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Tomorrow in DC Confidential

*  The GOP's new "ball breaker" in the House
*  Why the "Spy-gate" scandal is about to end
*  How AWOL Dem's screwed Big Labor on key vote
*  The lone Republican who's bought lock, stock and barrel by a huge
Democrat special interest
*  What's Howard Dean hiding in that vault?
*  Trash talker's million dollar fishing expedition
*  Upcoming donkey bloodbath in MO
*  Tax-hiking R's taken to woodshed by congressman's son
*  A Texas GOP leader hangs up her spurs
*  And what is probably the first serious look at the 2008 GOP primary field

All this and more in Sunday's DC Confidential...which is published
exclusively for financial contributors of $5 or more to Citizen Outreach.
To make you online contribution, just click the "Contribute" button at

American As Apple Pie

"Clearly, home schooling is a mixed bag, and an issue that is becoming
increasingly contended as it becomes a more popular choice with parents.
Yet its core value of individualism is purely American. . . . Home schooling
may be the wave of the future, along with telecommuting and running
home-based businesses."

- Columnist Meredith McGhan, Las Vegas City Life, 10/22/03

ACLU to the Rescue

Here's a real shocker.  The loony-tunes at the ACLU have joined up with
Michael Schiavo in his efforts to "off" his wife, Terri.  The ACLU can and
does take some very good, principled stances on important civil liberty
issues from time to time; but they also float off into outer space on
others. This is space cadet time.  Siding with a guy to defend his right to
kill his wife by starving her to death strikes us as Fruit Loop-ville.

Internet Tax Vote Is NOT a Hoax

The old "Bill 602P" internet hoax has many people believing just because
THAT particular effort to tax the Internet wasn't real that NO efforts to
tax the Internet are real.  Those folks couldn't be more wrong.

Five years ago, Congress passed a TEMPORARY ban on Internet taxation which
EXPIRES on November 1st unless Congress votes to make it PERMANENT.  If
Congress fails to act, you COULD end up paying some new taxes on the
Internet very quickly.  This is NOT a joke and it is NOT a hoax.  So get
your cyber-butt in gear and let your elected officials know how you feel.

To make life a little easier for you - which, after all, is part of MY life'
s mission - here's a link which will take you to an online petition site
hosted by the National Taxpayers Union which will make contacting your U.S.
Senator on this issue a snap:

Cruel...But Usual

"(T)he 92-year-old former president (Ronald Reagan) does have Alzheimer's
disease. His wife, family, and friends live with great sadness, and for Mrs.
Reagan grave burdens. So what can we say in the end of CBS' broadcast just
now of this anti-historical life of a great man?  We can say (A) the
childlike mind of the Hollywood artistes ignored 'the evidence,' and (B) CBS
and the producers of 'The Reagans' have publicly committed an act of
remarkable cruelty."

- Columnist R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

Can I Take That Knife From Your Back, Mr. Reagan?

"I just want to repeat something somebody said earlier, which I thought was
brilliant, which is what they do in Hollywood is they soften up their
subject like Ronald Reagan.  They show some nice pictures.  They say some
nice things about them that they can't deny saying nice things about them.
They do it to soften them up, and they'll put the dagger in. . . . And I
think in this kind of case it's too bad you can't sue the bastards.  Because
what is happening here is clearly, these are late hits."

- MSNBC's Chris Matthews on the upcoming CBS mini-series on Ronald & Nancy
Reagan, "Hardball," 10/21/03

The Only Way

"The only way to defeat terrorists is to take the war to them, to go after
them where they are, where they live, where they plan, where they hide, go
after their finances, go after the people who harbor and assist them."

- Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld, Associated Press, 10/24/03

Oh, Yeah...We Almost Forgot About That

Do you remember when President Clinton mistakenly bombed the Chinese Embassy
in Serbia?  Now, do you remember who the commanding general was whose "I'm
running out of targets" demands helped cause the error?  Yup.  Gen. Wesley
Clark, newly registered Democrat and leader of the pack of presidential
wannabes; the man whose whole campaign is based on his experience as a
military leader.

Based on his record, we think we'd prefer Captain Crunch.

Goin' Soft on Wes

"It sure looks as if key players in the campaign press corps are trying to
rig the rules and create a double standard to favor newbie contender Wesley
Clark, a k a The General, in the race for the Democratic presidential nod. .
. . When (Joe) Lieberman first hinted he'd try to skip the Iowa caucuses, it
was billed as a sign of weakness. When Clark does it, suddenly it's a
brilliant new political paradigm hailed by the New York Times. . . . And he
gets a pass on most issues on grounds he's still formulating positions while
anyone else would get slammed as not ready for prime time."

- New York Post columnist Deborah Orin

Protecting the Unfriendly Skies

"It is ironic that this incident (the student who was able to sneak box
cutters onto airplanes) occurred at a time when the TSA is continuing to
drag its feet on the program authorized by Congress last fall and signed
into law to train pilots to carry firearms during flight.  As the Airline
Pilots Security Alliance ( points out: 'Clearly, had
any of the pilots of the hijacked aircraft been armed on September 11, at
best those hijackings, through deterrence alone, would have been thwarted;
at worst, the pilots would have been provided a fighting chance to defend
the cockpits from terrorists.' Searching grandmothers will not make air
travel safer, but arming pilots and looking for those who really threaten us

- Daniel John Sobieski, Washington Times, 10/24/03

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* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News & Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

Pssst...Anybody Seen Dick?

According to an RNC tracking sheet, Rep. Dick Gephardt has missed an
astounding 90 PERCENT of recorded votes in this Congress due to his
presidential campaign activities.

Sen. Kerry, another presidential wannbe, has missed 60 percent of recorded
votes while Sen. Lieberman has "only" missed a little more than half.  By
comparison, Sen. John Edwards gets a gold star for attendance by only being
AWOL for a third of recorded votes.

Unfortunately, space cadet Dennis Kucinich continues to show up for vote
after vote, missing only 7 percent of them.  Why can't this wing-nut play
hooky like the rest of his little friends?

Depends on Your Definition of "Pay Raise"

"The Senate voted itself a pay raise for the fifth straight year, boosting
the annual salary to about $158,000 in 2004. . . . Senate Appropriations
Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, Alaska Republican, said it was a mistake to
call it a pay raise, and that lawmakers were merely receiving a
cost-of-living increase."

- Associated Press, 10/24/03

Senate Says Adios to Cuba Sanctions

"The Senate defied a presidential veto threat in voting yesterday to end the
ban on Americans traveling to Cuba. . . . The Cuba amendment passed after
senators ended up one vote shy, 59-36, of blocking it. . . . Rep. Jeff
Flake, Arizona Republican and sponsor of the House amendment, which passed
227-188 in September, said sanctions just haven't worked."

- Washington Times, 10/24/03

Let Bygones Be Bygones?

I would be willing to bet that most of us who were outraged at the French
for undercutting our anti-terror efforts in the Persian Gulf region are
still miffed at the French, especially since their obstinacy and obstruction
hasn't changed much (if at all) in the last nine months.  Alas, 26 members
of Congress - 16 Republicans and 10 Democrats - have decided to forgive and
forget anyway.  Led by liberal Republican Amo Houghton of New York, the
Congressional French Caucus has been formed to make nice with our
"cheese-eating surrender monkey" allies.  Isn't that special?

NOW Gals Throw Hissy Fit

"Feminists across the country are outraged that ultraconservative attacks
could have resulted in former NOW President Patricia Ireland's recent
dismissal as the CEO of the YWCA.  Ultraconservative groups slammed the YWCA
for hiring a strong supporter of women's rights."

- National Organization for Women (NOW) President Kim Gandy

Judicial Hell

"Whether you agree or disagree with an opinion from Justice Scalia, and I
regularly do both, you can always understand it, see how he came by it and
where he would have the law go. That is a lot more than one can say about
the vaporous effusions from most of the other justices.  My vision of
judicial hell is being locked into a room and forced to listen, 'Clockwork
Orange' fashion, to the collected works of the Ginsburgs, Breyers, Souters,
et al. Those types would make you long for the company of an aluminum siding

- Columnist Paul Greenberg

Growing Right-Right Schism

Are libertarians giving up on conservatives?  It appears some are.  In fact,
they are so fed up with big government "compassionate conservatism" that
some are actually contemplating a vote for Howard Dean over George W in the
2004 presidential contest.

"Why?" asks columnist W. James Antle III.  "Because instead of smaller
government, free market economics and fidelity to the Constitution, these
libertarians associate conservatives and Bush's Republican Party with an
invade-and-democratize foreign policy, modest tax cuts accompanied by
large-scale deficit spending, a growing welfare state and civil liberties
threats in the name of national security.

"Libertarians believe in minimal government and maximum individual freedom.
For them, their association with the GOP and the broader right was a means
to an end.  If the right and the Republicans change in ways less conducive
to their goals, the means no longer serve the end."

Defections of libertarians who see Republicans as being no more for limited
government as Democrats could be disastrous for the conservative movement.
Republicans need to get back with the program - that is, the program of
sharply limiting government programs.  Or else.

To read Antle's full column, go to:

Recalling the Recall

Californians successfully and overwhelmingly recalled their governor earlier
this month, scaring the bejeepers out of every elected official under the
sun.  How dare the voters throw out a bum who lied to them on the campaign
trail?  Why, if politicians let this stand, every elected official in the
country might have to actually say what they mean and mean what they say
while campaigning for office.  We can't have that!  So there's only one
thing to do.

No, not start telling the truth.

Getting rid of the recall effort.  Which is exactly what California
Assemblyman Mark Ridley-Thomas (D) hopes to do.  He's championing a new
constitutional amendment which would gut the recall option for citizens.
What a surprise, huh?

Break the Monopoly

"In 1998, the U.S. Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit against
Microsoft, maintaining that the world's largest maker of software held an
illegal monopoly and stifled competition. Microsoft was found to use its
monopoly power to harm competitors.  This begs the ensuing question,
'Couldn't the Justice Department then file a lawsuit against the United
States Government for its blatant monopoly status in postal delivery?'

"To allow the existence of the United States Postal Service in its current
form is inimical to the principles upon which this nation was founded. The
time for eliminating this monopoly is long overdue. The laws that protect
the U.S. Postal Service must be repealed, letting free market forces and the
will of the people determine its fate."

-, 10/19/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

The opinions and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those
of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or

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