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March 9, 2004

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“That photograph of (Rosie O’Donnell) kissing her new ‘wife’ inflicted more damage on 
the same-sex marriage movement than a dozen sermons.  In-your-face exhibitionism 
doesn’t sell well in the cheap seats.”

- Columnist Suzanne Fields


“Litigation against the food industry is not going to make a single individual any 
skinnier. It will only make the trial attorneys' bank accounts fatter."

- Rep. Ric Keller, R-FL


“Here's an unsigned question: 'Mr. Vice President, don't you think it's time to step 
down and let someone else add new energy and vitality to the ticket?' No, I don't. And 
Rudy, you need to do a better job disguising your handwriting."

- Vice-President Dick Cheney poking a little light-hearted fun at former New York City 
mayor Rudy Giuliani at the annual Gridiron Dinner in Washington on Saturday


“The Bush side, with the Democratic nominee chosen, will spend the next 8 months and 
millions of dollars exposing Kerry for what he is: a flip-flopping liberal who is soft 
on terrorism, and someone who wants to turn our military over to the UN to protect 
us.  John Kerry thinks terrorism is a law enforcement problem and George Bush views 
them as an enemy that must be destroyed. It's no more complicated than that.”

- Talk-show host Neal Boortz


“John Kerry is so stiff.  You sort of see him sitting at home with a powdered wig 
watching C-SPAN.  For John Kerry, being rebellious is having red wine with fish."

- Time magazine's Matthew Cooper


“I have never met anybody, nor seen anybody interviewed, nor received an email from 
anybody, nor read a letter to a newspaper from anybody who really woke up in the 
morning and thought: If John Kerry doesn't win, I just don't know what I shall do."

- Columnist Christopher Hitchens 


“The U.S. Department of Justice announced last week that Oracle's takeover of 
PeopleSoft violates antitrust law, stating that ‘we believe this transaction is 
anti-competitive - pure and simple.’  Ironically, in the same week the U.S. Supreme 
Court, in United States Postal Service v. Flamingo Industries, decided that the 
massive U.S. Postal Service is exempt from all antitrust laws.  Yet anticompetitive 
behavior by the Postal Service is more harmful to consumers, competitors and the 
overall economy than most private sector mergers.”

- Rick Geddes of the Hoover Institute


Last year, the President appointed a commission to study how the post office runs its 
operations in this new Internet age.  Congress will soon weigh the recommendations for 
USPS reform made by the commission and consider possible legislation. What do you 
think Congress should do?  Are you pretty much happy with the post office and believe 
Congress needs to just do a little tinkering around the edges?  Or is major reform 
called for, including an end to the monopoly the post office has on first-class mail 
delivery and mailbox access?  Or is it time for radical change, including the complete 
privatization of the post office the way the Japanese are doing?

Weigh in on the Discussion Board at:  http://blog.chuckmuth.com/blog/


“ Last year, when Republicans rammed a new Medicare drug benefit through Congress, I 
warned they were unlikely to get the political boost they were expecting. Now, just 
three months after the legislation was signed into law, many now realize — too late — 
that I was right. . . . Every poll since the drug bill was enacted shows a distinct 
lack of enthusiasm for it on the part of the elderly. . . . In the end, Republicans 
will lose far more votes from this legislation than they gained.”

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett


“House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, criticized by some conservatives for toeing the 
White House line too often over the past three years, is about to announce his own 
legislative agenda. . . . On Wednesday, Mr. DeLay will take the extraordinary step of 
introducing his own set of legislative and policy goals, for this year and beyond. . . 
. ‘We're trying to get people excited about being Republicans again,’ the Texan said.

“...Mr. DeLay, in effect declaring his independence, said he plans to present his 
package of goals and initiatives for the first time to House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert 
and the other 226 Republican House members at a closed-door meeting of the House 
Republican Conference. . . . Word of the DeLay plan generally met with approval from 
other House Republicans, especially those who disagreed with Mr. Bush's recent 
immigration-reform proposal.”

- Washington Times, 3/8/04


Since 1957, the Boy Scouts have provided city-dwelling boys in the San Diego area a 
place to camp, tie knots and learn how to be productive citizens in a 15 acre section 
of Balboa Park downtown.  Then the ACLU came along and sued the city and the scouts 
because the scouts do not permit open homosexuals to serve as scoutmasters...as is 
their right according to the Supreme Court.  But the ACLU charges that allowing the 
scouts to lease city-owned land is a violation of the doctrine of separation of church 
and state.  

What a crock.  “Quite simply, the Boy Scouts of America is not a church and canoeing, 
kayaking and swimming are not religious activities,” says assistant attorney general 
R. Alexander Acosta.  “Boy Scouts should not be prohibited from using public lands on 
an equal basis with other youth groups.” The city has turned tail and run, settling 
with the ACLU for close to a million dollars...which the ACLU will now use to fuel its 
court case to crush the scouts once and for all.


Quick, down-and-dirty "how to" reports on specific aspects of political campaigns and 
grassroots organizations.  Written primarily for beginners with little or no 
experience, but certainly chocked full of tidbits and hot tips to benefit even the 
most seasoned political pro.  Generally 8-16 pages of A-Z, step-by-step instructions 
to gain more votes, more money and more volunteers for your political activities 
and/or campaign.  Don't expect fancy packaging with a lot of bells and whistles.  Just 
solid, up-to-date how-to information you can put to use IMMEDIATELY.  Go to 
http://chuckmuth.com/specialreports.htm to check out our ever-growing library of 
winning publications!


*  A “group of anonymous feminists will be paid $6,000 of public funds to dress up 
like apes, throw bananas at the audience, and campaign against George W. Bush” while 
at the same time plugging their new book, “Bitches, Bimbos, and Ball-breakers.“  


*  Actor Alec Baldwin took home the “Meathead” award.  See who else made the list of 
“America's most notorious animal-rights zealots, environmental scaremongers, celebrity 
busybodies, self-anointed 'public interest' advocates, trial lawyers, and other food 
and beverage activists who claim to 'know what's best for you.' “  


*  The union bosses claim they won the battle, but even if so, they lost the war 
according to an analysis of the settlement terms of that grocery workers’ strike in 
Southern California.  And the biggest winner of all is likely to be...WalMart.


*  Brian Riedl of the Heritage Foundation and a recent guest on “Always Right with 
Chuck Muth” released a new paper explaining how to eliminate the deficit without 
raising taxes.  Guess what?  Entitlements must be on the table.

*  The Bell companies are fighting furiously to regain their monopoly over the 
nation’s local telephone services...a battle which could cost you a boatload if the 
White House doesn’t appeal a recent court ruling to the Supremes.


*  Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND) are gunning for FDA 
Commissioner Mark McClellan for exposing “importation as a cheap political trick.”


Chuck Muth’s News & Views is published by Citizen Outreach, a non-partisan, 501(c)3 
non-profit corporation. The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views 
reflect those of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily 
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

Published by: Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC 20003-4303

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