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Government by Inferiors

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you
end up being governed by your inferiors."

- Plato

Send In the Clown

"Conservative activists are pushing the presidential campaign of...
left-wing activist Al Sharpton.  'I'm hoping the Democratic primary turns
into the ultimate campaign fiasco,' the organization Republicans for
Sharpton writes to Insider Report. . . . 'This country is about due for some
laughter. And Al Sharpton is the perfect liberal clown to deliver.'"

-, 6/7/03

Campaign Hot Tips

New to campaigns and grassroots activism?  Seasoned veteran who recognizes
there's always something new to learn?  Then sign up for Mark Montini's FREE
"Campaign Hot Tips" e-newsletter at:

Burning Issue

"As a retired US Navy Vietnam veteran, I applaud the sentiment that has
resulted in this flag desecration legislation, however, I will fight it with
every amount of voice I can muster.

"It was my honor to serve my country, but part of the reason I placed my own
life in jeopardy was to make certain that if you desire to protest something
that government officials do (or not do), you should have every right to do
so. I fear that those who wish to see this new Constitutional Amendment
ratified have not thought it through.

"Upon ratification by 38 states, the law of unintended consequences will
immediately take hold: Will the wearing of the flag on a bikini bottom be
'desecration'? Will printing it on a handkerchief? How about on a roll of
toilet paper? Most importantly, who will decide WHAT desecration is? Do you
trust Congress to do that?

"My personal feeling is that while I will defend your right to do almost
anything to this symbol of our nation, I caution you to do it outside the
range of my fist: I reserve the right to express my disapproval of your

"I strongly urge everyone to think seriously for a long moment before they
rush to approve what I believe is an unnecessary over-reaction to misplaced
patriotism. Honoring the Flag of the United States of America, in my
opinion, should always be PERSONAL, not governmentally required."

- News & Views reader Alan R. Huber of Sioux Falls, SD

Competing Against the Gummint

"National Public Radio (NPR)...has a well-known and documented left-wing
political bias with views almost identical to that of the New York Times.
NPR has a strong advantage over its private sector competitors because it
receives the government subsidy and tax-deductible, private contributions to
its operations.

"Advocates for NPR often claim conservatives have more talk radio hosts with
bigger audiences so, even if NPR has a leftist bias, it is not a danger.
However, there is a fundamental difference. If you do not like Rush
Limbaugh, you can boycott his sponsors by not buying their products. If you
do not like NPR and try to boycott its sponsor (the federal government) by
withholding your taxes, you can be sent to jail.

"...As long as it is a government-owned entity, NPR will never be fair and
balanced. Because it depends on government, it will always support
government spending over the rights and needs of taxpayers. It attracts a
staff that is hostile to the private sector, and that loves government and
the party of government - the Democratic Party."

- Richard Rahn of the Cato Institute

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Goin' Postal

"The United States Postal Service is soooo screwed up.  It's overly
centralized, the board of governors (or whatever they're called) meets
monthly to fine tune things they know nothing about (whereas typical private
industry boards meet quarterly), and they are out-of-touch, implementing
bizarre rules regarding debit card usage, credit card payment, and so on.
Local managers have little control and the control they do have, they
exercise poorly, because they don't think in real world terms of customer
service, efficiency, increased revenue, employee relations.

"Many post offices have long (many-month long) waiting lists for PO boxes,
which generate fees and are less costly to service than home delivery.  I
asked the Postmaster of one such Post Office, Los Angeles' VA station (near
UCLA) why they didn't install more boxes, since they already had lots of
accessible and empty space for more.  He said, as a reason, that they'd be
immediately occupied.

"In other words, if they give the people what they want, we'll actually pay
more for it, and they'll spend less time and energy to service it...and
that's bad.  I won't go on, but I could write a book about this."

- News & Views reader Jeff Foxmore of La Jolla, California

Hitting the Lawsuit Jackpottery

"Cedrick Makara, 55, went to the restroom at the building where he works in
New York City. The door to his loo didn't have a knob, just a hole where the
knob should have been. He stuck his hand through the hole to open it just as
someone else came in, hitting the door. Makara, a city employee, jammed his
hand. It was no laughing matter: he had to have surgery to fix tendons in
his thumb.

"But six months off work (remember, he's a government employee) and medical
care wasn't anywhere near enough: he sued the building's private owner and
manager for failing to fix the door -- and has been awarded $2 million for
past and future pain and suffering, $200,000 for future medical needs, and
$750,000 for his wife."

- Randy Cassingham,, 6/4/03

Battle Royale Brewing in PA GOP Primary

"Thirty-three right-of-center members of the U.S. House of Representatives
have written to David Keene, the chairman of the American Conservative
Union, questioning the integrity of the organization. Something like that
has never happened in all the years since the late U.S. Rep. John Ashbrook
(R-OH) and others founded the ACU following the defeat of Senator Barry
Goldwater's presidential bid.

"What gives here? Well, it seems that Keene wrote an opinion piece, not in
his official capacity as ACU chairman but as a political observer,
commenting on the upcoming primary race in Pennsylvania between incumbent
Senator Arlen Specter and Rep. Pat Toomey. Keene is keen on Specter.

"ACU annually tracks key votes in the House and Senate and uses them to rate
Members of Congress. Senator Specter has a lifetime ACU rating of 42%.
Toomey has a lifetime rating of 97%.

"...Still and all, what Keene has managed to accomplish is to get that
Pennsylvania race on the radar screens of conservatives everywhere. For
2004, that will be the Senate race to watch."

- Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation

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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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