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"The Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church has put out a pair of press
releases.  'God Blew Up Columbia!' and 'The 7 Are in Hell!'  The first
release features a caricature of President Bush; the second notes that the
Columbia fell on his home state.

"Westboro Baptist Church is best known for the virulently antigay views of
its pastor, Benjamin Phelps; its Web site is called--we kid you Yet in these strange times in which we live, it
sounds as if he'd be right at home in San Francisco."

- James Taranto's Best of the Web, 2/4/03

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Spirit of America

"What the world saw in the wake of (the shuttle Columbia) disaster was not a
reprise of the lachrymose exhibition of mourning for Princess Di, but real
tears, genuine grief - and a stiff upper lip.  'Once we find out what the
cause was, and once we correct that,' said the chief of the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration, 'we're going to fly again.' . . . It's
this very self-confidence that will put the American spaceships back in the
sky (and soon enough on Mars), the easy bold belief that America can do
anything that drives 'old Europe' nuts."

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden On Politics," 2/4/03

Another Democrat Lie, Slander

"A Senate Democrat (Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida) - who flew a mission aboard
the Space Shuttle Columbia in 1986 when he was a member of the U.S. House -
complained Monday that both Republican and Democratic administrations have
failed to provide necessary funding for the nation's space exploration
program. But government records prove that only President Clinton reduced
funding for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

"...Budget records obtained from the Government Printing Office (GPO) (show)
President Clinton initially increased the agency's funding by $259 million
in 1993, but then cut $715 million from the agency his second year in
office. He did not restore the largest portion of the money, $652 million,
until three months before he left office in 2001. Clinton's cuts reduced
NASA's budget by an aggregate total of $56 million over the course of his
eight-year term.

"(President) Bush has increased NASA's funding in each of his three
submitted budgets since taking office. Those increases have totaled $1.216
billion. Bush's father, George H.W. Bush - who was president prior to
Clinton - increased NASA expenditures by more than $3.437 billion during his
single term from 1989 until January of 1993."

-, 2/4/03

Outlaw Modems and Only Outlaws.

It never ceases to amaze us just how dumb some of the things are that
Democrats say in order to gain some kind of political advantage.  Today's
example comes from Democrat presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards:  "We
now live in a world where a terrorist can do as much damage with a keyboard
and a modem as with a gun or a bomb," the ambulance chaser from North
Carolina told "Inside the Beltway's" John McCaslin shortly after 9/11.
Sorry, but we can't remember the last time someone robbed a liquor store
while pointing a modem at the clerk or killed dozens of people in a mall
with nothing but a bunch of keyboards strapped around their waists.  These
guys just take political hyperbole too far to be anything but ridiculed.

The Goldwater Doctrine

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Barry Goldwater, "The Conscience of a Conservative"

To help promote the "Goldwater Doctrine" in public policy and government,
join the Goldwater Club by going to:

Court War Heating Up

"The political war to get President Bush's judicial nominees confirmed
begins at 2:15 p.m. tomorrow, according to conservative activist Kay Daly.
That's when the Senate is scheduled to consider Miguel Estrada, the first
Hispanic nominated to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.  'Ralph Neas, if
you are out there and you want to filibuster Miguel Estrada, bring it on,'
said Mrs. Daly, a spokeswoman for the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary...

"Mr. Neas, president of People for the American Way, has called Mr. Estrada
'the Hispanic Clarence Thomas.'. . . Several liberal organizations have
promised a bare-knuckles brawl to defeat the Estrada nomination. New York
Democratic Sen. Charles E. Schumer has threatened a filibuster."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 2/4/03

Where Everybody's Above Average

"Last Tuesday, an amazing thing happened. A college professor told the truth
about grade inflation. Writing in The Washington Post, Stuart Rojstaczer of
Duke University admitted he no longer gives any grade lower than a B. If he
were to do so, he wrote, fewer students would sign up for his courses and
his teaching career would suffer. Not wishing to be deemed a failure, Mr.
Rojstaczer simply gives students what they, their parents and the university
all want: high grades regardless of merit."

- Columnist Bruce Bartlett

Litigation Crap-Shoot

"...U.S. District Judge Robert Sweet rejected a lawsuit copied right out of
the tobacco litigation playbook, involving fat New York teenagers who blamed
McDonald's for their obesity. . . . (G)iven the widespread ridicule that
greeted the fast-food lawsuit, McDonald's had a good shot at winning. But in
a few years - after the predictable series of revelations about the
industry's targeting of children, disregard for its customers' waistlines,
and knowledge of the french fry's addictive properties - Big Food may start
to seem just as sinister to jurors as Big Tobacco."

- Columnist Jacob Sullum

Wrong Solution to Remaining Problem

"Some black people are still in poverty and still subject to a combination
of class- and race-based disadvantage - but affirmative action seems
ill-suited to help these individuals.  Because the black community is
economically diverse, those who are most likely to suffer racially based
disadvantage and those who are most likely to benefit from racial
preferences are different people.  (Professor John) McWhorter notes that the
black students populating his classes at the University of California
Berkeley were from the middle class and not from the ranks of the poor,
whose plight is often invoked in support of affirmative action."

- Columnist Prisca Shrewsbury


"As chairman of the House Science Committee, U.S. Rep. Sherwood Boehlert,
New York Republican, may be the most influential member of his state's
congressional delegation. But that is not enough to stop at least one member
of his own party from trying to unseat him in 2004.  Dr. David Walrath, a
surgeon and Cayuga County, N.Y., legislator, is making another run against
the multi-term incumbent.

"...Boehlert, who has served in Congress for more than 20 years, . . . is
considered by many to be the last vestige of liberal 'Rockefeller'
Republicanism in the New York congressional delegation."

- Peter Roff, UPI's Capital Comment

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Published by The Goldwater Club
Chuck Muth
P.O. Box 15307
Middle River, MD  21220

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