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OK, I know I promised you all a follow-up today on the hate mail I received
over last week's story about that $70,000-a-year kindergarten teacher in New
Jersey.  But we had the kids out in the Dutch Bar on the Boardwalk last
night...with Uncle Mark, Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Tim...playing shufflebowl
and dancing to Jimmy Buffet music on the jukebox until closing time at 2
a.m. (don't tell grandma!).  Plus, some really killer new info fell into my
lap yesterday afternoon which is EXTREMELY pertinent to this discussion.

And...I don't know...but something about all this reading and writing about
government school teachers has me wanting to just...take more and more days
off...especially now that we're in the summer.

Oops.  I wonder if that last sentence gives away the secret on whether or
not I'll be extending that apology?  Hmmmm.  Stay tuned, Batfans...

Chuck Muth
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