administration.

"...But Americans don't like being told they're the problem. So when they
eventually tune into politics they tend to blame the candidates, as if it's
the actors' fault you don't understand the play when you arrive for the last
5 minutes.

"...Now, as a conservative I don't mind that Americans aren't consumed with
political fervor. In fact, I tend to like low voter turnout on the principle
that the people not voting are probably the people I don't think should
vote.  My problem is with a political culture that tells everyone they're
bad citizens if they don't vote but doesn't care if they don't know why
they're voting."

- Columnist Jonah Goldberg

Put Your Two Cents In

Today on the Discussion Board...

*  Gay Marriage
*  Kwanzaa
*  Big Bucks for Big Education
*  Illegal Immigration
*  The Patriot Act

Weigh in. Share your opinion.  Comment.  Inter-activate.  Just go to:

The Goldwater Doctrine

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Barry Goldwater, "The Conscience of a Conservative"

About Us

Chuck Muth's News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a
member-supported 501(c)3 non-profit corp. If you enjoy News & Views, please
make a tax-deductible contribution using your Visa, MasterCard, American
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or

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