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Anti-Terror Shouldn't Be Handcuffed by PC BS

Despite the fact America's spies will play pivotal roles in winning the War on
Terrorism, the Central Intelligence Agency isn't recruiting the most
intelligent candidates. Please go to and read what is at
stake. Here's the address: 

Politically correct foolishness is going to keep the United States from
victory -- unless action is taken quickly! Your help is needed before it's too
late and the battle is lost. Sign the petition to CIA Director George J. Tenet
and demand America call its brightest and best to become agents. 

Our very lives, as well as the future of our great nation, will soon depend on
the mental assets of these new agents. Yet CIA insiders and instructors are
critical of the quality of present candidates.

Something must be done -- NOW! -- and I'm inviting you to take action! Please
read about and sign the petition, then email everyone you know to warn them
about this dangerous and unnecessary threat. Here's the address: 

Spies, by definition, must be smart! Tell the CIA not to "dumb down" new agent
qualifications just to be politically correct. Not during wartime!

Chuck Muth

P.S. The CIA director's office needs to be flooded with petitions to better
free him from red tape presently handcuffing our nation's war effort. Together
we can make a difference in the intelligence the CIA brings to the unseen
battles that ultimately will win the war. Here's where to take action: 

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