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March 15, 2004

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In yesterday’s “Muth’s Truths,” I noted that Slade Gorton lost in a squeaker in 2000 
to Patty Murray.  In fact, he lost to another left-wing lightweight, Maria Cantwell.  
My apologies.  Anticipation of Wrestlemania must have clouded my thinking.  (Chris 
Benoit the new WWE Champion?  Gimme a break.  If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that 
match was “fixed.”)


A number of you have written about the claims MoveOn.org and the unions are making 
about a proposal to “cut” overtime pay.  Folks, I know you’ll find this hard to 
believe, but MoveOn and the unions aren’t telling the truth.  No, really.  The 
administration is suggesting a change which would effect “white collar” 
management-level workers, not regular hourly workers.  Read more here in this news 
release by Americans for Tax Reform.



“Those oh-so-compassionate liberals could hardly contain their glee upon hearing the 
news that Attorney General John Ashcroft is suffering from a severe case of gallstone 
pancreatitis.  ‘He has it coming. He is utterly subhuman and evil. Suffer, bastard,’ 
gloated an Internet user on the DemocraticUnderground.com Web site. ‘[T]he world would 
be better off without him,’ responded another writer on the forum. ‘I hope he is in 
the most severe pain a human being can suffer, and after that, I hope he remains in 
constant pain with no hope of relief,’ chimed in yet another bleeding-heart Democrat.”

- Columnist Michelle Malkin


Republicans in Congress were happy as pigs in slop last fall when the nation’s biggest 
seniors’ group, AARP, endorsed their new Medicare prescription drug entitlement plan.  
But any thought that the left-wing group would stick with the GOP on health care 
issues is quickly being dashed onto the rocks (just as most conservatives predicted).  

In a full-page ad appearing in Friday’s Washington Times, AARP bashes the life-saving 
and life-extending pharmaceutical companies with gusto, demanding the industry “limit 
price increases,” “co-operate” to allow dangerous drug re-importation from Canada, 
support generic competitors in their effort to show that knock-off drugs are just as 
good as the real thing, and turn over drug price-control authority to the government.  
So much for private enterprise and the free market.

The more things change, the more they stay the same...and Republicans never seem to 
learn their lesson.


Are pharmaceutical companies spending too much money on advertising?  Cast your vote 
by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


“A poll taken by Andres McKenna Polling and Research found that Americans 
overwhelmingly believe ‘the terrorists would prefer’ (John) Kerry to win the election.”

- Washington Times, 3/12/04


“As part of a nationwide team covering the presidential race for kid-oriented 
Scholastic News, 11-year-old Mitchel Hochberg of Northbrook queried John Kerry at an 
Evanston senior center this week. Hochberg, a fifth-grader, noted that President Bush 
and Kerry have exchanged unusually aggressive barbs for so early in a presidential 
contest. Does that help Kerry or hurt him? Hochberg wondered. Kerry responded by 
talking about prescription drugs. ‘It was an interesting experience,' Hochberg said 
after the event. But, he lamented, Kerry's response ‘wasn't a full answer.' “

- Chicago Sun-Times, 3/11/04


“If Bush can't talk to Kerry about the horrors of war, then Kerry sure can't talk to 
anyone about the plight of the middle class.  Kerry's life experience consists of 
living off other men's money by marrying their wives and daughters.  For over 30 
years, Kerry's primary occupation has been stalking lonely heiresses.  Not to get back 
to his combat experience, but Kerry sees a room full of wealthy widows as ‘a 
target-rich environment.’ This is a guy whose experience dealing with tax problems is 
based on spending his entire adult life being supported by rich women.  What does a 
kept man know about taxes?”

- Columnist Ann Coulter


“One important issue in John Kerry's past has been studiously avoided this election 
season. It's the annulment of his first marriage to Julia Thorne. The Catholic Church 
declared the marriage void — despite the fact that it lasted 18 years, produced two 
children, and the annulment was fiercely contested by his first wife.

“...Of course, there may not be anything untoward about Mr. Kerry's annulment. They 
are increasingly common among Catholics. In the early 1960s, there were about 300 a 
year in the United States. Now there are around 60,000 — around 10 percent, by some 
estimates, of all Catholic marriages! Eighty percent of the world's Catholic 
annulments occur in America. All that's worth remembering when you hear Catholic 
bishops speak of the sanctity of marriage and the impermissibility of divorce. There’s 
an escape clause.  Mr. Kerry strolled right through it.”

- Columnist Andrew Sullivan


“If Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) had been one of the nation's Founding Fathers, he probably 
would have made a few additions to the U.S. Constitution. Quite a few.  In the 28 
years Hatch has served in the U.S. Senate, he has sponsored or co-sponsored 67 
resolutions to amend the Constitution, the fundamental blueprint of American democracy 
that has been changed only 27 times in its 215-year history.

“…’The senator appears to be using constitutional amendments as a way of ducking an 
issue legislatively, knowing the amendment is not going to pass but proposing it to 
get on the right side with his constituents,’ said (Chuck) Muth, president of Citizen 
Outreach.  ‘If you constantly hammer at the notion we can simply amend the 
Constitution anytime a court ruling doesn't break our way, it erodes the American 
people's general aversion to amendments.’ " 

Read more:  http://www.sltrib.com/2004/Mar/03152004/utah/148020.asp


Libertarians supporting Gary Nolan, their candidate for president in 2004, may launch 
a “vote swap” effort this year.  Nolan supporters in "toss up" states could use the 
Internet to "swap" their vote with a Bush supporter in a solid Bush state.  If so, a 
significant protest vote against some of President Bush’s policies could be registered 
in the general election vote total without jeopardizing the nation by electing Kerry 
in the Electoral College.  

Is this a smart thing politically for the LP to try to do?  Do you think such an 
effort could be successful?  Do you find anything "unethical" about vote-swapping?  
Would you personally consider participating in such an effort?

Then share your opinion on our Discussion Board at:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/


If you missed yesterday’s DC Confidential, you missed...

*  sKerry’s wife raises another big money stink
*  Ace political prognosticator Stuart Rothenberg’s 2004 congressional prediction
*  Clintonism lives in Illinois congresswoman
*  Neck-and-neck senate race in Florida
*  Herd-thinning in race to replace Ben Nighthorse Campbell
*  Blowing a big opportunity in Wisconsin
*  Everybody and their uncle in the Utah guv race
*  RINO Boehlert dodges a political bullet
*  Prospects for renewing the Clinton gun ban this year
*  The inside-the-beltway battle of the job surveys
*  The behind-the-scenes fight to limit spending by changing the rules
*  The odds of NJ getting a new guv in 2005

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Chuck Muth
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