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Great Minds Do Think Alike

In response to our blurb of Jeff Jacoby's column lamenting that Taiwan is
still being denied a seat in the United Nations, more than one News & Views
reader wrote suggesting we give them...ours.

All in favor...


"Al Franken has written a new fairy tale about the Clinton administration's
record on defense. His new book supposedly outlines whoppers told by
conservatives. But it only serves to highlight what a big idiot Franken
himself is."

- Columnist Peter Huessy

Who's Afraid of the IRS?

"To get an idea of what it's like to tangle with the Internal Revenue
Service, imagine having to fight Mike Tyson - with both hands tied behind
your back.  The IRS is the most feared government agency, and with good
reason. Americans who run afoul of this bureaucratic behemoth have little
chance of surviving unscathed."

- Daniel Mitchell of the Heritage Foundation

NEW: "Survey Says!"

If we're going to spend time and money amending the Constitution, should we
work to pass a new 28th Amendment to ban gay "marriages" or to repeal the
16th Amendment and eliminate the income tax and the IRS?  Cast your online
vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

Alabama Massacre

"(W)hen the Sept. 9 (Alabama tax hike) votes were counted, the tax increase
was massacred by 68 percent to 32 percent.  The establishment tax increasers
got a smaller percentage of the vote than Alf Landon did against Franklin
Roosevelt in 1936."

- Columnist Peter Ferrara

The Tax Diet

"The core of some popular weight-loss programs is a reduction in
carbohydrates. Lower carbs allow the body to burn fat and weight loss
follows. Government's 'carbohydrate' is money. Reduce the amount and
government will shrink. But the cravings of people for more services must
also be controlled, just as a dieter must reduce his intake."

- Columnist Cal Thomas

Feeding at the Trough

"It's amazing, isn't it, that Democrats never worry about federal spending
unless it is for defense. . . . We spend billions on hot lunches and
breakfasts for schoolchildren, though the greatest health threat to the poor
in America these days is not hunger but obesity.  Besides, why can't poor
children take their lunches to school in a brown bag, as my kids do? How
much does a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, an apple and a yogurt cost?
Maybe $1.50."

- Columnist Mona Charen

Birds of a French Feather

"The New York Times reports that establishment Democratic presidential
candidate Wesley Clark 'met Hillary Clinton in 1983 in France at a
conference of French-American Young Leaders.'"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 9/19/03

Military "Genius"

"(Gen. Wesley) Clark was the commander who won NATO's first war, a 78-day
air campaign to force Mr. Milosovic to withdraw his troops.  The war plan
proved to be deeply flawed. NATO's 19 members, and the White House,
micromanaged target selection. There were not enough allied aircraft
available when the time came to ramp up air strikes. Mr. Clark's plan to put
Apache attack helicopters in Albania, on the Kosovo border, ended in

- Washington Times, 9/18/03

Clinton's General

"One retired four-star general called (Gen. Wesley Clark's) ideas for
command 'goofy,' and told The Washington Post that, 'The simple fact is, a
lot of people just don't trust his ability.'  One soldier who served under
Mr. Clark told us that, 'It was obvious that his only priority was his own
advancement, and his troops were just tools to help him climb up the ranks.'

"...Since the Civil War, only two generals have been elected president
without first holding another elected office. The two who went directly from
the generalship to the presidency were Dwight D. Eisenhower and Ulysses S.
Grant, who respectively defeated Hitler and saved the union. By comparison,
all Mr. Clark has done as commander is order bombs to be dropped on a more
or less defenseless Serbian civilian population."

- Washington Times, 9/18/03

Gen. Disaster

"Retired Gen. Wesley Clark has thrown his helmet into the ring. He has
improved the Democratic presidential field by entering it, just as he
improved the Army by leaving it.

"...Gen. Clark 'is able, though not nearly as able as he thinks, and has
tended to put his career ahead of his men to the point of excess,' said a
defense consultant well acquainted with the Army's senior officers. . . . An
officer who served under Clark when he commanded the 1st Cavalry Division
said he was 'the poster child for everything that is wrong with the general
officer corps.'

"...Gen. Clark picked up where he left off in his second career as a
television kibitzer of military operations. As an analyst for CNN, Gen.
Clark harshly criticized the war plan for Iraq devised by Gen. Tommy Franks,
the CENTCOM commander, and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Gen. Clark
turned out to be completely wrong.  It says something fascinating about the
Democratic field that this failed general is the class of it."

- Columnist Jack Kelly

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Charismatically Challenged

"(Democrat presidential candidate Dick Gephardt) seems like a decent man but
he suffers from a Dukakis-ian lack of charisma.  Most politicians are
transparent.  He's translucent."

- Columnist Dennis Miller

Stylin' & Profilin'

"I think I probably bring more style to the (Democrat presidential) field
than the other candidates.  John Kerry always appears like he thought about
what he was going to wear that morning.  But I wouldn't say he's got style
like I do."

- Al Sharpton in the September issue of GQ

Make That "Ten"

"The 'Nine Horsemen of the Apocalypse' (the Democrat presidential
candidates) are all hat and no horse, lacking real alternatives, unless you
consider vitriolic criticism of Mr. Bush a jobs program."

- Columnist Gary Andres

NOW or Never

"NOW (National Organization for Women) is a marginal political organization
with no impact or clout, that no one takes seriously, and now they endorse a
candidate that no one takes seriously, so they're perfect together."

- GOP pollster Bill McInturff on NOW's endorsement of Carol Mosely Braun for
the Democrat presidential primary, "Inside Politics," 9/18/03

Disorder in the Courts

"One of the signs of our times is a recent ruling by a federal judge that
those who lost loved ones in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks can
sue the planes' manufacturer and the owners of the World Trade Center, among
others. This extraordinary - indeed, unique - terrorist attack was
'foreseeable,' according to Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein in New York.

"By the same reasoning, it was 'foreseeable' there would be jackasses like
Judge Hellerstein on the federal bench. Similar judges have allowed our
courts to become clogged with frivolous lawsuits and turned law into an
instrument of legalized extortion."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell


"All parents would be rightly outraged if bureaucrats alone could choose
where their kids could attend college. Yet those who define 'public'
schooling as synonymous with zero choice claim parents have no right to be
outraged when arrogant bureaucrats insist their children be assigned to K-12
schools like branded cattle."

- Columnist Alan Reynolds

Minorities Howl Over Caucasian Club

"A Freedom High School freshman in Oakley, Calif., has run up against
opposition in her quest to start a Caucasian Club for white students.  A
local NAACP leader said Lisa McClelland's proposed club smacks of racial
division, a charge the 15-year-old denies. McClelland said she and some of
her friends simply feel a bit slighted since other school clubs cater to
specific cultures and races, such as the Black Student Union and the Asian

"'It's not racist because we're not excluding anyone, and we're just trying
to solve the issues of racial disparity,' McClelland said. Her ethnic
background is American Indian, Latino, Dutch, German, Italian and Irish."

- Associated Press, 9/18/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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