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OK...Now...Guns or Knives?

"'Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said on Sunday Iraq was ready to fight the
United States anywhere in the world,' Reuters reports. Anywhere, huh? Sounds
good--we'll take Iraq."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 3/17/03

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up at:  Also, occasionally, the automatic
listserve we use will "bump" subscribers off the list if your mailbox is
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Politics of Personal Hatred

If there is a more petty, bitter little man in American politics today than
Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, South Dakota Democrat, I'd love to know
who it is.  The poor soul just seethes with resentment and animosity toward
George W, and you just know the driving force is pure personal hatred, not

"I'm saddened, saddened that this president failed so miserably at diplomacy
that we're now forced to war," he said on Monday at a union conference.
"Saddened that we have to give up one life because this president couldn't
create the kind of diplomatic effort that was so critical for our country."

What a pathetic excuse for a senator, let alone an American.  Then again, he
fits right in with the Democrats' pathetic excuses for ex-presidents.  They
almost make those cheese-eating surrender monkeys look honorable.


The "I Hate America" Crowd Exposed

Ron Gunzburger has put together a website exposing, from A-Z, the roster of
folks who apparently hate America more than the terrorists.  "Americans who
embrace the 'Hate America' crowd have first amendment rights to express
their dissent," he says in the Liberty1 Report.  "However, those of us on
the other side also hold first amendment rights" and we intend to "hold
these America haters accountable for their public conduct."  Find the full,
shameful list at:

What Iraqis Want

"We support a regime change that is long overdue. Nobody has been listening
to the voices of Iraqis in America; not the Arabs, not the French ... even
these peace people, who think that if we remove the sanctions things will be
OK. Well, they won't be."

- Muhannad Eshaiker, member of the Iraqi Forum for Democracy which supports
the liberation of Iraq, Washington Times, 3/17/03

What Arabs, France & Peaceniks Are Defending

"To set an example, members of Saddam's security forces arrested a civil
servant in the al-Hurriyya suburb of Baghdad on suspicion of preparing to
leave the country. The official was tied to a pole in the street and
passers-by were ordered to watch as his tongue was cut out and he was left
to bleed to death."

- London Daily Telegraph

Who Lost the Peace?

"(French President Jacques) Chirac's statement...that France 'will naturally
go to the end with our refusal' to endorse military action (against Iraq),
signifies who is responsible for the end of diplomacy: France."

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 3/17/03

Unilateral Obstructionism

"...(B)y now it should be obvious that France has never cared about
disarming Saddam. Its goal all along has been to use the U.N. to stop the
United States from disarming him."

- "Review & Outlook," Wall Street Journal, 3/17/03

United Nations:  RIP

"What (President George W.) Bush knows but doesn't want explicitly to say is
that the United Nations is finished.  Oh, it isn't going to go out of
business any time soon -- the League of Nations wasn't formally dissolved
until 1946 -- but it is finished as a force of any consequence in world
affairs, and it is finished as a body whose judgments serious people have
reason to take seriously."

- Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby

Let's Save 'Em the Trouble!

"It is time to kick the USA out of the UN Security Council for starters, or
out of the United Nations if need be. The world can do without such bullies
and war mongers and international dictators. No more ultimatums to the UN.
If you don't like the United Nations, then get out of it; Tomorrow is a good
day to announce this. And if the USA does not announce this itself, then the
countries of the world should seize the moment and understand what is going
on and act."

-, 3/15/03

Getting US Out of UN

Is it time for the U.S. to say adios to the U.N. and serve 'em eviction
papers?  Find out in this week's edition of "Muth's Truths" at

Send in Nader's Invaders

"The news in the past few weeks has been showing us tearful separations of
reservists and their families. . . . Wouldn't it be great if just one of
them didn't have to go, didn't have to separated from their sweethearts or
families because all you Nader voters put Bush in office and helped pave the
way for the invasion of Iraq? Wouldn't it be great to show America your guts
by taking one of these brave soldiers' place, by declaring that you're not
willing to let anybody else die for your actions?"

- Salon columnist Charles Taylor

Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy

Note for the record that it's liberals who claim the moral high ground on
race issues, constantly accusing conservatives of being racists.  Which
makes it interesting to see who is lining up to oppose Ward Connerly's
effort out in California to eliminate those "race boxes" from government
forms in an effort to establish a truly color-blind society.

Mr. Connerly is moving forward with a ballot initiative that would prohibit
the state from classifying "any individual by race, ethnicity, color or
national origin in the operation of public education, public contracting or
public employment."  Geez.  Who can argue with that?

The left, that's who.  Just take a look at this list of liberal groups and
individuals who have lined up to oppose Ward's effort to treat all Americans
equally, regardless of race.  It's a who's-who of the loony left.


What pathetic, self-serving hypocrites.  Is it any surprise that Tom Daschle
is their leader?

The Party of Mean, Nasty Bigots

"...I can't help but notice.have Democrats become the party of the Angry
White Men? . . . This line of thought tumbled through my head because the
day before...I was sitting before JC Watts as he was named Chairman of
GOPAC...  Watts was surrounded by President Louise Oliver, VP Linda Ziglar,
Council Cleta Mitchell and advisor/strategist Cheri Jacobus. I
wondered.where are all the good ole' boys?

"They sure aren't over at the White House, where Ann Veneman, Gale Norton,
Elaine Chao, Rod Paige, Colin Powell, Norm Mineta, Mel Martinez and Christy
Todd Whitman make up almost half the president's cabinet, along with
inner-circle advisors Karen Hughes and Condoleeza Rice.

"And they aren't at the Supreme Court, where Republicans appointed the first
woman and second black man. And they certainly weren't at GOPAC, where JC
Watts and a cabinet of women now hold the GOP future, running the entire
Republican farm system.

"...Apparently, the battle to see which party makes the real commitment to a
color blind meritorious nation is over. And Republicans won. . . . It's
become this simple: Democrats have become the party of mean, nasty bigots."

- Tom Adkins, The Common Conservative, 3/17/03

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