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I’m on an early flight to Milwaukee in the morning to speak at the GOP Lawyers 
convention, so I’m sending this issue of News & Views out early.  Just a reminder, the 
text of the “We the People Act” noted below is still posted on our News & Views EXTRA 
page at: http://www.chuckmuth.com/newsandviews/nv.cfm


“Eight soldiers flying home from Iraq for two weeks of R&R flew in style instead of 
coach after first-class passengers offered to swap seats with them. . . . The June 29 
seat-swap on American Airlines Flight 866 from Atlanta to Chicago started before 
boarding, when a businessman approached one of the soldiers and traded his seat.  When 
the swapping was done, ‘the other two first-class passengers wanted to give up their 
seats, too, but they couldn't find any more soldiers,’ (flight attendant Lorrie) 
Gammon said.”

- CNN.com, 7/16/04 


“Respect for the original intent of the Constitution is low in Washington. It’s so 
low, it’s virtually non-existent.

“Something must be done...if we expect to rein in our ever-growing and intrusive 
government. Instead of depending on the courts to rule favorably, when Congress and 
the executive branch go astray, we must curtail the courts when they overstep their 
authority by writing laws, rubber-stamping bad legislation, or overruling state laws. 
Hopefully in the future we will have a Congress more cognizant of its responsibility 
to legislate within the confines of the Constitution. 

“There is something Congress, by majority vote, can do to empower the states to deal 
with their First Amendment issues. It’s clear that Congress has been instructed to 
write no laws regarding freedom of speech, religion, or assembly. This obviously means 
that federal courts have no authority to do so either. Therefore, the remaining option 
is for Congress to specifically remove jurisdiction of all First Amendment 
controversies from all federal courts, including the Supreme Court. Issues dealing 
with prayer, the Ten Commandments, religious symbols or clothing, and songs, even the 
issue of abortion, are properly left as a prerogative of the states. A giant step in 
this direction could be achieved with the passage my proposed legislation, the We the 
People Act.”

- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)


Loud-mouth Whoopi Goldberg isn’t taking being canned by Slim-Fast very well.  
“America's heart and soul is freedom of expression without fear of reprisal," Goldberg 
told the New York Daily News.  "The fact that I am no longer the spokesman for 
Slim-Fast makes me sad, but not as sad as someone trying to punish me for exercising 
my right as an American to speak my mind.”

No.  It’s without fear of GOVERNMENT reprisal.  Private companies are another thing 
altogether.  Hollywood intellectual airheads such as Goldberg don’t understand the 

And why does the Whoopster think SHE has the right to trash the president of the 
United States in whatever crude, rude manner she chooses...yet it’s somehow not OUR 
right to contact her sponsors and voice OUR objections to HER speech?  What hypocrisy.

When we hear the likes of Whoopi Goldberg whining about her freedom on speech being 
curtailed, we just want to tell her to go...well, you know, that thing Dick Cheney 
said to Pat Leahy.


Last weekend we posted a link to a Los Angeles radio interview featuring border 
security chief Asa Hutchinson in which Hutchinson ducked one tough question after 
another on enforcement of the nation’s illegal immigration laws. “John & Ken,” the 
radio hosts/interviewers, gave out Hutchinson’s phone number and email address to 
listeners...who promptly jammed the White House phone system with thousands of calls.  
John McCaslin reports that the White House didn’t take too kindly to the lobbying 
effort and “has now contacted the duo and demanded they cease and desist such antics.”

So now petitioning one’s government urging it to enforce the law is considered an 
“antic” by the White House?

Well, if the administration thought the heat was on from this local radio interview, 
they better batten down the hatches and buckle their seat belts.  A promo ad appearing 
in Friday’s Washington Times reads as follows:

“FREE PASS: America’s losing fight against illegals.”


“A million illegal immigrants slip into the country each year,” the ad reads.  “All 
but a few have no real fear of being detained, much less deported. The reason: No 
one’s looking for them.  Find out why in a sobering investigative series, beginning 
Monday in The Washington Times.”

The Washington Times is the nation’s daily conservative paper of record.  We have no 
idea what the content of the special series will include, but based on the promo it’s 
fair to assume that the open borders and amnesty crowd within and supporting the 
administration are going to HATE it.  Stay tuned, Batfans...


“Last week we reported about the effort by a few gay rights activists to ‘out’ 
high-ranking, closeted gay staffers on Capitol Hill if their bosses supported the 
proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Now, Michael Rogers -- one the 
two who led the effort to ‘expose hypocrisy’ -- is turning his efforts in a new 

“The target: married heterosexual Congressmen and US Senators who loudly decry gay 
marriage as endangering the sacred institution of marriage -- while they privately 
engage in adulterous affairs. Rogers is currently collecting money so that he can 
purchase ads seeking tips. He promises to investigate all leads and report upon any 
facts he can establish.”

- Ron Gunzburger, Politics1, 7/16/04


Is it time for Congress to drop further efforts to pass the federal marriage amendment?

*  Absolutely
*  Never
*  I’m a Kerry supporter...yes AND no

Cast your vote by clicking the “Survey Says!” tab at www.citizenoutreach.com


Ronald Reagan’s left-wing son will be addressing the Democrat convention to talk about 
stem cell research and his claim that it holds out hope for an Alzheimer’s cure.  But 
Steve Miloy says the Gipper’s kid is full of flapdoodle and the whole notion is 
grounded in “junk science.”  Read all about it at:  


“Well, this (Kerry’s decision to let Hillary introduce Bill Clinton at the 
Demo-convention) certainly will set minds at ease among the Democratic Ladies 
Auxiliary!  It's nice to see that Kerry has found a gender-appropriate role for the 
current Senator. Obviously, she has no standing on her own to speak at the convention, 
in Kerry's mind, so it's a darned good thing her husband happens to be an 
ex-President. Otherwise, she'd have to go back to the Hospitality Committee and help 
out with the cookie-baking and cake-cutting duties, like all the other wimminfolk.”

- Blogger Edward Morrissey


“Obesity is now an illness and can be covered by Medicare, the federal 
health-insurance program for the elderly and disabled.  Health and Human Services 
Secretary Tommy G. Thompson announced yesterday the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid 
Services would remove language in Medicare's coverage manual that states obesity is 
not an illness.

“...The change means Medicare participants may ask for reimbursement for treating 
excessive weight. . . . Medicare will review the requests, which could range from 
joining a weight-loss or fitness club to surgeries and counseling…

“…(S)everal business groups said they are worried that the swelling number of Medicare 
participants eligible for the coverage will increase health insurance costs.  Small 
businesses probably would see the largest rate increases, said Helen Darling, 
president of the National Business Group on Health, a Washington nonprofit for about 
219 businesses and health care insurers. . . . ‘Unfortunately, regulators love to put 
in mandates they are not stuck paying for,’ Ms. Darling said.

“Washington taxpayer advocacy group Citizens Against Government Waste called the 
decision ‘groundbreaking’ in its implications.  ‘We can expect Medicare costs to be 
even more obese and out of control than they already are while the taxpayer is footing 
the bill,’ said Elizabeth Wright, health and science division director.

“Medicare for 41.3 million beneficiaries cost $274 billion last year, according to the 
Congressional Budget Office.  With 64 percent of the American population overweight or 
obese, a substantial percentage of Medicare participants probably would qualify, 
spelling trouble for the program, Ms. Wright said.

“Trial lawyers also may use the policy change as another weapon in their arsenal 
against the food and restaurant industries, Ms. Wright added. Several lawyers have 
filed lawsuits against the industries trying to blame them for America's weight 

- Washington Times, 7/16/04

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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