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Yeah, But the Unborn Kids Are Pretty Darned Happy!

"This is a sad day for the women of America."

- Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on Tuesday lamenting passage of a ban on an
abortion procedure which entails sucking the brains out of partially
delivered babies in order to kill 'em.  Ought to make a great re-election
slogan for next year, Babs.

Schiavo's Hubby Socks Family Again

"The parents of Terri Schindler Schiavo, joyful upon learning that their
daughter's life had been spared Tuesday by an act of the Florida legislature
and Gov. Jeb Bush, have since been barred from seeing their daughter or
learning anything about her condition by Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo. .
. . 'Michael Schiavo has ordered that the hospital may not permit any
visitors for Terri, including her parents and siblings,' Schindler family
spokeswoman Pamela Hennessy said in a statement issued Wednesday morning.
'Terri's immediate family is not allowed to visit her and is not permitted
to have any information regarding her physical condition.'"

-, 10/22/03

What to Do With "Box Cutter Boy"?

Should the government prosecute Nathaniel Heatwole, the student who hid box
cutters on various airplanes in an effort to expose weaknesses in airport
security?  What do you think? Cast your online vote by going to the "Survey
Says" page at

French Democrats

"What is appalling is that...Sens. John Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat, and
John Edwards, North Carolina Democrat, and 10 other (Senate Democrats) voted
against the entire (Iraqi aid) package, most of which goes to fund U.S.
troops. . . . (N)ever before in American history have presidential
contenders been so willing to sabotage the security of their country for
short-term political advantage.  The Democratic candidates often seem to be
running more for president of France than for president of the United

- Columnist Jack Kelly

Greatest Foreign Policy Failure

"I said then as I say now: Bill Clinton's inability to understand what was
fueling the rise of bin Laden as a phenomenon - not as an individual - was
the greatest U.S. foreign policy failure of the last half-century. It has
affected hundreds of millions worldwide. Even if we get him now, who will be
the next bin Laden? There are many willing candidates standing in line.
Islamic radicalism exists today because Clinton didn't dismantle al Qaeda
when he had the chance."

- Mansoor Ijaz, former big-league Clinton SUPPORTER who served as a
go-between for the administration and various Muslim officials in the 90s,
in an interview this week with the Washington Times

The Political Grim Reaper

"For Democratic candidates, (Bill Clinton) is the equivalent of kryptonite.
He stands next to them, and they die."

- GOP consultant Craig Shirley, noting high profile Democrat losses by
candidates who the former president has stumped for in recent years,
including California Gov. Gray Davis, Walter Mondale in his effort to return
to the Senate and nine gubernatorial candidates in 2002, including Kathleen
KENNEDY Townsend in Maryland, Washington Times, 10/22/03

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* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News & Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

Another Senseless Drug War Casualty

"Comedian Tommy Chong began a nine-month federal prison sentence on October
7 for operating a glass-blowing shop that sold pipes to marijuana smokers. .
. . At last, the homeland is secure from Chong, a 65-year-old comic whose
merchandise spared potheads from fumbling with rolling papers. Could there
be any greater triumph for public safety than that?

"And in this peaceful world and placid nation, taxpayers can rest assured
that officials are using their hard-earned cash as wisely as possible.
Recall that Chong and 54 others were busted in Operation Pipe Dreams, a
February 24 crackdown on the drug paraphernalia industry. That project
involved 1,200 local, state and federal authorities, the Drug Enforcement
Administration estimates. These professional sleuths could have pursued
al-Qaeda instead, but what would that have accomplished?"

- Columnist Deroy Murdock

Brother, Can Ya Spare a New Andy Jackson?

"The airwaves have been inundated with slick television commercials showing
people spending the revised $20 bill.  Either the government thinks
Americans are not sufficiently intelligent to believe that a bill with
Andrew Jackson's picture, the words 'Federal Reserve Note,' the signature of
the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and the number 20 on it is a $20 bill -
or Washington just has far too much money to spend."

- Tom Schatz of Citizens Against Government Waste

What CA Democrats Have Sown

"Intel, the biggest success story to emerge out of California's Silicon
Valley, has ruled out any plans to expand in its home state, its chief
executive said Tuesday.  Speaking before technology managers at the annual
Gartner Symposium ITXpo conference here, Intel CEO Craig Barrett blamed what
he called 20 years of political mismanagement of the California economy for
driving Intel and other businesses out.

"'California has to treat business as something it has to attract and
nurture,' the Intel executive and foe of excessive government regulation
said.  Barrett, who now lives in nearby Arizona, has joined a chorus of
executives who criticize California policies on workers' compensation
insurance, investments tax credits and generous spending on social programs
as 'anti-business.'"

- Reuters, 10/21/03

Stupidity Virus Strikes in Texas...Again

"Thirteen-year-old Christina Lough, a straight-A student at Garland McMeans
Junior High in Katy, Texas, was ordered to attend a 'special disciplinary
class' for seven days and stripped of her posts as president of the student
council and the honor society. Her crime: bringing a pencil sharpener to

"Christian's mother, Sumi Lough, had brought the sharpener, a two-inch blade
that folds into a small handle, from her native South Korea. 'District
officials said they had no choice but to follow their zero-tolerance policy
to the letter,' reports the Houston Chronicle, quoting school district
lawyer Christopher Gilbert: 'If we vary from the rules, that's when the
rules fall apart.'"

- "Best of the Web,", 10/22/03

( Editor's Note:  For those who might doubt that such stupidity actually
exists or is based on "erroneous information," you can read the original
story from the Houston Chronicle and judge for yourself at: )

Remember the Tenth

"The Supreme Court and the current administration should support the rights
of states to make their own decisions regarding (gay marriage). It is the
states' right to decide whether to ban gay marriage, not the federal
government. State rights have been a sacred and vitally important fixture in
the success of democracy.  But whether we agree with a ban on gay marriage
is not the question.  The question remains as to whose right it is to ban
such actions."

- The Daily Beacon, University of Tennessee, 10/21/03

Muth's Truths:  Just Say No to FMA

Top ten reasons conservatives should oppose the federal marriage amendment.
Read all about it in the latest edition of "Muth's Truths" at

There's No School Like Home

"An unprecedented new study of adults who were homeschooled not only
contradicts assertions they lack socialization but shows them far more
likely than the average American to be civically minded and engaged in their
local communities. . . . (N)ot only does homeschooling turn out more active
citizens, it produces Americans who tend in overwhelming numbers to hold
conservative values."

-, 10/23/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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