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This Week on Always Right

Our guest this week will be Ronald Reagan's former press secretary, adviser
and close family friend of many years, Lyn Nofziger.  We'll discuss, of
course, the upcoming CBS mini-series on the Reagans, but Lyn has been a
leading principled conservative voice in the movement for decades, so we'll
get his take on the state of the conservative movement, a three-year
anniversary assessment of the Bush II administration, the Col. West flap,
the Democrat filibusters of judicial nominees and his predictions for the
future of his home state of California under its new leader, Arnold
Schwarzenegger.  You won't want to miss this one.

Tune in Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST (or catch the re-run at 11:00 p.m. EST) for
"Always Right with Chuck Muth."  The link to listen in is...

Hallmark of Shame

In addition to sending Hallmark a ton of emails and online petitions
objecting to their role in "distributing" the upcoming mini-series smearing
the Reagans, you might want to give 'em a jingle toll-free at

Now, you'll have to go through some "push-one-push-zero-push-three"
tele-gymnastics, but eventually you'll reach a living, breathing human being
who probably won't know what the heck you're talking about.

At least, the operator I finally reached on Monday didn't.  He had to look
it up on his computer and then come back and read the exact same canned BS
response we've gotten via email.  Nevertheless, it's a FREE call and it's
really tying Hallmark's business up when they'd rather be focusing on
overcharging for their Christmas card-selling season.  So why not pick up
the phone and give 'em a call?  Reach out.  Reach out and touch someone.

Targeting Target

News and Views reader John Falk had reason to believe that Target, the
retail giant, was possibly one of the sponsors of the upcoming Reagan
mini-series on CBS and sent them a letter objecting to their involvement in
this smear.  In response, "Chandni" in Guest Relations wrote:

"Target is not a sponsor of the two-part movie 'The Reagans.' However, we
frequently advertise on several television networks, including the one
airing this particular program. The purchase of commercial airtime is a
complicated process. As a matter of course, Target contracts with television
networks, which then provide us with a block of programming time in which
our commercials may air."

Leaving aside the question of just how difficult it is to purchase
commercial airtime, Chandni would have us believe that Target's CEO is
powerless to pick up the phone and call CBS and tell them specifically NOT
to air any Target commercials during "The Reagans."  Just how stupid do
these people think we are?

Why not give 'em a ring on their toll-free line and ask?  That number is:

Scary Kerry's Alternative "Plan"

"Under John Kerry's 'plan,' Saddam would still be in power, the French would
still be selling him the 68mm missiles used in the attack on Paul
Wolfowitz's Baghdad hotel last week, and there would still be Iraqis being
fed feet-first into the industrial shredders. Or have I missed something?"

- Columnist Mark Steyn

The Great Untold Story

"There are now more than 60,000 Iraqi policemen on duty, up from zero the
day Saddam's statue fell.  Electric power generation is higher than it ever
was under Saddam, and oil production is approaching its pre-war peak."

- Columnist Jack Kelly

West's Fate in Rummy's Hands

"Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said yesterday he has the power to
intervene in the assault case of a lieutenant colonel, but gave no sign
whether he would stop the Army from court-martialing the officer.  The Army
in Iraq charged Lt. Col. Allen B. West with criminal assault for threatening
a suspected Iraqi guerrilla supporter to learn information on pending
attacks against soldiers in a small town north of Tikrit."

- Washington Times, 11/3/03

NOTE:  You can contact Secretary Rumsfeld and urge him to intervene on Col.
West's behalf by going to:

What to Do with Col. West?

What should happen to the Army colonel who fired his weapon in an attempt to
scare a captured Iraqi prisoner into revealing planned ambushes against
American soldiers?  Should he be court-martialed, allowed to retire with
full benefits...or be promoted to Secretary of the Army?  Cast your ballot
by clicking on the "Survey Says!" button at

Lousy Party

"If this is a national party, sushi is our national dish. If this is a
national party, surfing has become our national pastime. The people leading
our party and those asking to lead our country are like a bunch of naive
fraternity boys who don't know what they don't know. . . . Like the Whig
Party of the late 1850s, the Democratic Party has become dangerously
fragmented. And, considering the present leadership, it can only get worse.

"The special-interest groups have come between the Democratic Party and the
people. The party is no longer a link to most Americans. Each advocacy group
has become more important than the sum of the whole.  It is a rational party
no more. It is a national party no more. So, bang the drum slowly and play
the fife lowly, for the sun is setting over a waiting grave."

- Sen. Zell Miller, Georgia Democrat, on the state of the Democrat Party in
2003 in his new book "A National Party No More"

Miller Time

"(George W. Bush) is also a president who understands that tax cuts are not
just something that all taxpayers deserve, but also the best way to curb
government spending. It is the best kind of tax reform. If the money never
reaches the table, Congress can't gobble it up.

".(T)he Democratic candidates who want to be president in the worst way are
running for office in the worst way. Look closely, there's not much
difference among them. I can't say there's 'not a dime's worth of difference
' because there's actually billions of dollars' worth of difference among
them. Some want to raise our taxes a trillion, while the others want to
raise our taxes by several hundred billion. But, make no mistake, they all
want to raise our taxes.

"They also, to varying degrees, want us to quit and get out of Iraq. They
don't want us to stay the course in this fight between tyranny and freedom.
This is our best chance to change the course of history in the Middle East.
So I cannot vote for a candidate who wants us to cut and run with our
shirttails at half-mast.

- Sen. Zell Miller, Wall Street Journal, 11/4/03

A Pretty Sorry Lot

"There is not a great deal of domestic policy about which I agree with
George Bush. . . . (I)n many ways I'm a liberal.  Still, if the election
were held today, like Georgia Democratic Senator Zell Miller, I would vote
for George W. Bush without a second's hesitation. That's how bad I think the
Democrats are on foreign policy, by far the most important issue of our day.
I will go further. They are one of the sleaziest collections of low-down
opportunists I have ever seen on one stage together short of that crowd of
tobacco executives who testified 'No, sirree, I didn't know that nicotine
was addictive.'"

- Blogger Roger Simon

The "Right" Place for Your Christmas Shopping  Your headquarters for conservative and patriotic shirts,
caps, flags and more.  "Bush 2004" gear, as well.

Flat Tax Approved (in Iraq)

"Tax reform has come to Iraq. 'The highest individual and corporate income
tax rates for 2004 and subsequent years shall not exceed 15 percent,' says a
directive from administrator Paul Bremer. Saddam Hussein's top rate was an
onerous 45%, higher than even the Democratic presidential candidates propose
in their tax-hike plans.  'It's extremely good news,' says Grover Norquist
of Americans for Tax Reform. 'It might be a hint to the rest of us.'  Still
on Norquist's to-do list: Renaming Baghdad International Airport after
Ronald Reagan."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 11/3/03

The State of the Conservative Union

Brian Anderson, senior editor of City Journal, has written an exhaustive
column taking a look at the perfect storm of new conservative media which is
knocking the mainstream liberal media for a loop.  Cable TV - especially Fox
News and a growing legion of irreverent comedy programs such as "South Park"
which poke liberals in the eye - combined with conservative "blogging" on
the Internet and the tremendous number of conservative books being published
in record numbers, all are combining to chip away at the dominance liberals
and their allies at the networks and in the news rooms of the country's
major daily papers have enjoyed for WAY too long.

To get a great sense of the progress conservatives are making, especially in
the area of attracting younger voters to the conservative cause, read
Anderson's column by going to:

There Will Be an Oral Exam on Friday

"'School officials are investigating reports that a 12-year-old girl and a
14-year-old boy engaged in oral sex during a science class at Robert T. Hill
Middle School,' the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports from Dallas. 'The
activity allegedly took place Tuesday in the back of a classroom while the
teacher was away at a parent-teacher conference, leaving an adult security
monitor in charge.'

"The paper quotes Donald Claxton, a Dallas school district spokesman: 'The
fact that it happened in a classroom while an adult was present is almost
inexcusable.'  Almost? One wonders if there is anything that our public
schools would consider just plain unacceptable."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 11/3/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

How to Subscribe

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
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