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by Chuck Muth
December 21, 2003

Hearken back, dear reader, to 1970.  The government decided it needed to
"get tough" on organized crime, so it passed the Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations act, more commonly referred to as RICO.

In the legislation, "racketeering activity" was defined as "any act or
threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery,
extortion, dealing in obscene matter, or dealing in a controlled substance
or listed chemical."

Now, fast-forward to 1986.  The National Organization for Women (NOW) use
RICO to sue pro-life organizations who were exercising their First Amendment
rights to protest against abortion.  Talk about a dramatic expansion of a
piece of legislation's original intent in the span of just 16 years.

But it's gotten worse.  Last month Ellen Mariani, whose husband was one of
the victims of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center attack, filed a RICO lawsuit
against...President Bush, for "failing to act and prevent" the attack

So whenever anyone questions why I have such grave concerns about the nature
and scope of the hurriedly-passed PATRIOT Act in 2001, I immediately think
of RICO.

Sure, the original purpose of PATRIOT was to provide the government the
tools desired to "get tough" on terrorists, but we've seen the damage done
to our liberties in the past once the government camel gets his nose under
our constitutional tent.

Indeed, only recently we witnessed how the government's new PATRIOT powers
were used in a corruption probe nicknamed "Operation G-String" in Las Vegas.
The act's provisions were used to nab some elected officials with absolutely
no ties to terrorism in any way, shape form or fashion...unless you consider
lap-dancing a terrorist activity.

And you can bet this won't be the exception that proves the rule.  This is
only the opening gambit.  Just as government "mission creep" took RICO from
its anti-mob intent and expanded it to clamp down on free speech by
anti-abortion protestors, you can bet the farm that some PATRIOT provisions
intended to clamp down on terrorists will one day in the not so distant
future be used on ordinary non-terrorist Americans.

There is legislation currently pending in Congress to roll back and/or
sunset portions of the PATRIOT Act, as well as proposals for additional
government powers known as PATRIOT II.  This is an issue which
freedom-loving Americans from coast-to-coast had better start paying
attention to.

As Ben Franklin warned in the days of our nation's founding, those who will
trade essential liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither and
will soon lose both.

Based on history and the nature of the beast, there is definite potential
for infringements on individual liberty and privacy embedded in the PATRIOT
Act.  As such, I've added a new page to our Citizen Outreach website titled,
"PATRIOT Games."

As we come across conservative arguments, news stories, studies, opinion
columns raising legitimate concerns about the PATRIOT Act, we'll add them to
the page, making it a one-stop shopping place of ideas where you can educate
your friends, co-workers and neighbors on the dangers of this
well-intentioned but "slippery slope" legislation.

If you have any examples or documentation of PATRIOT Act abuse or danger,
please forward it along to me at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

And finally, the PATRIOT Act is already stirring considerable debate on our
Discussion Board.  Read what others have to say and join the discussion by

Remember, the price of freedom is eternal, more than ever.

# # #

Chuck Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, a non-profit public policy
advocacy organization in Washington, D.C.  The views expressed are his own
and do not necessarily reflect the views of Citizen Outreach.  He may be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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