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Campaign War College

I don't know if this message is going to get to you or not.  I sent out a
News & Views yesterday afternoon before leaving for Princeton, NJ - where
I'm doing a get-out-the-vote seminar for the Leadership Institute.  Anyway,
when I got to my hotel room last night and checked my email on the ol'
laptop...nothing.  Seems the doggone listserve I've been using for years has
developed some bugs in the system recently and isn't anywhere near as
reliable as it once was.

I'm hoping the snafu has been corrected and you'll get this brief message
this morning.  But there's a good chance you won't.  Then again, if you
don't you won't know there's a problem until I get back to Baltimore and
straighten this out with the technology folks on Monday.

But if you DO get this message, I wanted to let all the candidates who have
expressed interest in attending the October 17-19 Campaign War College about
another little...OK, BIG...bonus.

Mark Montini is the founder and owner of Campaign Secrets, Inc. - literally
the BEST online training service/product provider for candidates on the 'net
today.  But in addition, Mark is also, by far, the BEST in-person training
instructor in the universe.  Nobody can hold a candle to him.  He cut his
teeth running the Leadership Institute's training schools for several years
before starting Campaign Secrets.  He IS the best of the best.

There are a lot of darned good political consultants and experts out there.
But there are very FEW who can transfer their knowledge and teach it to new
candidates, campaign managers and grassroots activists.

Mark is not only one of the rare exceptions...he's the King of the Hill of
professional campaign trainers.  He's the guy the rest of us call when WE
have a question.

The problem is, usually when Mark does a training seminar it's for some 100+
people in the course of just one day.  There is virtually NO opportunity for
a candidate to spend any one-on-one time with Mark.  Everybody wants to pick
his brain...but there just isn't enough time.

Well, I should have mentioned this before, but Mark Montini will be my
co-instructor for the upcoming Campaign War College in Baltimore.  We'll be
team-teaching the entire THREE days.  That's right.  Mark won't be there for
just a few hours...he'll be right there in the room with us for the entire
THREE days.

And there will only be a maximum of 15 candidates in the you
will likely NEVER get another opportunity like this to spend so much
individual "face time" to discuss and review your race with the single best
campaign trainer in the business today.

OK, I'm out the door.  If you get this message and haven't yet signed up for
the Campaign War College, just go to and read all
the details...including what to do if you want to be with Mark and me in
Baltimore on October 17-19.


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