Title: ChuckMuth.com - Political Action with an Attitude!
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January 14, 2004                                                                     "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice."






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Tune in Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for “Always Right with Chuck Muth.”  Our special guest this week will be T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Control Council (www.nbpc.net).  Gee, I wonder what we'll talk about!

To listen in at airtime, click HERE 



I’m sending this issue of News & Views out early today because I have to catch a late-flight out to Las Vegas this evening to participate in a press conference early Wednesday morning.  Will get back Wednesday night and expect to have the next issue of News & Views in your in-box on Thursday morning sometime.

In the meantime, I wanted to tell you about our new “Liberty Calendar” - and how you can get one.

What prompted me to create this calendar is the woeful ignorance so many of our fellow citizens have about our founding history - thanks in no small part to the negligence of our government school systems.  With that in mind, I’ve gone through history books and culled some of the more significant dates in the U.S.’s founding history and plugged them into the calendar.  Hopefully, folks will note the events and take the time to learn more about our fight for independence and the liberties our forefathers obtained for us.

For example, did you know that a few days ago was the anniversary of the publication of Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” (January 9, 1776), a publication widely credited with convincing many wary colonists to support a break from England?  How many of our school-kids have read “Common Sense”?  For that matter, how many of our elected representatives have read it?

The calendar notes other significant dates in America’s revolutionary history (1770-1790), such as the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of Bunker Hill, the date of Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech, the date of Nathan Hale’s execution when he declared “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country,” of John Paul Jones’ “I have not yet begun to fight” naval battle, the date of Paul Revere’s ride, the date of “the shot heard ‘round the world,” the dates of key Revolutionary War battles, the dates the Constitution and Declaration of Independence were adopted, the dates when our various military branches were created, the date when the Federalist Papers were first published, the date of Washington’s Farewell Address and the date the Bill of Rights were ratified by Congress.

Even the date that Congress passed the first tax!

And for good measure, we also included Ronald Reagan’s birthday (February 6).

Every month includes a unique, brilliant, full-color photograph of Americana, including the Lincoln Memorial, the Statue of Liberty, an American bald eagle, the Declaration of Independence, Mount Rushmore, the Iwo Jima Memorial and the nation’s Capitol .

Also depicted with the photos are key quotes of liberty-minded historical figures, including Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin, Ronald Reagan, Andrew Jackson, Barry Goldwater, Davey Crockett and Admiral David Farragut (“Damn the torpedoes!  Full speed ahead !”).

The back pages include my favorite quote from Barry Goldwater’s “Conscience of a Conservative” (The Goldwater Doctrine ) explaining the proper way for an elected representative to vote on issues based on the Constitution.  Plus a page for you to list important phone numbers and family dates.

This is truly a one-of-a-kind calendar...and is NOT available for sale.  However, here’s how you can get one…

Citizen Outreach, as you know, is a non-profit organization which relies solely on voluntary contributions for the work we do.  From publishing News & Views (almost) every day to our Brushfire Alerts.  From our “Always Right” interview webcasts with key conservative leaders on issues of the day to our “Muth’s Truths” opinion column.  From our weekly online “Survey Says!” poll to our new interactive “Discussion Board” for reader debate.  From Special Projects such as officially hosting the Senate’s “Justice for Judges” marathon website in November to our collection of “Conservative Children’s Stories.”  And much, much more .

When I look back on it, it’s hard to believe how far we’ve come as an organization in less than a year.  And, as the Gipper once said, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”  As we continue to grow with your involvement and support, bigger and better things lie ahead.

And never has it been more important for our voices to be heard

Not only do conservatives face relentless attacks from the left - especially from the liberal candidates running for the Democrat presidential nomination - but also from all too many Republicans (including the White House) who, on some important issues, have strayed far off the conservative ranch over the past year. 

Citizen Outreach is unique as an organization in that we try to hold BOTH parties accountable for adhering to our constitutional principles of limited-government, individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense.

But again, our effectiveness depends 100% on your continued financial support.  So I hope you’ll take this opportunity to kick in a few shillings for our Winter Fundraising Drive to help us keep the lights on...as well as the pressure on our elected leaders and government bureaucrats.

As many of you know, we don’t have a fancy K Street office.  We operate on the web.  And we don’t have any staff.  Much of the work you see here at Citizen Outreach is done by willing volunteers.  We do an awful lot on very little.  We do NOT waste your money on “frills.”  But we do have some basic operating costs...and I hope you’ll give generously at this time to help offset them.

And as a thank you to those of you who are ready, willing and able to contribute $25 or more during this Winter Fundraising Drive, we’ll send you one of our new Liberty Calendars...FREE!

In fact, for every additional $25 increment you send, we’ll send an additional calendar.  That way you can send one to your kids’ teacher or to your Member of Congress!  Contribute $50...and we’ll send you two Liberty Calendars.  Kick in $100...and we’ll send you four.  Etc.

Now, there are two ways to make your donation.

1.)  You can contribute to our secure online PayPal account using your credit card by clicking HERE

2.)  Or you can mail a check or money order to:  Citizen Outreach, 611 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, #439, Washington, DC, 20003.

And as Citizen Outreach is a recognized IRS non-profit organization, your contribution IS TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Final note:  It was a much bigger task designing this calendar than we had originally anticipated, so it’s a little late coming out for the new year.  So we’ve started it with February 2004 - which happens to be the month of Reagan’s birthday - and ended it with January 2005.  That way you won’t miss anything.

Now...to get a sneak-peak at this beautiful, all-American calendar, I’ve posted a sample of December 2004 on the Citizen Outreach website.  Just go to: www.citizenoutreach.com.

As always, I thank you for your generous support and look forward to continuing to raise “heck” in this critically important presidential election year. 

Yours in Liberty,
Chuck Muth



“A pro-Second Amendment group calls it outrageous that a suburban Chicago homeowner faces criminal charges for defending his family - by shooting a burglar who broke into his home several times.  Blame it on ‘regressive, Draconian’ Illinois gun laws, said the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA).

“Press reports said Hale DeMar of Wilmette, Ill., is charged with violating a local ordinance banning handguns, and with violating state law by not having an Illinois Firearms Owners Identification Card (FOID) for the banned handgun.  DeMar reportedly shot and wounded a masked burglar in his kitchen one night last month -- the second time the man broke into his home.

“Press reports quoted Wilmette Police Chief George Carpenter as saying that people who find themselves in DeMar's situation should, ‘for the safety of the home...immediately lock the door of the room he's in and dial 911.’

" ‘Prosecuting Hale DeMar is outrageous,’ said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. ‘And Chief Carpenter's patronizing attitude about facing an immediate and unavoidable threat is shameful, if not downright despicable.  Mr. DeMar fired a handgun to defend his family against a thug who evidently had invaded his home two nights in a row. If Chief Carpenter is so concerned about public safety, why hadn't his department taken the suspect off the streets long before he was in the DeMar residence, where he was shot?  Carpenter has the audacity to claim that Wilmette residents are much safer without a handgun in the home,’ Gottlieb added. ‘What he's really saying is that burglars and home invaders are a lot safer if they enter unarmed Wilmette homes, and he seems eager to maintain that safe working environment for criminals.’

Denying law-abiding citizens the means to defend themselves and their families amounts to a ‘set of hunting regulations for criminals,’ Gottlieb said.  ‘Laws that prevent crime victims from defending themselves are simply irresponsible,’ Gottlieb said. ‘Laws that punish crime victims if they do defend themselves are insidious.’  DeMar faces up to a year in jail plus a fine…”

- CNS News, 1/13/04

Brushfire Alert:  If you haven’t done so already, you might want to drop Chief Carpenter a few well-chosen words.  You can email him at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED].  While you’re at it, you might want to cc your note to Village President Nancy Canafax at: [EMAIL PROTECTED].


“Republicans need to save the president from his advisers, lest amnesty become for him what illegal-alien driver's licenses were for Gray Davis: the disaster he embraced because everyone he knew thought it was a good idea."

- Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies


“On May 5, 1996, when I was halfway through my first term as governor of New Jersey, there was a picture of me on the cover of this newspaper's Sunday magazine, accompanied by the headline, ‘It's My Party Too.’ I liked that message so much, I had it framed and hung it in my office in Trenton and, later, Washington. To moderate Republicans like me, that headline proclaimed our belief that there was still room for us in the party of Lincoln.

“Now, almost eight years later, many moderate Republicans feel even less certain of their place in the party. When President Bush, arguably one of the more conservative presidents in recent history, is under attack from the right wing of the party for his proposal regarding immigration and migrant workers, is it any wonder moderates feel out of sync?”

- Former NJ Gov. Christie Todd Whitman, New York Times, 1/12/04


“Perhaps Mexico should just apply for statehood.  I'm sure we could send a few lawyers and environmental specialists down there to help them get with the program.” - Gary Marbut

“Did you hear a quote from Fox where he was talking about Mexican immigrants, and he listed several things that Mexicans love.  The first thing he mentioned was ‘Tacos’!  Can you imagine what would happen if a Republican stated that ‘Mexicans love Tacos?’ “ - Anonymous

“I am wondering if these "open borders" that Mexican President Vicente Fox wants will be "open" in both directions...thereby allowing us to enter Mexico and retrieve all the murderers that are avoiding prosecution.” - David S. Tabeling

“I and a number of conservatives I have talked to will not vote for Bush due to his stand on illegal immigration.  We will vote for the House and Senate candidates but will skip the president choice as we have no choice.  We are fed up with Bush.” - Larry Bayerkohler

“Last Monday I was called by the RNC and asked for additional contributions to President Bush's re-election campaign. I told the caller that I would not be contributing any additional money to Republican causes now or in the near future. The reason being, President Bush's new immigration plan. While I told her I would not vote Democratic, I will stay home as will the members of my family. - Fred Keller

“I never thought the day would come when I would anticipate not voting for President Bush’s re-election.  However, that day has come.  Paul Weyrich’s quotation in today’s News & Views is exactly right.   I forwarded it to President Bush and Vice President Cheney with this final thought:  ‘Listen carefully:  The sound you hear is tens of thousands of conservatives walking away from you and the Republican Party.’ ” - Jim O'Brien


“I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can.”

- Barry Goldwater, “The Conscience of a Conservative”


Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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