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Tyranny of the Minority

Just a really short little News & Views tonight.  The "Justice for Judges"
marathon continues and we're covering it minute by minute.  In fact, I've
set up a "blog" on the web site and will keep
updating it for all long as I can keep my eyes open.  Check it out.

At the time I'm sending this out, I've been up for about 36 straight hours
with nothing but a 30 minute "power nap" around dawn this morning.  The
marathon is scheduled to end at midnight tonight...but rumors abound that
ticked-off Republicans, like the Eveready Bunny, are going to just keep
going, and going and going...right on through to cloture votes on Friday
morning.  These guys are NOT kidding around any longer, folks.  Tempers are
short; tension is high.

I'll give you a full "after action" report when all is said and done later
this weekend.  Some really interesting "inside" perspectives to share with
you all.  Talk on!

Speaking of Filibusters

"Senate leaders are trying to find a way to extend a ban on Internet
taxation that expired Nov. 1. On Friday, a vote on the moratorium was
canceled in response to a filibuster threat led by freshman Republican Sens.
Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and George Voinovich of Ohio."

- Washington Times editorial, 11/13/03

Speaking of Judges

"Chief Justice Roy Moore was removed from office Thursday for refusing to
obey a federal court order to move his Ten Commandments monument from the
rotunda of the state courthouse.  The Alabama Court of the Judiciary
unanimously imposed the harshest penalty possible after a one-day trial in
which Moore said his refusal was a moral and lawful acknowledgment of God.
Prosecutors said Moore's defiance, left unchecked, would harm the judicial

- Associated Press, 11/13/03

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Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
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