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Let's Beat Xmas Rush & Dump Chaffee Now

"Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, South Dakota Democrat, says he believes
Sen. Lincoln Chafee, the liberal Rhode Island Republican, could become a
Democrat. But he does not foresee Sen. Zell Miller, the Georgia Democrat who
often votes with Republicans, switching parties."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 10/20/02

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Treating Terrorists Like the Mad Dogs They Are

"You can't negotiate with the terrorists. You've got to put them down."

- Former Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz

Coalition Coming Back Together

"The U.N. Security Council is likely to give its imprimatur to a resolution
(for action against Iraq) acceptable to America; France and Russia, which
both have extensive economic interests in Iraq, are merely holding out for
the best deal. That would give America the support of every major European
country except Germany, which is demurring because of its 'tradition of
pacifism'--a tradition that exists only because we pacified 'em!"

- Best of the Web, 10/20/02

The REAL Peacemaker:  Ronaldus Maximus

"(Former President Jimmy) Carter's weak-kneed hand-wringing over Iran's
seizure of American hostages did nothing to get them freed.  But after he
was defeated by Ronald Reagan in the 1980 elections, the Iranians decided to
return the hostages just before someone with guts and backbone took over the
White House.

"Those who think that weakness is the path to peace would of course think of
Carter as a peacemaker.  But the great peacemaker of our time was the man
who brought the Cold War to an end by building up military forces on a scale
that the Soviet economy could not match - Ronald Reagan.

"...While the Nobel Prize continues to the be the most prestigious in the
world - and deservedly so in fields like science and economics - the Nobel
Peace Prize has been given to a terrorist thug like Yasser Arafat, so
perhaps Jimmy Carter is a worthy successor to him, even if he is one of the
sorriest presidents and ex-presidents in the history of the United States."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Another Clinton Chicken Comes Home to Roost

"President Clinton will be remembered by history for only one thing, which
is a bit of a shame since his record is so thoroughly shabby and
dishonorable that it deserves closer study.

"Mr. Clinton's contribution to our vulnerability to terror has been well
documented, and now comes news that another of his foreign policies has come
to fruition. The North Koreans have admitted what close observers have
suspected all along - that they have a nuclear weapons program and may have
already produced a number of bombs. (Oh, and by the way, worshippers of arms
control treaties kindly note: North Korea is a signatory to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty.)

"...The Clinton administration officials believed their policies toward
North Korea were a success. By 'engaging' Pyongyang, they believed, they had
avoided war. Neville Chamberlain thought the same. Instead, the appeasement
merely emboldened the North Koreans. . . . When strength and resolve were
required, Bill Clinton supplied weakness and legerdemain. And in this, as in
the war on terror, he has bequeathed a more dangerous world to his

- Columnist Mona Charen

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goes to help continue publishing our FREE Chuck Muth's News & Views
e-newsletter. go to <> today.

What Part of "Illegal" Don't Liberals Understand?

"As David Ray, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform
(FAIR) observed, referring to an illegal alien as an 'undocumented immigrant
' is 'like calling a bank robbery an 'unauthorized withdrawal.' '  That is
precisely the point.  How can we pretend to be serious about protecting our
borders when prominent politicians so casually dismiss illegal activity?
How can we claim to be fighting the war on terrorism on all fronts when we
are unwilling to enforce immigration laws?"

- Columnist David Limbaugh

Green With Black Envy

"The key question is why this black Supreme Court justice should raise such
hostility from some blacks. Why is Justice (Clarence) Thomas seemingly so
threatening to members of the traditional black-leadership class?

"The answer may be that he opposes their view that government must be the
prime engine in solving the problems of the black poor and oppressed, and,
in so doing, he threatens their legitimacy as leaders - as well as the
rewards and benefits that come with that leadership."

- Columnist John Foster-Bey, National Review Online

Hey, If It Was Good Enough for Lautenberg.

"James Annibella is asking a judge to recognize a constitutional right to
procrastinate. Annibella 'filed suit in federal court challenging the
constitutionality of Colorado's voter registration law after he missed the
deadline for registering and learned he is ineligible to vote Nov. 5,' the
Denver Post reports. After he moved a year ago, he neglected to update his
voter registration in time for the deadline, which is 29 days before the

- Best of the Web, 10/20/02

Those Poor, Poor Dock Workers

"After being forced back to work temporarily by a federal judge, the
10,500-member International Longshoremen and Warehouse Union (ILWU)
obstinately refuses to resolve a contract dispute that so far has cost the
U.S. economy nearly $10 billion. . . . Longshormen are among the most highly
paid union workers in the country.  Currently, the average annual salary for
a full-time longshore worker is $106,833."

- "Inside Washington," Human Events, 10/21/02

A Conservative Yankee In King Kamehameha's Court

"Besides, Sen. Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) declared, re-electing (recently
deceased  Democrat Rep. Patsy) Mink would be a 'tribute' to the late House
member, a fixture in Hawaii politics since she was elected to the
territorial legislature back in 1956.

"'Foul!' cried the Republican nominee in the 2nd District, conservative
State Rep. Bob McDermott, who had been waging a spirited race while Mink was
alive.  To pay tribute to his former opponent, McDermott said, would be to
praise her work or contribute to the memorial fund set up by her husband and
daughter.  But, he added, 'it is not a tribute when one creates a situation
that will cost Hawaii taxpayers an estimated $2 million to conduct two
special elections."

"...A U.S. Marine Corps veteran of Desert Storm and father of three, the
39-year-old McDermott worked as a manager of area coffee plants until
deciding to run for the state legislature.  In an area that is historically
Democratic, he has been re-elected twice - never trimming his ideological

"'I'm pro-life, I support the 2nd Amendment, and I support tax cuts - there
I am,' McDermott told me over lunch during a recent trip to Washington.  'I
meet people, I tell them where I stand and, even when they don't agree with
me, they will at least respect that I don't try to be something I'm not.'"

- John Gizzi, Human Events, 10/21/02

Conservative Books for Your Christmas List

"When I Was a Kid, This Was a Free Country" - G. Gordon Liddy explains why
you're not as free as you used to be - and what you can do about it.  To
order now, click here:

"Invasion" - * Michelle Malkin's book "Invasion" shows how and why every
component of America's immigration system has failed.  To order now, click

"Breakdown" - In Breakdown, America's premier national security reporter
Bill Gertz reveals how, since the 1970s, liberals have ravaged the CIA and
FBI until both were rendered incapable of effective clandestine operations.
To order now, click here:

"Let Freedom Ring" - In Let Freedom Ring, Sean Hannity comes out swinging,
showing how liberal ideas have made America more vulnerable and created
confusion in our society about what is right and wrong.  To order now, click

"Fighting Back" - From 9/11 to victory in Afghanistan...the dramatic inside
story of how the Bush White House mobilized against terror.  To order now,
click here:

In Your Heart You Know He's Right

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), "The Conscience of a Conservative"  Join
the "next generation of Goldwater Conservatives" by joining the Goldwater
Club.  Annual dues for as little as $25.  Just go to:


Published by The Goldwater Club
Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
P.O. Box 19893
Alexandria, VA  22320
Phone:  (702) 391-0222

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